The group-IV semiconductor alloy Ge1−x−ySixSny has recently attracted great interest due to its prospective potential for use in optoelectronics, electronics, and photovoltaics. Here, we investigate molecular beam epitaxy grown Ge1−x−ySixSny alloys lattice-matched to Ge with large Si and Sn concentrations of up to 42% and 10%, respectively. The samples were characterized in detail by Rutherford backscattering/channeling spectroscopy for composition and crystal quality, x-ray diffraction for strain determination, and photoluminescence spectroscopy for the assessment of band-gap energies. Moreover, the experimentally extracted material parameters were used to determine the SiSn bowing and to make predictions about the optical transition energy.
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13 June 2016
Research Article|
June 14 2016
Compositional dependence of the band-gap of Ge1−x−ySixSny alloys
Torsten Wendav;
Torsten Wendav
1AG Theoretische Optik & Photonik,
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
, Newtonstr. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany
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Inga A. Fischer;
Inga A. Fischer
2Institut für Halbleitertechnik,
Universität Stuttgart
, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
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Michele Montanari;
Michele Montanari
, Im Technologiepark 25, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
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Marvin Hartwig Zoellner;
Marvin Hartwig Zoellner
, Im Technologiepark 25, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
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Wolfgang Klesse;
Wolfgang Klesse
, Im Technologiepark 25, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
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Giovanni Capellini
Giovanni Capellini
, Im Technologiepark 25, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
4Dipartimento di Scienze,
Università Roma Tre
, Viale Marconi 446, 00146 Roma, Italy
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Nils von den Driesch;
Nils von den Driesch
Peter Grünberg Institute 9 (PGI 9) and JARA-Fundamentals of Future Information Technologies
, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52428 Jülich, Germany
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Michael Oehme;
Michael Oehme
2Institut für Halbleitertechnik,
Universität Stuttgart
, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
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Dan Buca
Dan Buca
Peter Grünberg Institute 9 (PGI 9) and JARA-Fundamentals of Future Information Technologies
, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52428 Jülich, Germany
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Kurt Busch;
Kurt Busch
1AG Theoretische Optik & Photonik,
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
, Newtonstr. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany
, Max-Born-Str. 2 A, 12489 Berlin, Germany
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Jörg Schulze
Jörg Schulze
2Institut für Halbleitertechnik,
Universität Stuttgart
, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
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Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 242104 (2016)
Article history
March 06 2016
May 31 2016
Torsten Wendav, Inga A. Fischer, Michele Montanari, Marvin Hartwig Zoellner, Wolfgang Klesse, Giovanni Capellini, Nils von den Driesch, Michael Oehme, Dan Buca, Kurt Busch, Jörg Schulze; Compositional dependence of the band-gap of Ge1−x−ySixSny alloys. Appl. Phys. Lett. 13 June 2016; 108 (24): 242104.
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