Using integrated superconducting single photon detectors, we probe ultra-slow exciton capture and relaxation dynamics in single self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots embedded in a GaAs ridge waveguide. Time-resolved luminescence measurements performed with on- and off-chip detection reveal a continuous decrease in the carrier relaxation time from 1.22 ± 0.07 ns to 0.10 ± 0.07 ns upon increasing the number of non-resonantly injected carriers. By comparing off-chip time-resolved spectroscopy with spectrally integrated on-chip measurements, we identify the observed dynamics in the rise time (τr) as arising from a relaxation bottleneck at low excitation levels. From the comparison with the temporal dynamics of the single exciton transition with the on-chip emission signal, we conclude that the relaxation bottleneck is circumvented by the presence of charge carriers occupying states in the bulk material and the two-dimensional wetting layer continuum. A characteristic τr ∝ P−2∕3 power law dependence is observed suggesting Auger-type scattering between carriers trapped in the quantum dot and the two-dimensional wetting layer continuum which circumvents the phonon relaxation bottleneck.
The overall temporal resolution of the on-chip experiment is limited to <70 ps, reached by deconvolution of the signal being recorded using a Picoquant Timeharp 200 that exhibits a timing uncertainty of <150 ps.