The onset of double-diffusive convection in a highly permeable porous medium with a horizontal throughflow is investigated considering the convective thermal boundary conditions. The convection occurring inside the medium is mainly due to the basic temperature difference between the two boundaries and the heat supplied from external sources at these boundaries. However, the effect of viscous dissipation and the changing mass flux due to temperature gradient (Soret effect), on the convection, is also considered. Due to the consideration of the viscous dissipation inside the medium, a nonlinear basic flow profile is obtained. The disturbances in the base flow are assumed in the form of two-dimensional oblique structures, which are inclined to the base flow at an angle γ(0γπ2). The effect of the coefficients of external heating at the two boundaries (the associated non-dimensional parameters are the Biot numbers, B0 and B1, respectively) is discussed extensively. The cases with various combinations of the limiting values of B0 and B1 are also discussed. Viscous dissipation has a stabilizing effect on the flow, as long as the external heating at the bottom boundary is higher than that at the upper boundary. The system stabilizes with the increase in the coefficient of external heating at the lower boundary. The solute concentration gradient has a linearly destabilizing effect on the flow, for all Le(<, =, > 1). The Soret parameter has a linearly destabilizing effect on the flow, when the direction of solute concentration gradient opposes the direction of thermal buoyancy.

Since the commencement of the study of Rayleigh-Bénard problem in the field of fluid mechanics, several analyses have been done considering this physical set up and the study has been extended under various other physical situations. Horton and Rogers1 and Lapwood2 led the analysis in the mid of the twentieth century by considering the flow through a porous layer. Further studies in this area considered the effect of the boundaries with different thermal conditions such as insulated, perfectly conducting or imperfectly conducting boundaries. The basic idea behind the consideration of such kinds of boundaries is just to maintain a purely vertical temperature gradient across the two boundaries, which in turn causes the onset of natural convection. Whenever, some other heating source apart from the two boundaries with different temperatures, is used, the instability in the system is caused due to the combined effect of natural convection and forced convection. All these phenomena in the porous media flow are discussed in great details by Nield and Bejan.3 

Numerous studies can be found which used the combination of a perfectly insulating boundary and a perfectly conducting boundary across the horizontal porous layer. Some of them are Barletta et al.,4,5 Barletta and Nield,6 Barletta and Celli,7 who used such boundaries and carried out the analysis with the combination of Neumann and Dirichlet thermal boundaries. While others used the combination of two Dirichlet thermal conditions at the two boundaries maintained at a basic temperature difference. Walker and Homsy,8 Rees,9 Nield et al.,10 Shivkumara et al.,11 Narayana et al.,12 Roy and Murthy13 are some of them who considered the perfectly conducting boundaries. Among them, Rees,9 Nield et al.,10 Shivkumara et al.11 and Roy and Murthy13 considered the sparsely packed porous layer and used the Brinkman extended Darcy’s model for their investigation.

Over the past few decades, researchers have used the combination of two imperfectly conducting boundaries for investigating the Darcy-Bénard convection. They used the convective thermal boundary conditions which are given by the Robin-type boundary conditions. The onset of mixed convection in a porous layer with viscous dissipation was discussed by Storesletten and Barletta.14 Their analysis concluded that the transverse rolls are the most unstable convective rolls and the critical values of R(= GePe4) are dependent on the coefficient of external heat transfer at the lower boundary. Barletta and Storesletten15–17 investigated the effect of the external heating at the two horizontal boundaries for a circular porous duct, a rectangular porous channel and a vertical cylindrical porous channel, respectively. Barletta et al.18 investigated the effect of free surface and convective boundary condition on the instability of the flow. They considered the case of local thermal non-equilibrium between the two phases of a porous layer. Braga et al.19 studied the effect of internal heating by considering the external heating at the upper boundary and a constant heat flux condition at the lower boundary. Again, Barletta et al.20 investigated the onset of mixed convection for the vertical porous channel.

