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Turbulent flow and noise sources on a circular cylinder in the
critical regime
In situ strain dependent
electrochemical characterization of a stretchable-sliding
Behavior of a liquid drop in a rounded corner: Different contact angles
A hyperfine look at titanium dioxide
A THz driven split-ring resonator based ultrafast relativistic electron streak camera
Fabrication of superhydrophilic surface on metallic nickel by sub-nanosecond laser-induced ablation
Film deposition by thermal laser evaporation
Planar metalenses in the mid-infrared
Comparative study of the ion-slicing mechanism of Y-cut LiNbO3
Kai Huang; Zhongxu Li; Youquan Yan; Xiaomeng Zhao; Wenqin Li; Tiangui You; Shibin Zhang; Hongyan Zhou; Jiajie Lin; Wenhui Xu; Ailun Yi; Hao Huang; Min Zhou; Wenjie Yu; Junyu Xie; Xiaobin Zeng; Renjie Liu; Xin Ou
AIP Advances 9, 085001 (2019)
Thermoelectric characterization of ZnSb by first-principles method
AIP Advances 9, 085003 (2019)
On the angular dependence of InP high electron mobility transistors for cryogenic low noise amplifiers in a magnetic field
Isabel Harrysson Rodrigues; David Niepce; Arsalan Pourkabirian; Giuseppe Moschetti; Joel Schleeh; Thilo Bauch; Jan Grahn
AIP Advances 9, 085004 (2019)
High energy storage performance in lead-free BiFeO3-BaTiO3 ferroelectric thin film fabricated by pulsed laser deposition
In Special Collection:
2019 Energy
Yuqing Hu; Qingxiu Xie; Ruihong Liang; Xiangyong Zhao; Zhiyong Zhou; Xianlin Dong; Feifei Wang; Yanxue Tang; Ningtao Liu; Xing Liu
AIP Advances 9, 085005 (2019)
Turbulent flow and noise sources on a circular cylinder in the
critical regime

In Special Collection:
2019 Fluids and Plasmas
AIP Advances 9, 085009 (2019)
Asymmetric bipolar switch device for electrochemical processes
In Special Collection:
2019 Chemical Physics
AIP Advances 9, 085011 (2019)
In situ strain dependent
electrochemical characterization of a stretchable-sliding

AIP Advances 9, 085012 (2019)
Ultra-wideband and wide-angle polarization rotator based on double W-shaped metasurface
AIP Advances 9, 085013 (2019)
Asymmetric viscothermal acoustic propagation and implication on flow measurement for SOFC
AIP Advances 9, 085014 (2019)
Spectroscopic study of CO2 and CO2–N2 mixture plasma using dielectric barrier discharge
AIP Advances 9, 085015 (2019)
Measurement of temperature dependent absorption coefficient of water at 1064nm wavelength
AIP Advances 9, 085016 (2019)
Ohmic loss analysis for coaxial cavities of high-power high-frequency gyrotrons
AIP Advances 9, 085017 (2019)
Measurements of the fast electron bremsstrahlung during lower hybrid current drive in the HL-2A tokamak
Y. P. Zhang; D. Mazon; Y. Peysson; P. Malard; P. F. Zhang; J. Zhang; X. L. Zou; J. Zhou; H. B. Xu; X. Y. Bai; J. W. Yang; G. L. Yuan; X. Y. Song; X. Li; W. L. Zhong; X. T. Ding; W. Chen; Y. G. Li; T. Hoang; L. Delpech; A. Ekedahl; M. Isobe; X. M. Song; B. Lu; Yi Liu; Z. B. Shi; Q. W. Yang; M. Xu; X. R. Duan; Y. Liu
AIP Advances 9, 085019 (2019)
NEXAFS spectra and specific dissociation of oligo-peptide model molecules
In Special Collection:
2019 Chemical Physics
AIP Advances 9, 085023 (2019)
Nonlinear convection flow of Williamson nanofluid past a radially stretching surface
In Special Collection:
2019 Mathematical Physics
AIP Advances 9, 085026 (2019)
Comparative 1D optoelectrical simulation of the perovskite solar cell
In Special Collection:
2019 Energy
AIP Advances 9, 085028 (2019)
A study on the surface morphology evolution of the GH4619 using warm laser shock peening
AIP Advances 9, 085030 (2019)
Size of a steady disturbance source affects the frequency of a target wave
AIP Advances 9, 085034 (2019)
Study on impulse quenching based multichamber arc quenching structure
AIP Advances 9, 085104 (2019)
Analysis of inner fold and bulge defects on J55 steel for oil casing pipe
AIP Advances 9, 085109 (2019)
The role of annealing ambient on diffusion of implanted Si in -Ga2O3
AIP Advances 9, 085111 (2019)
Group-invariant solutions for one dimensional, inviscid hydrodynamics
AIP Advances 9, 085113 (2019)
Direct digitalized phase comparison between signals with different nominal frequencies
AIP Advances 9, 085114 (2019)
Passive microscopic fluidic diodes using asymmetric channels
AIP Advances 9, 085117 (2019)
Forward scattering nanoparticles based nanostructure for light trapping over solar spectrum
AIP Advances 9, 085119 (2019)
Study on voltage characteristics of short air arc with high current density arc root
AIP Advances 9, 085120 (2019)
Effects of stannum on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy
AIP Advances 9, 085126 (2019)
Influences of screw dislocations on electroluminescence of AlGaN/AlN-based UVC LEDs
Dong Liu; Sang June Cho; Huilong Zhang; Corey R. Carlos; Akhil R. K. Kalapala; Jeongpil Park; Jisoo Kim; Rafael Dalmau; Jiarui Gong; Baxter Moody; Xudong Wang; John D. Albrecht; Weidong Zhou; Zhenqiang Ma
AIP Advances 9, 085128 (2019)
Behavior of a liquid drop in a rounded corner: Different contact angles
AIP Advances 9, 085203 (2019)
A hyperfine look at titanium dioxide

