The specific heat of Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20 with x = 0.044 has been measured down to 0.08 K in magnetic fields of B 12 T. The 4f contribution to the specific heat divided by temperature C4f/T diverges as −lnT in B = 0 and 2 T applied along the [100] direction. In B = 4 T, however, C4f(T) exhibits a broad maximum, which shifts to higher temperatures with increasing B. This behavior can be explained by the Zeeman effect which splits the ground state doublet through the first excited triplet. The 4f contribution to the entropy, S4f(T), in B 4 T is well reproduced by the crystalline electric field calculation, whereas the calculation fails to reproduce the S4f(T) data in B ≤ 2 T. We propose that the on-site interaction of the active quadrupole in the ground state doublet with two-channel conduction bands gives rise to the –lnT variation of C4f/T.
A class of compounds containing Ce, Pr, Yb, and U ions exhibit non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behaviors in physical properties at low temperatures.1 The NFL behaviors have been explained in terms of two concepts. One is a magnetic instability in the vicinity of the quantum critical point, where the quantum fluctuations are divergently enhanced by the competition between the on-site single-channel Kondo effect and the inter-site Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction.2 This competition have been explained by the Doniach phase diagram.3 The other is a single-site two-channel Kondo effect, where an impurity spin is over-screened by two-channel conduction bands.4 When an electric quadrupole of the impurity is regarded as the local spin, the two-channel Kondo effect is translated to the quadrupole Kondo effect.5 The theory of the quadrupole Kondo model predicted novel properties, e.g., the entropy of (1/2)Rln2 remaining at T = 0 and single-site NFL behaviors such as specific heat divided by temperature C/T –lnT, quadrupole susceptibility χQ –lnT, and electrical resistivity ρ/ρ0 1 + A, where ρ0 is the residual resistivity and A is the coefficient.5 Despite much experimental effort on diluted Pr and U alloys,6–8 the single-site quadrupole Kondo effect has not been established yet. It is mostly because a superconducting impurity phase and atomic disorder affect the properties of Heusler-type Pr compounds and the crystalline electric field (CEF) ground state in diluted U systems is not well defined.
The Pr-based compounds PrT2X20 (T = transition metal, X = Zn, Al, and Cd) crystallizing in a cubic structure have attracted much attention.9 The CEF ground state of the Pr3+ ion with 4f 2 configuration is the non-Kramers Γ3 doublet with active quadrupoles. The quadrupole degrees of freedom give rise to a variety of phenomena such as long-range quadrupole order, unconventional superconductivity, and NFL behaviors.9 Notably, PrIr2Zn20 shows an antiferroquadrupolar (AFQ) order at TQ = 0.11 K below which a superconducting transition occurs at Tc = 0.05 K.10 Moreover, the magnetic specific heat divided by temperature, Cm/T, shows –lnT dependence and ρ(T) exhibits an upward curvature in a moderately wide temperature range above TQ. It suggests the formation of a quadrupole Kondo lattice.11 Recently, we have studied its diluted Pr system Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20 for x ≤ 0.44. The CEF ground state retains the non-Kramers Γ3 doublet with active quadrupoles.12,13 For x ≤ 0.44, Cm/T and the differential electrical resistivity Δρ are scaled well by using a characteristic temperature T0 defined as the temperature where the magnetic entropy reaches 0.75Rln2.13 Here, T0 may indicate an energy scale for the NFL behaviors due to the multi-channel Kondo model.5,14 Furthermore, for x < 0.05, the NFL behaviors of Cm/T –lnT and Δρ 1 + A were observed at T < T0.13 The anomalous temperature dependences are explained by the calculation with the single-site quadrupole Kondo model.
In the present work, we report the specific heat of Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20 for x = 0.044 in magnetic fields of B 12 T. To obtain distinct NFL signals from the Pr ions, we chose a sample with x = 0.044, in which Cm/T shows the –lnT behavior down to 0.08 K at B = 0.13 Since the Pr ions are well isolated in this system, neither magnetic nor quadrupole order was observed. Magnetic fields were applied along the [100] direction whereby the Zeeman effect is expected to split the Γ3 doublet much wider than those in B || [110] and [111].
A single crystal was grown from a starting composition of x = 0.05 in Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20 by the procedure reported in the previous papers.12,13 The Pr composition of the crystal could not be reliably determined by the wavelength dispersive electron-probe microanalysis with 1% resolution. Therefore, we determined the value of x as 0.044 by comparing the measured magnetization value at B = 1 T and T = 1.8 K with that calculated by using the CEF parameters for PrIr2Zn20.15 The measurements of C were done by a thermal relaxation method using a Quantum Design physical property measurement system (PPMS) from 0.4 to 300 K in B 12 T. For 0.08 T 0.5 K, C was measured in B 6 T by using a laboratory-built system installed in a commercial Cambridge mFridge mF-ADR/100s adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator.
Figure 1 shows the temperature dependences of C for Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20 with x = 0.044 in B ≤ 12 T applied along the [100] direction. In B = 0, C(T) is increased on cooling below 1 K and saturated to a constant value below 0.3 K. The data for T < 0.3 K is largely enhanced when B is increased to 6 T, which can be explained by considering nuclear contribution as described below. The Hamiltonian of a 141Pr nucleus with the spin I = 5/2 in a magnetic field B is represented by
where Ahf = 0.052 K is a hyperfine coupling of a Pr ion,16 J is the total angular momentum of 4f electrons, gN = 1.72 the nuclear g factor, and μN the nuclear magneton. By taking the isothermal magnetization M along B into consideration, the term of is equivalent to , where gJ = 4/5 is the Lande’s g factor for J = 4 and the Bohr magneton. Here, we used the values of M(B) measured for PrIr2Zn20 (Ref. 11) as shown with the opened circles in the inset of Fig. 1. The nuclear specific heat CN(T) calculated for B = 2, 4, and 6 T are shown in Fig. 1 with the colored solid curves. By increasing B, CN is enhanced and the calculated value reproduces the upturn of the experimental data for T < 0.3 K in B = 6 T. In B = 4 T, C(T) shows a broad maximum at around 0.4 K, which shifts to higher temperatures with increasing B and becomes a shoulder at 3 K in B = 12 T. The evolution of the Schottky specific heat results from the splitting of the CEF ground state doublet by the Zeeman effect via the excited triplet as described later.