The present work is based on the model discussed by Dubey and Murthy21 considering the different forms of thermal and solutal boundary conditions and the persistence of the Soret effect, in addition. Most general convective thermal boundary conditions (Alves and Barletta22) are considered, where the coefficients of external heating at the two boundaries are different. It also includes the effect of the Soret parameter on the onset of double-diffusive convective instability. The analysis is carried out for a range of permeability values. The thermal buoyancy is responsible for driving the flow through the medium. The aim of this investigation is to study the effect of viscous dissipation, Soret parameter and externally supplied heat at the two boundaries, on the instability of the flow through a high permeability porous layer having a horizontal throughflow. The analysis also includes the change in the behavioral pattern of the convective rolls, when the different combinations of the perfectly conducting boundary and the boundary with constant heat flux are used. The applications to this work can be found in the field of geophysics and applied mathematics.

A horizontal porous layer saturated with a newtonian fluid is considered. It is bounded by two impermeable, rigid and imperfectly conducting boundaries situated at z¯=0 and z¯=L as shown in Fig. 1. A basic temperature difference, ΔT¯, and a basic solute concentration difference, ΔC¯, are maintained across these boundaries. The external heat is supplied at both the boundaries, where the coefficients of external heat transfer at the two boundaries are different. A horizontal throughflow is considered inside the medium. The viscous dissipation and the Soret effect are also assumed to persist inside the medium. The fluid is considered to obey the linear Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation. There is a local thermal equilibrium between the two phases of the medium. The Brinkman extension to the Darcy’s law is adopted for the momentum balance and the energy generated due to viscous dissipation inside the medium. Using all these assumptions and approximations, the set of equations governing the flow inside the medium is given by


subject to the boundary conditions


where ΔT¯=q0Lk, q0 is the constant heat flux at the two boundaries, k is the conductivity of the medium, u¯=(ū,v¯,w¯) is the velocity along x¯=(x¯,ȳ,z¯) direction, T0¯ and C0¯ are the reference temperature and reference concentration, respectively, σ is the heat capacity ratio, α is the thermal diffusivity, ρ is the reference density at temperature T0, c is the specific heat per unit mass of the fluid, βT and βC are the thermal and solutal expansion coefficients, respectively, hl and hu are the coefficients of external heat transfer at the lower and upper boundaries, respectively, μ is the dynamic viscosity, μ′ is the effective dynamic viscosity, Dm is the solutal diffusivity, DCT is the Soret coefficient, and K is the permeability of the porous medium. Here, overbar represents the dimensional quantity.

FIG. 1.

Schematic of the horizontal fluid-saturated porous layer with a base flow u¯B in the xy-plane.

FIG. 1.

Schematic of the horizontal fluid-saturated porous layer with a base flow u¯B in the xy-plane.

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The scaling variables used to parameterize the equations governing flow in the porous medium are as follows:


The dimensionless governing equations are given as


subject to the dimensionless boundary conditions


where Ge is the Gebhart number, Ra and Sa are the thermal and solutal Rayleigh numbers, respectively, Sr is the Soret parameter, Le is the Lewis number, B0 and B1 are the Biot numbers for the lower and upper boundaries, respectively, and Da is the effective Darcy number. They are given by


It makes some sense to take the limiting cases of the thermal boundary conditions at the two boundaries. Hence, by taking the different combinations of the limiting values of B0 and B1, it is possible to get the four submodels out of a single model. The thermal boundaries of the flour submodels are as follows

  • Model 1: B0 → 0 and B1 → 0 (boundaries with constant heat flux)z = 0, 1: Tz=1.

  • Model 2: B0 → 0 and B1 (lower boundary with constant heat flux and isothermal upper boundary)z = 0: Tz=1,z = 1: T = 0.

  • Model 3: B0 and B1 → 0 (isothermal lower boundary and upper boundary with constant heat flux)z = 0: T = 1,z = 1: Tz=1.

  • Model 4: B0 and B1 (isothermal boundaries)

z = 0: T = 1,z = 1: T = 0.