J. Schell; D. Zyabkin; Doru C. Lupascu; Hans-Christian Hofsäss; M. O. Karabasov; A. Welker; P. Schaaf
AIP Advances 9, 085208 (2019)
A THz driven split-ring resonator based ultrafast relativistic electron streak camera

AIP Advances 9, 085209 (2019)
Numerical analysis of auto-catalytic glycolysis model
AIP Advances 9, 085213 (2019)
An improved generalized Lagrangian analysis method for attenuating waves
AIP Advances 9, 085214 (2019)
Performance optimization of magnetostrictive guided wave sensor based on waveguide wire
AIP Advances 9, 085216 (2019)
Energy conservation during single droplet impact on deep liquid pool and jet formation
AIP Advances 9, 085218 (2019)
Fluorine doped tin oxide as an alternative of indium tin oxide for bottom electrode of semi-transparent organic photovoltaic devices
Amirah Way; Joel Luke; Alex D. Evans; Zhe Li; Ji-Seon Kim; James R. Durrant; Harrison Ka Hin Lee; Wing C. Tsoi
AIP Advances 9, 085220 (2019)
Photovoltaic field effect transistor (PVFET)-based Ge/Si photodetector for low-power silicon photonics
In Special Collection:
2019 Energy
AIP Advances 9, 085226 (2019)
A statistical mechanics derivation of the empirical asymptotic thermionic emission equation
AIP Advances 9, 085227 (2019)
Possible high Tc superconductivity in the doped channel of a field effect transistor
AIP Advances 9, 085230 (2019)
Observation of lower defect density brought by excess PbI2 in CH3NH3PbI3 solar cells
AIP Advances 9, 085301 (2019)
Generation of hydrogen ionic plasma superimposed with positive ion beam
AIP Advances 9, 085303 (2019)
Curvature distribution and autocorrelations in elliptic cylinders and cones
AIP Advances 9, 085304 (2019)
Study on propagation properties of electromagnetic waves through a magnetized, collisional and inhomogeneous plasma under oblique incidence
In Special Collection:
2019 Fluids and Plasmas
AIP Advances 9, 085305 (2019)
Fabrication of superhydrophilic surface on metallic nickel by sub-nanosecond laser-induced ablation
In Special Collection:
2019 Photonics and Optics
AIP Advances 9, 085308 (2019)
Film deposition by thermal laser evaporation
In Special Collection:
2019 Materials Science
AIP Advances 9, 085310 (2019)
Data driven nonlinear dynamical systems identification using multi-step CLDNN
In Special Collection:
2019 Mathematical Physics
AIP Advances 9, 085311 (2019)
Simulation of the two-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor instability problem by using diffuse-interface model
In Special Collection:
2019 Mathematical Physics
AIP Advances 9, 085312 (2019)
Temperature-dependent phonon dynamics of supported and suspended monolayer tungsten diselenide
Thais C. V. Carvalho; Francisco D. V. Araujo; Clenilton Costa dos Santos; Luciana M. R. Alencar; Jenaina Ribeiro-Soares; Dattatray J. Late; Anderson Oliveira Lobo; Antonio Gomes Souza Filho; Rafael S. Alencar; Bartolomeu C. Viana
AIP Advances 9, 085316 (2019)
Adsorption of 5-Fluorouracil on Au(111) and Cu(111) surfaces
AIP Advances 9, 085318 (2019)
Investigation of Al2O3/GaN interface properties by sub-bandgap photo-assisted capacitance-voltage technique
In Special Collection:
2019 Materials Science
Yoshihiro Irokawa; Toshihide Nabatame; Kazuya Yuge; Akira Uedono; Akihiko Ohi; Naoki Ikeda; Yasuo Koide
AIP Advances 9, 085319 (2019)
Analysis of MHD and heat transfer effects with variable viscosity through ductus efferentes
AIP Advances 9, 085320 (2019)
Tunnel magnetoresistance effect in a magnetic tunnel junction with a B2-Fe3Sn electrode
AIP Advances 9, 085322 (2019)
A fractional-order approach for transient creeping flow of spheres
AIP Advances 9, 085323 (2019)
Femtosecond pulsed laser deposited Er3+-doped zinc-sodium tellurite glass on Si: Thin-film structural and photoluminescence properties
Thomas Mann; Billy Richards; Eric Kumi-Barimah; Robert Mathieson; Matthew Murray; Zoran Ikonic; Paul Steenson; Christopher Russell; Gin Jose
AIP Advances 9, 085324 (2019)
Planar metalenses in the mid-infrared

In Special Collection:
2019 Photonics and Optics
AIP Advances 9, 085327 (2019)
Stability analysis of a numerical method for the 3D high-order Allen–Cahn equation
Seokjun Ham, Jyoti, et al.