This comment elaborates on the analysis of the Landau-quantized Dichalcogenide quantum wire eigen-energy dispersion relation1 of Eq. (51). We consider the case in which the width of the quantum wire “w” is the dominantly small length parameter and β = ∫dxU(r) is approximately the product of “w” with the potential well depth U0, such that |β|eB=wU0eB is much smaller than the difference of neighboring energy/frequency poles of the “non-wire” Green’s function G of Eq. (3). The determinental dispersion relation is given by:


which may be written out more fully as


To obtain a root of this eigen-energy dispersion relation for small β (as defined above), a denominator factor Dn+ or Dn in the (β∑n)-terms on the right of Eq. (3) must be of order β to make these terms (which contain the prefactor β) of order O(β0) = O(1). In conjunction with this, considering the (β2nm)-terms on the right of Eq. (3), most of the Dn+Dm denominator factors will have one of order β, say Dn+ = O(β), and the other of order Dm = O(β0) = O(1) due to a different energy/frequency pole location. Because of the prefactor β2, such terms will be small, of order O(β2/β) = O(β)): However, there is a subset of the (m)-terms having index m = n − 1ν with Dm = Dn+, so that Dn+Dm=Dn+2=O(β2) for m = n − 1ν, and these second-order-pole terms are competitive in generating a root with terms of the form


Neglecting the other small terms of β2nmn1νO(β) and focusing on the root generated by the n = n′ term of n, the other nn′ terms are similarly small of order O(β), so the dispersion relation, as it pertains to the n′-root, takes the approximate form (± → +, for example; similar results apply for ± → −)


This quadratic equation for Dn′+, which is defined as


may be solved as


where we have used the notation




As Dn in Eq. (7) is already of order O(β), the quantity ω±=ωEsz±g in equations 8 and 9 is to be taken to order O(β0) = O(1), given by value of ω at the nearest vanishing of Dn′+, namely ω=Esz±g2+ϵn+2, unshifted by the presence of the quantum wire, so that ω±=ωEsz±g±g2+ϵn+2±g. Maintaining the evaluation of the wire-shifted-root to order O(β), the evaluation of the factor on the right of Eq. (6)other than that of the “nearest vanishing of Dn′+” must be taken to the order O(β0) in the same way: For example, if the nearest vanishing of Dn′+ is given by ω=Esz±g2+ϵn+2, then ωEsz±g2+ϵn+2±2g2+ϵn+2. In this context, Eq. (6) must be written as Dn+=ωEszg2+ϵn+2±2g2+ϵn+2, and the n′-root ω is obtained by employing this in Eq. (7), with the result to order O(β) as


Similar remarks apply to the case ± → −.

The insensitivity of the dispersion relation to the sign ±′ is a manifestation of the symmetry of the positive and negative branches of the Dichalcogenide energy spectrum above and below the shifted (spin-split) energy origin Esz.

Finally, we note that Eq. (60) was transcribed improperly. It should read as (see Appendix A, Eq. (A2))


where τ is a “time” variable conjugate to Ω (not ω) under Fourier transformation. The arguments of A11, A22, A two lines above Eq. (60) should involve τ rather than T as: A11(p,τ),A22(p,τ),A(p,τ). Correspondingly, the “time” arguments of Eqns. (62) and (63) should be τ rather than T. (Also, “m” in Eq. (62) and “M” in Eq. (63) should both be “M±”.) Finally, the superscript on G1122(R,ω)G1122(R,ω) in the middle of Eq. (68) should be a prime.

N. J. M.
, “
Landau quantized dynamics and spectra for group VI dichalcogenides, including a model quantum wire
AIP Advances
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