The magnetic properties of Mn1-xTMxAlGe (TM = V, Fe and Cu) were investigated for x ≤ 0.2. The spontaneous magnetization decreased with increasing x. A remarkable decrease in the Curie temperature TC was observed for TM = Fe. For ferromagnetic MnAlGe (x = 0) and TM = nonmagnetic Cu (x = 0.2), Curie-Weiss law was confirmed. The compounds with TM = V and Fe (x = 0.2) did not show Curie-Weiss law, and the data of reciprocal susceptibility vs. temperature bent, indicating change of the magnetism from ferromagnetism. Obtained results suggested that the magnetic moments of V and Fe were aligned antiparallel to those of Mn, resulting in the ferrimagnetism-like behavior.
Ferromagnetic MnAlGe has a tetragonal Cu2Sb-type structure (P4/nmm) with a = 0.3913 nm and c = 0.5933 nm.1 Magnetic Mn atoms occupy 2a-site and form the base-centered tetragonal sublattice. Two nonmagnetic Al/Ge-layers exist between the Mn-planes (c-plane). The shortest atomic distances of Mn are 0.2767 nm in the c-plane and 0.5933 nm along c-axis. This indicates that MnAlGe has pseudo two-dimensional (P2D) magnetic structure.
The spontaneous magnetic moment Ms and Curie temperature TC of MnAlGe are 1.70 μB/f.u. and 503 K, respectively.2 MnAlGe exhibits a strong uniaxial anisotropy along c-axis. The magnetic crystalline anisotropy (MCA) energy was reported to be Ku = 9.7 × 105 J/m3 at 0 K and 5.2 × 105 J/m3 at room temperature.2 Therefore, MnAlGe-based ferromagnet has been paid attention as magnetic recording materials.3,4
So far, substitution effects on the magnetic properties of MnAlGe have been studied for controlling the magnetic properties.5–8 Ido et al. reported that TC of Mn1-xTMxAlGe decreased by substitution of TM (3d metals) without TM = Cu and Cr.5 However, Goodenough et al. reported that substitution of TM reduced TC of MnGaGe with the Cu2Sb-type structure.8 For explaining the substitution effects on the magnetism, the relationship between magnetic properties and lattice parameters of MnAlGe has been discussed.7,9,11 Shibata et al. reported that the exchange interactions between the Mn moments mMn are very sensitive in the c-plane rather than along the c-axis. The Mn-Mn exchange interaction in c-plane was about 10 times larger than that along c-axis.11 Umetsu et al. also indicated that TC and the c-axis related to positive correlation.7
Quite recently, Masumitsu et al. suggested that Cr-substitution effects on magnetic properties of Mn1-xCrxAlGe could not be explained by only the change of the lattice parameters.12 Although the lattice expansion enhanced the mMn, the Cr moment mCr and the antiferromagnetic (AF) coupling of mMn-mCr played a key role for magnetic properties.12 The reciprocal susceptibility 1/χ vs. temperature T curve of Mn1-xCrxAlGe did not follow Curie-Weiss law, indicating that the AF coupling of mMn-mCr existed.12 This result was similar to the result for MnGaGe system, which was also P2D ferromagnet with Cu2Sb-type structure, suggesting the AF mMn-mMn interaction and mMn-mTM (mTM is TM moment) ones by TM-substitution.8 It is necessary to study substitution effects on the magnetic properties of MnAlGe from a new model viewpoint.
In this study, the magnetic measurements of Mn1-xTMxAlGe (TM = V, Fe, Cu) alloys were carried out for 5 ≤ T ≤ 680 K and μ0H ≤ 5 T in order to investigate the magnetism and substitution effect of MnAlGe-based system.
The polycrystalline Mn1-xTMxAlGe (TM = V, Fe, Cu, 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) were prepared by arc-melting, a mixture of nominal amounts of pure elements (Mn, 5N; Al, 4N; Ge, 5N; V, 3N; Fe, 4N; Cu, 3N) in an argon atmosphere. The obtained samples were annealed at 873 K for 3 days, and subsequently quenched into ice water. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments with Cu Kα radiation was carried at room temperature (RT). The magnetization M measurements were performed by using a vibrating sample magnetometer for 300 ≤ T ≤ 680 K and a superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer for 5 ≤ T ≤ 300 K.
FIG. 1 (a) shows the XRD patterns for Mn0.8TM0.2AlGe at RT. It is confirmed that the main diffraction peaks of Mn1-xTMxAlGe (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) were indexed by the Cu2Sb-type structure. Small diffraction peaks were detected, which were probably due to small amount of Ge. The influence of the impurity phase on the magnetic properties is negligible because Ge is nonmagnetic element.