It is assumed that there is an average mass flow in the horizontal xy- plane along the direction of a unit vector, s, inclined at an angle, γ to the x-axis. The magnitude of the average mass flow is given by


where Pe is the Péclet number, uB is the dimensionless basic velocity such that


where uB is the magnitude of the basic velocity and

In order to maintain the equilibrium inside the system, the basic temperature and concentration are assumed to be of the form, such that their gradients are purely vertical. Hence, the governing equations for uB, TB and CB can be reduced from Eqs. (7)–(10) and are given as


subject to the following boundary conditions


On solving the Eqs. (15)–(18) and using Eqn. (13), the basic velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are obtained as




where ξ=12Da and is associated to the permeability of the medium. It can be referred as a switching parameter or the Brinkman parameter. Here, ξ refers to the Darcy flow regime and ξ → 0 refers to the clear fluid regime. However, the case of ξ → 0 is avoided in the present investigation, for the viscous dissipation term (in Eqs. (8) and (9)) corresponding to ξ → 0 is not exactly the same as the viscous dissipation term in the Navier-Stokes equation for the clear fluid flow. This fact is supported by the results produced in the analysis by Barletta et al.5 

The basic velocity and concentration fields remain unaltered in the limiting submodels. However, the basic temperature field changes in the four limiting submodels such that the temperature gradients in the four submodels are given as follows

  • Model 1: B0 → 0 and B1 → 0

  • Model 2: B0 → 0 and B1

  • Model 3: B0 and B1 → 0

  • Model 4: B0 and B1


The basic temperature gradients given by Eqs. (22)–(25) are obtained by taking the limits of the gradient of the basic temperature field given by Eqn. (20) at the corresponding limiting values of B0 and B1 mentioned in Models 1–4, respectively. If the set of Eqs. (15)–(17) subjected to the four set of boundary conditions for the four submodels mentioned in Sec. II A are solved, the corresponding temperature gradients obtained for the Models 2–4 are same as the respective gradients given by Eqs. (23)–(25). However, the temperature gradient given by Eqn. (22) is a mere approximation obtained to discuss the limiting case with the constant heat flux at both the boundaries. The actual solution of Eqs. (15)–(17) subjected to the boundary condition for Model 1. gives us no solution, since for some branches of the general solution, the given boundary conditions lead to an empty solution.

Small disturbances are superimposed on the basic flow in order to investigate the onset of convective instability. Hence, the velocity, temperature and concentration fields are given as


where U = (U, V, W), θ and χ are the disturbance functions for velocity, temperature and concentration, respectively and ε is a very small positive quantity.

Considering only the O(ε) terms, the linearized governing equations are given as


subject to the boundary conditions


The disturbances in the flow are assumed in the form of two dimensional oblique structures inclined to the base flow at an angle, γ(0γπ2). The values of γ at the two extreme inclinations correspond to the transverse rolls (γ = 0) and the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2). Hence, the disturbance functions can be considered as the functions of x, z and t and are given as


Introducing the stream function formulation, the velocity components can be written as


Thus, the new set of equations for the oblique structures is given as


Wave like solutions of ψ, θ, and χ are assumed for the normal mode analysis and are expressed as


where λ = λR + I is the growth rate, and λR and λI are the real and imaginary parts of λ, respectively and a is the wave number. Here, f(z), g(z) and h(z) are complex valued functions.

The imaginary part of the growth rate, λI is taken as zero, following which the oblique structures neither grow nor decay. The real part of the growth rate, λR is considered as non-zero, due to which the parallel structures oscillate with time. In that case, the final set of governing equations for the general oblique structures is given as


subject to the boundary conditions


Here, ω = λR, which in general, can be non-zero when λI vanishes. For both the cases, when the base flow gets destabilized for ω ≠ 0, and for ω = 0, the corresponding structures are described by Eqn. (37). The present investigation is mainly focussed on the non-decaying disturbances that are non-oscillatory in time. So, the principle of exchange of stabilities is considered to hold, for which the problem must be governed by the self-adjoint system of differential equations. Thus, for the principle of exchange of stabilities to hold, ω should be equal to the term auBcos(γ) for the general oblique rolls. Following we have, ω = 0 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2) and ω = auB for the transverse rolls (γ = 0).

