Deputy Editors:

Javier E. Garay

Javier E. Garay
University of California San Diego,
San Diego, CA, USA

Javier E. Garay is a professor in the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Materials Science and Engineering Program at the Jacobs School of Engineering at University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, his M.S. and Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering all from the University of California, Davis. During his PhD studies, he also worked at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where he studied material defects using positron annihilation spectroscopy. Prior to his position at UCSD, he was a professor at UC Riverside where he also served as Chair of the Materials Science & Engineering Program.

As the director of the Advanced Material Processing and Synthesis (AMPS) Lab at UCSD, Professor Garay focuses his research on materials property measurements, the integration of materials in devices with application in optical devices, magnetic devices, thermal energy storage/ management, and materials synthesis and processing with an emphasis on designing the micro/nanostructure of bulk materials/thin films for property optimization. He is also particularly interested in understanding the role of the length scale of nano-/ micro-structural features on light, heat and magnetism.

T. Charlie Johnson Jr.

A.T. Charlie Johnson Jr.
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, USA

A.T. Charlie Johnson is a professor of physics in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his B.S. in physics from Stanford University and his Ph.D. in physics from Harvard University. He did postdoctoral fellowships at the Delft University of Technology (Applied Physics) and NIST (Cryoelectronic Metrology). His honors include the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for distinguished teaching at Penn, the Jack Raper Outstanding Technology Directions Paper Award of the International Solid State Circuit Conference, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, and a Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering.

Dr. Johnson’s research is focused on the nano-scale transport properties (charge, energy, spin, etc.) of nanostructures and single molecules, including carbon nanotubes, graphene, DNA, synthetic proteins, and other biomolecules. He is particularly interested in the physical properties of hybrid nanostructures and their use in molecular sensing. Other research interests include the development of scanning probe techniques for electronic property measurement of nanomaterials and nanodevices, molecular electronics and nanogaps, local probes of nanoscale systems, and nanotube and nanowire electronics.

Ben Slater

Ben Slater
University College London (UCL), London, United Kingdom

Ben Slater is a professor at UCL Chemistry. He received his BSc in chemistry from the University of Nottingham and was awarded his PhD at the University of Reading. He did postdoctoral work at the Royal Institution of Great Britain (Ri) and became an assistant director of the Davy Faraday Research Laboratory at the Ri in 1999. He joined UCL Chemistry in 2007 and was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Barrer prize in 2008.

Dr. Slater’s research is focused on using atomistic computer simulation to understand and predict the structure and properties of materials. He has published extensively in the area of porous materials (including zeolites and metal-organic frameworks) and water ices. He has a particular interest in defects in materials and surface mediated processes, such as crystal growth.

Masaaki Tanaka

Masaaki Tanaka
The University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan

Masaaki Tanaka is a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering & Information Systems Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo. He received his Ph.D. in electronic engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1989. In 1992, he joined Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) at Red Bank, New Jersey, as a visiting research scientist. Since 1994, he has been at the University of Tokyo as an associate professor and professor.

Dr. Tanaka's main research field is spin electronics (“spintronics"), in which the spin degrees of freedom are used in artificially synthesized materials. Among the areas of his specific research are epitaxial growth, structural characterizations, electronic/optical/magnetic/spin-related properties (in particular, spin-dependent transport and mageto-optical properties), and device applications of various new structures. His research on structures and devices includes ferromagnetic metal / semiconductor hybrid structures, III-V-based magnetic semiconductors and their heterostructures, group-IV-based magnetic semiconductors, ferromagnetic nanoparticles and semiconductor hybrid heterostructures, delta doping of magnetic impurities in semiconductor heterostructures, and new spin transistors (e.g., spin-MOSFET) and reconfigurable logic devices.

Professor Enge G. Wang

Enge G. Wang
Peking University,
Beijing, P. R. China

Enge Wang is a professor of physics and President Emeritus of Peking University. He also chairs the Advisor Board of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Dr. Wang’s research focuses on surface physics; the approach is a combination of atomistic simulation of nonequilibrium growth, chemical vapor deposition of light-element nanomaterials, and water behaviors in confinement system. He and his coworkers also predicted a three-dimensional Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier, which attracted News and Views in Nature (June 2002). Another contribution is the model proposal and experimental validation of a true upward atomic diffusion. This was reported in Physics News Update in June 2003 and News and Views in Nature as well as Science Week in June 2004.

His work on water-surface coupling and the strength of hydrogen bonds at the interfaces provides a fundamental understanding of water on surface at the molecular level.

Associate Editors:

Saman Alavi
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Alexey Arefiev
University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA

Dario Arena
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA

Hao Chen
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 

Yaping Dan
University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, Shanghai, China

Bingqing Deng
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Christophe Detavernier
Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium

Mingdong Dong
Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark

Yuhua Duan
National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Cristina Favieres
Public University of Navarre, Navarre, Spain

Shridhar R. Gadre
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India

Fei Gao
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Li Gao
California State University Northridge, USA

Laure Gouba
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy

Brandon Grainger
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Michael Keidar
George Washington University, Washington D. C., USA

Ali Khosronejad
Stony Brook University, New York, US

Wakana Kubo
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan

Jyotsana Lal
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA

Dattatray Late
CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India

Woei Ming (Steve) Lee
Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Jing Liu
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

Davide Massarotti
Universita' degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy

Van-Tu Nguyen
Pusan National University, Busan, Republic of Korea

Oluwafunmilola Ola
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Marian Paluch
University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

Ras B. Pandey
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, USA

Wilfrid Prellier
Laboratoire CRISMAT, Caen, France

Alfons Schulte
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA

Weigang Sun
Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China

Takasumi Tanabe
Keio University, Yokohama, Japan

Takuo Tanaka
RIKEN, Wakō, Japan

Claudia Wiemer
National Research Council of Italy, Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, Agrate Brianza (MB), Italy

Eva Zurek
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA

Editors of Applied Physics Reviews, Biophysics Reviews, Chemical Physics Reviews, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, The Journal of Chemical Physics, APL Bioengineering, APL Materials, APL Photonics, Biomicrofluidics, Chaos, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Physics of Fluids, Physics of Plasmas, and Review of Scientific Instruments may act as Guest Editors for manuscripts transferred to AIP Advances.