In this paper we show the effect of electron-phonon scattering on the performance of monolayer (1L) MoS2 and WSe2 channel based n-MOSFETs. Electronic properties of the channel materials are evaluated using the local density approximation (LDA) in density functional theory (DFT). For phonon dispersion we employ the small displacement / frozen phonon calculations in DFT. Thereafter using the non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism, we study the effect of electron-phonon scattering and the contribution of various phonon modes on the performance of such devices. It is found that the performance of the WSe2 device is less impacted by phonon scattering, showing a ballisticity of 83% for 1L-WSe2 FET for channel length of 10 nm. Though 1L-MoS2 FET of similar dimension shows a lesser ballisticity of 75%. Also in the presence of scattering there exist a a 21–36% increase in the intrinsic delay time (τ) and a 10–18% reduction in peak transconductance (gm) for WSe2 and MoS2 devices respectively.
Two dimensional (2-D) materials such as the Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (MX2: M=Mo, W; X=S, Se, Te) have emerged as a prospective channel material for the post-Si CMOS technology.1,3–6 Among such MX2 materials so far the MoS2 and WSe2 have been successfully realized into MOS devices experimentally.1–3 Apart from monolayer flakes of such MX2 materials, few layers thick MX2 MOSFET have also been the focus of various device fabrication studies.7–9
The role of electron-phonon scattering in such MX2 layers do have a significant impact on the performance of such 2-D channel MOSFETs.10–12 Recently Guo et al. have shown the effect of phonon scattering in monolayer MoS2 MOSFETs.12 According to recent simulations tungsten chalcogenide (e.g. WS2) FETs are expected to outperform other MX2 FETs in the ballistic limit.6 However in the more realistic case, the devices often operate at the quasi-ballistic limit. In this regard it could be of interest to comparatively study the MoS2 and WSe2 MOSFET inclusive of the electron-phonon scattering. In this paper we study difference in performance of 1L-MX2 (hereafter by MX2 we refer to MoS2 and WSe2 only) channel 2-D planar n-MOSFET in the quasi-ballistic regime. The materials properties of the monolayer MX2 channel are modeled by ab-initio methods. Thereafter using our in-house simulator based on the non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism, we calculate the performance parameters of the MX2 n-MOSFETs. It is found that performance of WSe2 devices are less impacted by phonon scattering compared to the MoS2 counterparts.
Fig. 1 shows the schematic device structure of the planar 2-D MoS2 FET considered for our studies. We consider a 1L MoS2 or WSe2 as the channel material. As shown in Fig. 1. The 2-D channel is placed over an SiO2/Si substrate. High-κ HfO2 of 2.5nm thickness is chosen as the gate dielectric. We consider highly doped (1020 /cm3) n++ regions as the source/drain for the n-MOSFET. Such doping concentrations allow for good alignment of the source/drain fermi levels with the conduction band for the monolayer MX2 FETs.5,6
In the first step in our study we evaluate the different properties of the MX2 channel material e.g. bandstructure, electron effective mass, phonon spectra and phonon density of states, by ab-initio simulations. For this purpose we employ density functional theory(DFT) in QuantumWise ATK.13 We use a 16 × 16 × 1 Monkhorst-Pack k-grid15 and employ the Local Density Approximation (LDA) exchange correlation function with the Perdew Zunger(PZ) basis.16 The DFT simulations are performed by relaxing the structures by optimizing the positions by a Broyden - Fletcher - Goldfarb - Shanno (BFGS)17 Quasi-Newton optimization method in ATK with maximum force of 0.05 eV/Å. The energy cut-off value in our simulations is set at 75 Hartree.
The phonon dispersion and phonon DOS are calculated in ATK using a supercell based small displacement method also known as the frozen phonon calculations. In this method employing a finite difference scheme the first derivative of the forces are calculated, where the system is displaced by small amounts along each degree of freedom.10,13 For phonon calculations in ATK we use a 9 × 9 × 1 supercell. 72 small displacements, each of value 0.01Å is applied to the supercell in the x and the y directions. From this the forces are calculated and subsequently the dynamical matrix of the system is found out, which is used in calculating the phonon properties.
Thereafter, we proceed to solve the Poisson and Schrödinger equations self-consistently for our MX2 FET. The self-consistent solutions are carried out under the Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function (NEGF) formalism12,18 with our in-house NEGF simulator.19 The electron-phonon interaction in the quasi-ballistic regime is incorporated into our simulator by self-consistent Born approximation method within the framework of NEGF formalism.12,18 In our solver, we construct the Green’s function using an effective mass Hamiltonian H and the energy eigenvalue matrix E of the system along with the self-energy matrix of the system Σ.20,21
In (1)I is the identity matrix and Ø+ is an infinitesimally positive quantity. The self-energy matrix Σ consists of ΣC for the source and drain contacts and ΣSc which is the scattering self-energy matrix.
The spectral density A(E) is expressed as
the Green’s correlation function for the n-type and p-type carriers exclusively can be expressed as Gn and Gp, and spectral density can also be expressed in terms of these two as18
The broadening Γ is obtained from the self-energy as
in terms of the in-scattering and out-scattering self-energies of the system it takes the form
For electron-phonon scattering we consider Gn, which is found as18
while Gp, which is found as
In the self-consistent Born approximation approach the in and the out scattering self-energies are evaluated as
here Δ represents the spin relaxation tensor. The number density of the electrons in a 2-D system of cell volume Vxy is
similarly the number density for holes is given by
gs and gv being the spin and the valley degeneracies, r being the positional co-ordinate. This carrier (electron) density is evaluated self-consistently within the Poisson-Schrodinger solver.