The set of Eqs. (38)–(40) along with the boundary conditions given by Eqn. (41) admit a non-zero solution only for certain values of ω and Ra. Thus, it could be considered as an eigenvalue problem for the general oblique rolls, where (Ra, ω) is the set of eigenvalues. The eigenvalue Ra is a function of the wave number, a. As usual, the eigenfunctions are defined except for a normalization condition. For the numerical computation, a normalization conditions is defined which is given by


The set of higher order ordinary differential equations is further converted into a set of first order ordinary differential equations. On separating the real and imaginary parts of the equations along with the boundary conditions, an eigenvalue problem is obtained, consisting of sixteen first order ordinary differential equations with eighteen variables subject to eighteen boundary conditions. Finally, the eigenvalue problem is solved numerically using bvp4c in Matlab R2016a for each set of assigned values of a, γ, Pe, Ge, Sa, Le, Sr, B0, B1 and ξ. The relative tolerance has been taken as RelTol = 10−6, and the absolute tolerance as AbsTol = 10−9 to obtain all the data values displayed throughout this article. The results are obtained which consist of the eigenfunctions f(z), g(z) and h(z) along with the parameter Ra(a). The critical value of the eigenvalue is obtained by taking the minimum of the function Ra(a) at some critical wave number, aC.

The validity of the numerical technique used is established by comparing the present results with the results obtained by other authors using some well established numerical techniques. The limiting case of the Darcy flow regime (ξ) with both the boundaries as isothermal (B0, B1), no viscous dissipation (Ge = 0) and no throughflow (Pe = 0) is considered for this comparison. The presence of solute is also ignored and hence the Soret effect is also considered to be absent. In this case, Rac = 39.4784 is obtained at ac = 3.14159 which matches with the corresponding results of Barletta and Nield23 as well as Kaloni and Qiao24 for the case of longitudinal rolls with no horizontal thermal gradient (RaH = 0). Barletta and Nield23 used the Shooting technique with the fourth order explicit Runge-Kutta method with adaptive step size, whereas, Kaloni and Qiao24 used the compound matrix method to get the results. It can even be compared with the results by Guo and Kaloni25 (by using compound matrix method), for different values of Sa, as shown in Table I. It is observed that the present results are in excellent agreement with the existing ones.


Comparison between the results obtained using bvp4c in Matlab and the existing ones by Guo and Kaloni25 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2) as ξ with Ge = 0, Pe = 0, Le = 1, Sr = 0, B0 and B1.

Present results 69.4784 59.4784 49.4784 39.4784 29.4784 19.4784 9.478418 
Guo and Kaloni25  69.48 59.48 49.48 39.48 29.48 19.48 9.48 
Present results 69.4784 59.4784 49.4784 39.4784 29.4784 19.4784 9.478418 
Guo and Kaloni25  69.48 59.48 49.48 39.48 29.48 19.48 9.48 

Tables II and III illustrate the effect of viscous dissipation on the longitudinal rolls in different flow regimes. ξ = 1.58114, 0.5 and 0.158114 (Da = 10−1, 1 and 10, respectively) are taken to represent different flow regimes under the effect of external heating at the boundaries. The other physical parameters are fixed as Pe = 10, Sa = 1 and Le = 1 with varying B0 and B1. The Soret parameter is suppressed for this analysis, in order to study the sole effect of viscous dissipation on the instability of the flow. The values of B0 and B1 are taken as 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 (Alves and Barletta22). It is observed that the viscous dissipation has a stabilizing effect on the flow as long as the amount of external heat supplied at the bottom boundary is higher than is supplied at the upper boundary, in any flow regime. The increase in the coefficient of external heating at the upper boundary over that at the lower boundary opposes the direction of thermal buoyancy, which is responsible for the onset of convective instability. Viscous dissipation has a destabilizing effect (very small though) on the flow, when the amount of heat supplied at the two boundaries are equal. There is no qualitative change in this behavior with the changing flow regime.


Rac values for the longitudinal rolls with Ge = 0, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1, Sr = 0.

