We synthesized Ca1−xSrxFeO3 containing tetravalent iron Fe4+ with high valence by low temperature heat treatment along with ozone oxidization. We investigated the magnetic properties of perovskite Ca1−xSrxFeO3. The charge disproportionation transition temperature (TCD) of Ca1−xSrxFeO3 was observed from x = 0.0 to 0.6 in the magnetic susceptibility measurements. The decrease in TCD occurs is attributed to deformation of the crystal structure. The metamagnetic transitions with hysteresis were observed in the magnetization curves of all the compositions. The metamagnetic behavior is due to helical magnetism, which means that there are intermediate stable states before magnetization is saturated. In the Sr-rich region with x = 0.8 and 1.0, the saturation magnetization shows forced ferromagnetic order with a value of ∼3.2 μB at high magnetic field, H ∼ 60 T.
The perovskite Fe oxides with the formula AFeO3 (A: Ca or Sr) contain high-valence Fe4+.1,2 A perovskite-type CaFeO3 undergoes a metal-insulator transition and structural transition from orthorhombic to monoclinic at 290 K.5 Mössbauer spectroscopy indicated that CaFeO3 undergoes charge disproportionation 2Fe4+ → Fe(4−δ)+ + Fe(4+δ)+(δ : temperature dependence) below 290 K.6
In contrast, SrFeO3 has a perovskite cubic lattice structure and displays metallic conductivity. The magnetic structure of SrFeO3 also has helical magnetic order below 134 K.3 Saturated magnetic moment reported for SrFeO3 at 38 T, has a value of 3.5 μB.4
Alloys of Ca1−xSrxFeO3 containing Fe4+ with unusual valence have been synthesized under high oxygen pressure and their resistivity and magnetism have been investigated.7
Here, we report the magnetic properties of perovskite Ca1−xSrxFeO3 prepared by ozone oxidation method. We observed the magnetic susceptibility and the magnetization of Ca1−xSrxFeO3 under high magnetic field H ∼ 60 T. Hence, we also report the magnetic behavior of Fe in Ca1−xSrxFeO3.
First, we synthesized polycrystalline Ca1−xSrxFeO3 with an oxygen deficiency. The raw materials were mixed and calcined twice at 1073 K and 1273 K in air. Finally, an ozonizer was used to obtain oxygen-stoichiometric Ca1−xSrxFeO3.
Magnetic susceptibility was measured between 5 and 300 K in a field of 1 kOe using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. High magnetic field magnetization measurement up to 60 T was performed using a pulse magnet with duration of about 6 ms at the Kindo Laboratory, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo.
The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility is shown in Fig. 1. The Neel temperature, TN, indicating antiferromagnetic transition in all the compositions, is observed and is almost constant.
In the temperature range above TN, a bending of the magnetic susceptibility corresponding to the charge disproportionation transition temperature TCD is observed. TCD shifted towards low temperature with increase in the doping amount of Sr and was observed until x = 0.6. This result is consistent with the fact that charge disproportion is not observed in SrFeO3,8 indicating that it disappears near the composition with x = 0.6.
Figure 2 depicts the dependence of TN and TCD on composition. Since the antiferromagnetic transition temperature is independent of composition, it is shown that all the compositions of Ca1−xSrxFeO3 have a helical magnetic structure. We confirmed that it has a crystal structure in which the cubic and orthorhombic phases are mixed around x = 0.6. From these results, it is concluded that the antiferromagnetic interaction of helical magnetism is not directly related to the change of charge disproportionation.
TCD decreases towards the boundary between the orthorhombic and cubic phases on Sr substitution. It is clear that the charge disproportionation occurs in orthorhombic crystal structure and disappears in cubic. Thus, the decrease of TCD strongly suggests that it is related to the deformation of the crystal structure from orthorhombic to cubic. This phenomenon might be caused by a change in the inclination of the oxygen octahedron surrounding the Fe atom.
Magnetization of the samples as a function of applied magnetic fields up to H ∼ 60 T at 4.2 K is presented in Fig. 3. All compositions exhibited metamagnetic behavior with hysteresis similar to that reported in a previous study.9 Magnetization curve with respect to magnetic field shows antiferromagnetic behavior due to the presence of helical magnetism. In the Ca-rich region, magnetization does not reach saturation but saturates in the Sr-rich region with x = 0.8 and 1.0. In the Sr-rich region, that is, under the cubic structure, magnetization exhibits a forced ferromagnetic order with a value of ∼3.2 μB at high magnetic fields. The metamagnetic transition in each magnetization curve indicates that there is an intermediate stable state, a ferrimagnetic state, in which the helical magnetism is deformed. In addition, the magnitude of the high magnetic field magnetization (H = 60 T) does not show a monotonic composition dependence on the doping amount of Sr. It has a minimum at x = 0.4; it decreases from x = 0.0 to 0.4 and then increases until saturation magnetization at x = 1.0. It is thought that this behavior against the Sr doping amount is related to the behavior of electric resistivity7 but the origin is not clearly understood.
In order to understand these magnetic and electronic behaviors of the charge disproportionation Fe, it is helpful to know the magnitude of saturation magnetization of the Ca-rich samples, it is necessary to perform experiments at higher magnetic fields. Furthermore, these results are thought to be closely related to the crystal structure and a detailed study of the tetravalent or charge disproportionation Fe in the oxygen octahedron is necessary.
We synthesized perovskite Ca1−xSrxFeO3 by low temperature heat treatment with ozone oxidization and measured magnetic susceptibility at H = 1 kOe and magnetization under high magnetic field H ∼ 60 T.
TCD decreased with Sr substitution and this charge disproportionation occurred in orthorhombic crystal structure while disappeared in cubic. It is possible that this charge disproportionation can be caused by a change in the inclination of the oxygen octahedron surrounding the Fe atom.
Magnetization of Ca1−xSrxFeO3 exhibited metamagnetic behavior with hysteresis. This metamagnetic behavior is thought to be due to the existence of an intermediate ferrimagnetic stable state derived from the presence of helical magnetic order. In the Ca-rich orthorhombic region, the magnetization does not reach saturation, and in the Sr-rich cubic region with x = 0.8 and 1.0, the saturation magnetizations show forced ferromagnetic order with value of ∼3.2 μB at high magnetic field.