To estimate the 4f-electron contribution, C4f, the calculated CN and the phonon contribution Cph (black solid curve in Fig. 1) were subtracted from the measured C data. Here, Cph was calculated by the equation, Cph = xCLa+(1 − x)CY, where CLa and CY are the C data for nonmagnetic compounds LaIr2Zn20 and YIr2Zn20, respectively. The temperature variation of C4f is plotted in the inset of Fig. 2. The data of C4f in B = 4 T exhibit a maximum at around 0.4 K, which shifts to high temperatures as B is increased. The magnitude of the maximum does not change in B up to 12 T, which is a characteristic of the Schottky specific heat. This indicates that the ground state doublet is split by the magnetic fields for B ≥ 4 T. Thereby, the split state loses the quadrupole degrees of freedom.
The main panel of Fig. 2 shows the temperature dependences of C4f/T. The –lnT dependence appears at T < 0.5 K in B = 0 and 2 T, which agrees with the prediction of the single-site quadrupole Kondo model.5 For B 4 T, on the other hand, C4f/T data deviate from the –lnT variation at low temperatures and exhibit a maximum which shifts to higher temperatures.
By integrating the C4f/T data, we estimated the 4f-electron contribution to the entropy, S4f, which is plotted as function of temperature in Fig. 3. Here, the measured S4f is vertically offset by 1.40 J/K Pr-mol for B = 0 and 0.48 J/K Pr-mol for B = 2 T, respectively, so that they agree with the data of B = 4 T in the temperature range of T > 4 K. The S4f curve moves to high temperatures with increasing B, which is the consequence of the shift of the maximum temperature of C4f(T) as shown in the inset of Fig. 2. To estimate S4f(T) in B, the CEF effect and the Zeeman effect are considered. The CEF Hamiltonian is represented with the CEF parameters W and X, and the Stevens operators as follows,
The colored solid curves in Fig. 3 are calculated by considering the CEF and Zeeman effect. Since the ionic radius of the Y3+ ion is smaller than that of the Pr3+ ion, we modified the CEF parameters for PrIr2Zn20, which were determined by the inelastic neutron scattering experiments,15 to be more relevant for the diluted Y(Pr)Ir2Zn20 system. Here, we increased the absolute value of W to adjust the energy scale of the CEF. The entropy was calculated with the modified CEF parameters of W = −1.50 K and X = 0.537 as shown with the solid curves. For B 4 T, the experimental data moderately agree with the solid curve. This suggests that the entropy of the Γ3 doublet at B = 0 is released at higher temperatures when the magnetic fields are increased above 4 T. For B = 2 T, however, the calculated curve is larger than the experimental data in the temperature range of T < 0.9 K. Moreover, in B = 0, the S4f data are about 0.25Rln2 at the lowest temperature of 0.08 K, although the calculation remains at a constant value of Rln2 for T < 2 K. This discrepancy indicates that the magnetic entropy must be released by another mechanism except the CEF and Zeeman effects. In fact, C4f/T for B = 0 and 2 T follows –lnT in the temperature range where the value of S4f is less than Rln2. It suggests that the residual entropy and the –lnT dependence result from the active quadrupoles in the doublet. Furthermore, the anomalous behaviors agree with the prediction of the single-site quadrupole Kondo model.5 Therefore, the single-site quadrupole Kondo effect may arise from the on-site hybridization between the local quadrupoles and the two-channel conduction bands. To confirm that the quadrupole Kondo effect causes the NFL behaviors of C4f and the residual entropy in S4f, measurements of specific heat and electrical resistivity in magnetic fields are currently under investigation using different Pr concentrations.
In conclusion, we have reported the specific heat of the Pr diluted system Y1-xPrxIr2Zn20 with x = 0.044 in magnetic fields of B ≤ 12 T applied along the [100] direction. We obtained the 4f-contribution to the specific heat C4f and estimated the entropy S4f. In B = 0 and 2 T, C4f/T shows the –lnT dependence in the temperature range 0.08 < T < 0.5 K. In B ≥ 4 T, however, C4f shows a broad maximum which shifts to higher temperatures with increasing B. The S4f (T) data in B 4 T can be reproduced by considering the splitting of the Γ3 doublet due to the Zeeman effect via the first excited Γ4 triplet. In magnetic fields below 2 T, however, the calculated entropy is much larger than that evaluated from the experimental data. Therefore, the –lnT behaviors of C4f/T in B = 0 and 2 T may arise from the single-site quadrupole Kondo effect, where the active quadrupoles of the Γ3 doublet hybridize with the two-channel conduction bands.
We are grateful to S. Hoshino, J. Otsuki, H. Kusunose, A. Tsuruta, K. Miyake, R. J. Yamada, G. B. Park, K.-I. Imura, and A. Tanaka for valuable discussions. The specific heat measurements with the PPMS and the mFridge mF-ADR 100/s refrigerator were performed at N-BARD, Hiroshima University. This work was financially supported by Grants-in-Aid from MEXT/JSPS of Japan, Nos., JP15KK0169, JP15H05886, JP16H01076 (J-Physics), and JP18H01182.