1.58114(Da = 10−10.01 94.10834 100.98845 122.06826 151.17096 161.17068 
 0.1 100.98845 105.31111 124.21079 152.76911 162.73258 
 122.06826 124.21079 137.78764 164.05973 173.93497 
 10 151.17096 152.76911 164.05973 189.53148 199.93817 
 100 161.17068 162.73258 173.93497 199.93817 210.78047 
0.5(Da = 1) 0.01 777.74770 832.21663 1000.79826 1236.79223 1318.49881 
 0.1 832.21663 866.57514 1018.00290 1249.73612 1331.17233 
 1000.79826 1018.00290 1127.55378 1341.49276 1422.35444 
 10 1236.79223 1249.73612 1341.49276 1549.85005 1635.26189 
 100 1318.49881 1331.17233 1422.35444 1635.26189 1724.27831 
0.158114(Da = 1010.01 7612.34252 8142.63386 9786.20932 12091.11835 12889.85640 
 0.1 8142.63386 8477.33207 9954.04538 12217.53550 13013.66333 
 9786.20932 9954.04538 11023.39837 13114.04642 13904.74719 
 10 12091.11835 12217.53550 13114.04642 15151.36103 15986.82658 
 100 12889.85640 13013.66333 13904.74719 15986.82658 16857.60002 
1.58114(Da = 10−10.01 94.10834 100.98845 122.06826 151.17096 161.17068 
 0.1 100.98845 105.31111 124.21079 152.76911 162.73258 
 122.06826 124.21079 137.78764 164.05973 173.93497 
 10 151.17096 152.76911 164.05973 189.53148 199.93817 
 100 161.17068 162.73258 173.93497 199.93817 210.78047 
0.5(Da = 1) 0.01 777.74770 832.21663 1000.79826 1236.79223 1318.49881 
 0.1 832.21663 866.57514 1018.00290 1249.73612 1331.17233 
 1000.79826 1018.00290 1127.55378 1341.49276 1422.35444 
 10 1236.79223 1249.73612 1341.49276 1549.85005 1635.26189 
 100 1318.49881 1331.17233 1422.35444 1635.26189 1724.27831 
0.158114(Da = 1010.01 7612.34252 8142.63386 9786.20932 12091.11835 12889.85640 
 0.1 8142.63386 8477.33207 9954.04538 12217.53550 13013.66333 
 9786.20932 9954.04538 11023.39837 13114.04642 13904.74719 
 10 12091.11835 12217.53550 13114.04642 15151.36103 15986.82658 
 100 12889.85640 13013.66333 13904.74719 15986.82658 16857.60002 

Rac values for the longitudinal rolls with Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1, Sr = 0.

1.58114(Da = 10−10.01 94.10510 91.35398 110.80972 140.28403 150.49524 
 0.1 110.60981 105.30292 115.53989 142.99163 153.00487 
 133.30254 132.85680 137.77396 159.53912 168.89396 
 10 162.03081 162.51947 168.55335 189.51910 199.20873 
 100 171.82017 172.43437 178.95043 200.64442 210.76963 
0.5(Da = 1) 0.01 777.73605 778.95499 938.53213 1176.52064 1259.37514 
 0.1 885.43160 866.54617 970.05020 1195.60387 1277.29336 
 1062.97972 1065.86892 1127.50651 1316.45979 1394.41980 
 10 1296.96996 1303.77449 1366.43285 1549.80767 1631.22784 
 100 1377.53254 1384.96152 1450.20115 1639.21658 1724.24124 
0.158114(Da = 1010.01 7612.24248 7653.55295 9214.41697 11537.58294 12346.84123 
 0.1 8631.31459 8477.08382 9513.69648 11720.38150 12518.81390 
 10357.27745 10393.65283 11022.99450 12884.13878 13648.17031 
 10 12643.85158 12713.88733 13343.16101 15150.99942 15949.78382 
 100 13432.10282 13507.74549 14160.57320 16023.19221 16857.28377 
1.58114(Da = 10−10.01 94.10510 91.35398 110.80972 140.28403 150.49524 
 0.1 110.60981 105.30292 115.53989 142.99163 153.00487 
 133.30254 132.85680 137.77396 159.53912 168.89396 
 10 162.03081 162.51947 168.55335 189.51910 199.20873 
 100 171.82017 172.43437 178.95043 200.64442 210.76963 
0.5(Da = 1) 0.01 777.73605 778.95499 938.53213 1176.52064 1259.37514 
 0.1 885.43160 866.54617 970.05020 1195.60387 1277.29336 
 1062.97972 1065.86892 1127.50651 1316.45979 1394.41980 
 10 1296.96996 1303.77449 1366.43285 1549.80767 1631.22784 
 100 1377.53254 1384.96152 1450.20115 1639.21658 1724.24124 
0.158114(Da = 1010.01 7612.24248 7653.55295 9214.41697 11537.58294 12346.84123 
 0.1 8631.31459 8477.08382 9513.69648 11720.38150 12518.81390 
 10357.27745 10393.65283 11022.99450 12884.13878 13648.17031 
 10 12643.85158 12713.88733 13343.16101 15150.99942 15949.78382 
 100 13432.10282 13507.74549 14160.57320 16023.19221 16857.28377 