The lattice parameters a, c, c/a, and lattice volume V in the function of x are shown in FIG. 1(b), (c), (d) and (e) respectively. The data of TM = Cr12 are also plotted in FIG. 1. With increasing x, a increased for all TM, but x dependence of c was varied. V showed similar tendency to c and c/a. The enhancement in c/a were observed for TM = V. As the MCA of MnAlGe is closely related to the P2D structure, the improvement of Ku is expected for TM = V.
FIG. 2 shows the M-H curves at 5 K (a) and M-T curves at 0.05 T (b). Ms was evaluated by extrapolating to M2 = 0 in H/M-M2 plot. TC was estimated the M-T curve. The obtained Ms and TC for x are shown in FIG. 3(a) and (b), respectively. The Ms and TC of TM = V, Fe and Cu decreased with increasing x. A remarkable reduction in Ms and TC were detected for TM = Fe from 1.58 μB/f.u. and 507 K (x = 0) to 1.15 μB/f.u. and 354 K (x = 0.2), respectively. The data of TM = Cr12 are also presented in the FIG. 3. Our results are different from that of TM = Cr. The Ms and TC of TM = Cr increase with increasing x.
FIG. 4 shows the lattice parameter a (a) and c (b) in the function of TC and a (c) and c (d) in the function of MS. In this figure, the data of TM = Cr12 are also presented. Although the relationship between TC and c were not apparent for TM = V, Fe and Cu, the relationship between TC and a showed a negative correlation. The data of MS show same behavior. These negative correlations are explained by change of the exchange interactions between c-plane and along c-axis induced by anisotropic strain.10 Furthermore, it can be expressed by universal TC-a and MS-a lines for TM = V, Fe and Cu, which is different trend from TM = Cr.
The 1/χ − T curves for Mn0.8TM0.2AlGe are shown in FIG. 2(c). The good linearity was observed for TM = Mn and Cu, following Curie-Weiss law. A bent with upward convex appeared for TM = V and Fe, Herein, according to the spin fluctuation theory, the 1/χ − T curve also bent for two-dimensional magnetic material.13 However, the bent of the curve was downward convex and at T ∼ TC, which was opposite phenomena induced by spin fluctuation. Therefore, the bent of the 1/χ − T curve is probably due to the AF coupling between mMn and mTM.14 These behaviors are similar to TM = Cr.12
A possible scenario of the reductions in Ms and TC are considered as follows. The substitution of TM for Mn leads the reduction of Mn atom with a large mMn. It is reported that the Fe moment mFe was none by Mössbauer spectroscopy.15 On the other hand, in the different reports, mFe aligned antiparallel to mMn,8,12 which are the reason for reduction of Ms. Meanwhile, based on molecular-field theory, TC was determined by the number of nearest atoms z and the mean exchange interaction J. When mTM is zero, the effective z decreased. If mTM aligns antiparallel to mMn, J between mTM and mMn becomes negative, suggesting the reduction of effective J. As a result, TC decreased for both cases.
Based on the above scenario, TM-substitution effects were discussed from the aspect of 1/χ - T curve. In the case of mTM = 0, the 1/χ – T curve does not bend. When the AF coupling between mTM and mMn exists, the 1/χ – T curve will bend. The bending 1/χ – T curves in the present study suggested that the mFe and V moment mV aligned antiparallel to mMn, whereas Cu has almost no magnetic moment. As the Mn-Mn distance in the c-plane is much smaller than that along the c-axis, the TM-substitution on the magnetic moments in Mn-plane were more effective than c-axis. Therefore, this assumption can also explain the same tendency for TC-a and MS-a relations in TM = V, Fe, and Cu. Further study is necessary to clarify the substitution effect on the MnAlGe magnetic materials.
The substitution effects on magnetic properties of Mn1-xTMxAlGe (TM = V, Fe, Cu, 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) were investigated. TC and Ms reduced regardless of TM. The reduction of TC and Ms were remarkably for TM = Fe and slightly for TM = Cu. The TC-a and MS-a have negative correlation, and the relationship was expressed by a single-linear function regardless of TM. The magnetic properties of Mn1-xTMxAlGe were discussed by localized model. The reciprocal susceptibility suggested the AF coupling between mTM and mMn existed. In addition to this, lack of mMn due to the substitution probably explained reduction of Ms and TC.
The M-H measurements were performed at the ISSP, The University of Tokyo. The M-T data were collected at IMR, Tohoku University.