It is found important to discuss about the inclination angle at which the two dimensional convective rolls are most sound to instability. Different combinations of the values of B0 and B1 are considered in order to see the behavior of the rolls with the change in the coefficient of external heating at the two boundaries. The values of the other physical parameters are taken as Ge = 0.1, Sa = 1, Le = 1, Sr = 0.1 and Pe = 10, while considering in the different flow regimes (ξ = 0.05, 0.5, 5 and ). Fig. 2 clearly indicates that the longitudinal rolls at the inclination, γ=π2, are the preferred mode of instability in all the flow regimes represented by the different values of the Brinkman parameter, ξ. However, in the Darcy flow regime (ξ), all the oblique rolls at different inclinations to the base flow are almost equally unstable. It can also be observed that the oblique rolls at different inclinations have qualitatively similar response towards the instability, with the increase in the coefficient of external heating at the two boundaries. However, the quantitative response varies a bit in the Brinkman flow regime, depending upon the combination of the values of B0 and B1. It can analyzed from the curves in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) that all the oblique rolls at any arbitrary inclination, in the Brinkman flow regime or transition flow regime, tend to become stable with the increasing values of the function, F(B0, B1) = B0 + B1 + B0B1.

FIG. 2.

Variation of RaC with γ for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 and Sr = 0.1 in different flow regimes.

FIG. 2.

Variation of RaC with γ for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 and Sr = 0.1 in different flow regimes.

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The change in the instability condition with the changing flow regime is shown by Fig. 3 for different values of the Soret parameter taken as Sr = −0.1, 0 and 0.1 in Figs. 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c), respectively. The considered values of ξ range from 0 to 15, whereas, the values of other parameters are taken as same as in Fig. 2. The analysis is done for the longitudinal rolls only. The parameter which is chosen to measure the onset condition for instability is log10RaC. This choice is justified, since log10RaC monotonically increases with increasing values of RaC. This is done just to minimize the scale of the vertical coordinates of the plots. It is observed that the flow is most stable in the Brinkman regime, which is represented by the values of ξ close to 0. The instability gradually increases as the value of ξ increases. This means that the flow destabilizes as one moves towards the Darcy flow regime from the Brinkman flow regime. This property remains unaffected by the presence of the Soret parameter. The magnified view of the curves in each subfigure confirms that the periodic convective rolls stabilize with the increasing value of the function, F(B0, B1) = B0 + B1 + B0B1 in the Brinkman flow regime or the transition flow regime.

FIG. 3.

Variation of log10RaC with ξ for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2).

FIG. 3.

Variation of log10RaC with ξ for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2).

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Fig. 4 illustrates the effect of coefficients of external heating on the instability of the longitudinal rolls in different flow regimes represented by ξ = 0.05, 0.5, 5 and in Figs. 4(a)– 4(d), respectively. The values of the physical parameters are considered as Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Le = 1, Sa = 1, Sr = 0.1 and B1 = 0, 0.1, 1, 5 and 10. Each curve in the figure shows the variation of RaC against B0 for a fixed value of B1. It can be inferred from the figure that the stability increases with the increasing values of the coefficient of external heating at the lower boundary, while maintaining a fixed amount of externally supplied heat at the upper boundary. This property remains unaltered in all the flow regimes. However, the scenario changes, if the variation of RaC against B1 is observed, for a fixed value of B0. In that case, the system stabilizes with the increasing value of the coefficient of external heating at the upper boundary in the Brinkman flow regime (represented by Figs. 4(a)–4(b)). On the other hand, in the Darcy flow regime (represented by Figs. 4(c)–4(d)), the instability varies non-monotonically with the increasing values of B1 up to a certain range of values of B0, and it decreases further with the increasing values of B1. This irregularity in the onset condition is observed due to the presence of solute concentration gradient in the upward direction. However, the effect of solute concentration gradient is dominated by the effect of viscous stresses present in the Brinkman flow regime. Hence, this irregularity in the onset condition of instability is not seen in the Brinkman flow regime.

FIG. 4.

Variation of RaC with B0 for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 and Sr = 0.1 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2).

FIG. 4.

Variation of RaC with B0 for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 and Sr = 0.1 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2).

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The effect of solute concentration gradient on the instability of the longitudinal rolls is illustrated by Figs. 5(a)–5(c) for Le = 0.1, 1 and 10, respectively. The analysis is done for the Brinkman regime (ξ = 0.5) only, since there is no qualitative change in the behavior of the curves in the Darcy regime. Same set of values of rest of the parameters as earlier are considered. The figures depict that under the effect of the Soret parameter and viscous dissipation, the solute concentration gradient has a linearly destabilizing effect on the flow. This destabilizing nature of Sa remains same for all the values of the diffusivity ratio represented by Le < 1, Le = 1 and Le > 1. The Soret parameter also has a linearly stabilizing or destabilizing effect on the flow, depending upon the sign of solute concentration gradient, as evident in Fig. 6. Figs. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b) also have the same plot legends as in Fig. 5. When the solute concentration at the upper boundary is higher than that at the lower boundary, the Soret parameter has a linearly destabilizing effect on the flow, otherwise, it has a linearly stabilizing effect on the flow.

FIG. 5.

Variation of RaC with Sa for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sr = 0.1 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2) in the Brinkman flow regime (ξ = 0.5).

FIG. 5.

Variation of RaC with Sa for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sr = 0.1 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2) in the Brinkman flow regime (ξ = 0.5).

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FIG. 6.

Variation of RaC with Sr for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Le = 1 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2) in the Brinkman flow regime (ξ = 0.5).

FIG. 6.

Variation of RaC with Sr for Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Le = 1 for the longitudinal rolls (γ=π2) in the Brinkman flow regime (ξ = 0.5).

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The streamlines (solid), isotherms (dashed) and isosolutes (dotted) at γ=π2 in the Brinkman flow regime for the four limiting Models 1–4 are shown in Figs. 7–10, respectively. The streamlines, isotherm and isosolute patterns are represented for Sr = −0.1, 0 and 0.1 at the onset condition. The range of the z coordinate is taken from 0 to 1, whereas, the range of y coordinate is taken from 0 to πaC. Here, aC is the critical value of the wave number computed for a given set of data values. This means, the higher the range of y coordinate, smaller is the value of aC. The streamlines pattern in all the four models are concentrated towards the center of the medium due to the boundary effects in the Brinkman flow regime and are symmetric about y=π2aC and z = 1/2. The isotherm patterns are different in all the four models.

FIG. 7.

Streamlines(solid), isotherms(dashed) and isosolutes(dotted) for the constant heat flux condition at the two boundaries, when Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 at (γ=π2) in the Brinkman flow regime (ξ = 0.5).

FIG. 7.

Streamlines(solid), isotherms(dashed) and isosolutes(dotted) for the constant heat flux condition at the two boundaries, when Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 at (γ=π2) in the Brinkman flow regime (ξ = 0.5).

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FIG. 8.

Streamlines(solid), isotherms(dashed) and isosolutes(dotted) for the constant heat flux condition at the lower boundary and isothermal condition at the upper boundary, when Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 at (γ=π2).

FIG. 8.

Streamlines(solid), isotherms(dashed) and isosolutes(dotted) for the constant heat flux condition at the lower boundary and isothermal condition at the upper boundary, when Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 at (γ=π2).

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FIG. 9.

Streamlines(solid), isotherms(dashed) and isosolutes(dotted) for the isothermal condition at the lower boundary and constant heat flux condition at the upper boundary, when Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 at (γ=π2).

FIG. 9.

Streamlines(solid), isotherms(dashed) and isosolutes(dotted) for the isothermal condition at the lower boundary and constant heat flux condition at the upper boundary, when Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 at (γ=π2).

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FIG. 10.

Streamlines(solid), isotherms(dashed) and isosolutes(dotted) for isothermal conditions at the two boundaries, when Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 at (γ=π2).

FIG. 10.

Streamlines(solid), isotherms(dashed) and isosolutes(dotted) for isothermal conditions at the two boundaries, when Ge = 0.1, Pe = 10, Sa = 1, Le = 1 at (γ=π2).

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For Model 1.(Fig. 7), representing the medium bounded by the two boundaries with constant heat flux condition, the isotherms are the vertical lines, and are symmetric about the vertical and horizontal mid-axes. For Model 2.(Fig. 8), representing the medium bounded by the lower boundary with constant heat flux and isothermal upper boundary, the periodic isotherm patterns are symmetric about y=π2aC and are formed towards the lower boundary which is having the constant heat flux condition. For Model 3.(Fig. 9), representing the medium bounded by isothermal lower boundary and the upper boundary with constant heat flux, the periodic isotherm patterns are symmetric about y=π2aC and are formed towards the upper boundary which is having the constant heat flux condition. For Model 4.(Fig. 10), representing the medium bounded by the two isothermal boundaries, the periodic isotherm patterns are symmetric about y=π2aC and z = 1/2 both and are concentrated towards the center. The isosolutes for all the models are the periodic patterns symmetric about y=π2aC. However, there is no net qualitative change in the isosolute patterns with the changing values of the Soret parameters.

The onset of double-diffusive convective instability in a horizontal throughflow along a porous layer confined between two rigid boundaries with a basic temperature difference and solute concentration difference, is investigated. The effect of viscous dissipation, coefficient of external heating at the two boundaries, and the Soret parameter, on the instability of the base flow caused due to the superimposed disturbances in the form of two dimensional convective rolls, are studied. The analysis is done for different flow regimes and for the oblique rolls at different inclinations. The conclusions drawn from the analysis are as follows:

  • The viscous dissipation has a stabilizing effect on the flow, as long as the coefficient of external heating at the bottom boundary is higher than that at the upper boundary. It has a destabilizing effect in case of the equal or higher amount of external heating at the upper boundary than at the bottom boundary.

  • The increase in the amount of heat supplied at the lower boundary stabilizes the flow. As long as the external heat supplied at the upper and lower boundaries are same, there is no appreciable effect of external heating on the instability of the medium.

  • The flow subjected to the external heating at the two boundaries, is most stable in the Brinkman flow regime and the oblique rolls inclined at an angle π2 to the base flow are the most unstable ones.

  • The solute concentration gradient has a linearly destabilizing effect on the base flow in all the possible situations. On the other hand, the Soret parameter has a linearly destabilizing effect on the flow, when the solute concentration at the upper boundary is higher than that at the lower boundary, otherwise, it has a linearly stabilizing effect on the flow.

  • Under a given condition, when the throughflow is considered in the Brinkman flow regime, while considering the effect of viscous dissipation, Soret parameter, Solute concentration gradient and the external heating at the two boundaries, the stability of the flow increases with the increasing values of the function F(B0, B1) = B0 + B1 + B0B1.

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