The Green’s functions G, Gn,p the in and out scattering self energies Σin,out are all evaluated using a recursive algorithm with the self-consistent Born approximation approach, as described in detail by Nikonov et al.18 The drain current is evaluated as4,19
mt being the carrier effective mass in the transverse direction, kB is Boltzmann constant, T is temperature, Ek,x the energy of the conducting level, F−1/2 is the Fermi integral of order −1/2. η1 and η2 are the chemical potentials of the source and drain respectively. ℑ(E) is the transmission matrix given as
the subscripts 1 and 2 designating the source and the drain contacts. For calculating currents purely ballistic in nature, the scattering self-energy matrix ΣSc in (2) is considered zero and the calculations for such a case is described in detail by Sengupta et al.19 Among the measured parameters the ballisticity is expressed as a ratio between the drain currents including scattering ID and the purely ballistic drain current ID,Bal. The ON current ION for the devices are calculated at VG = VD = 0.4 V. The intrinsic delay time τ is expressed as τ = (Cgg + Cf) × VDD/ION, where Cgg is the device gate capacitance expressed as series combination of geometrical oxide capacitance Cox and the channel quantum capacitance CQ, Cf is the fringing capacitance.20,21VDD is the supply voltage (0.4 V).
Fig. 2 shows the simulated bandstructure of the 1L MX2 sheets. Our DFT simulations show a direct band gap at the K point of the hexagonal Brillouin zone for both the 1L-MoS2 and 1L-WSe2 sheets with band-gap values of 1.82 and 1.62 eV respectively. Such values are agreeable to ab-initio results in recent reports.14 The effective masses obtained in our studies (Table I) are also consistent with ab-initio simulation results reported elsewhere.4,6,12
material . | ml/m0 . | mt/m0 . |
1L-MoS2 | 0.4742 | 0.4738 |
1L-WSe2 | 0.3376 | 0.3372 |
material . | ml/m0 . | mt/m0 . |
1L-MoS2 | 0.4742 | 0.4738 |
1L-WSe2 | 0.3376 | 0.3372 |
In Fig. 3, we show the calculated phonon bandstructures for the layered MX2 sheets under consideration. The in-plane acoustic vibration modes of the MX2, namely the longitudinal acoustic (LA) and the transverse acoustic (TA) modes have higher energy compared to the out-of plane acoustic mode (ZA). These acoustic phonon modes in MX2 are clearly separated from the optical phonon modes. The two lowest branches of the optical modes are non-polar (NP) in nature, followed by the transverse optical (TO) and the longitudinal optical (LO) modes. The mode(s) with very low dispersion at energies 50 meV in MoS2 and 30 meV in WSe2 are known as the homopolar (HP) modes. Fig. 4 shows the calculated phonon density of states of the monolayer MoS2 and WSe2.
Among the different modes we can consider the LA, TA and ZA modes to contribute to acoustic scattering, non-polar optical and TO and HP modes to contribute to the optical phonon scattering, while the polar LO modes are responsible for the Frölich interaction mechanism of electron-phonon scattering. The phonon energies of the different modes at the CB minima of the electronic bandstructure are considered in order to evaluate the electron-phonon interaction matrix and subsequently the scattering self-energy matrix ΣS in the channel.18
In Fig. 5, we show the effect of the electron-phonon scattering on the output characteristics of the device. A gate voltage VG = 0.4 V is considered for these simulations. A channel length LCh = 25 nm is taken so as to show the phonon scattering contributions more clearly in the plot. We see for purely ballistic currents (shown in black) the drain current ID for 1L-WSe2 is higher than that for the 1L-MoS2 channel. The optical phonon scattering (comprising of non-polar, TO and HP modes) contributes the highest in the degradation of drain current. This is followed by that due to the Frölich interaction and the acoustic phonon contributions (due to LA, TA and ZA modes).
The phonon scattering seems to degrade carrier transport in MoS2 more than that in WSe2 devices. The reason behind this is the stronger electron–phonon coupling in MoS2, than the WSe2 monolayer. This is quantitatively represented by the higher values of the deformation potentials (DP) for the various phonon modes for MoS2 compared to WSe2 as obtained by Kaasbjerg et al.10 and Jin et al.22 For the LCh = 25 nm device, the net reduction in ID due to electron-phonon scattering effects are 18.6% for WSe2, and 26.8% for 1L-MoS2 devices. The variation of purely ballistic and the quasi-ballistic (inclusive of phonon scattering) ON currents with the device channel length is shown in Fig. 6. The ON currents are evaluated at VG = VD = 0.4 V. It is observed that the performance of the WSe2 device is less impacted by phonon scattering, showing a ballisticity of 83% for 1L-WSe2 FET for channel length of 10 nm. Though 1L-MoS2 FET of similar dimension shows a ballisticity of 75%. As the channel length increases, the electrons tend to encounter more number of scattering events and therefore the difference between the ballistic and quasi-ballistic currents tend to increase with the channel length. Here it must be mentioned that in our work we have included only the additional effect of electron-phonon scattering to the ballistic transport in MX2 FET. Also we looked to focus our study on mostly short channel lengths as MX2 as a channel material is essentially a candidate for post-Silicon sub decananometer CMOS technology. In experimentally fabricated devices the channel dimensions vary from several hundred nanometer1,3 to even a few microns2 with gate dielectric thickness of the order of few tens of nanometers.1–3 In case of such fabricated devices, a vast number of non-idealities like surface roughness, defects and impurity scattering, intrinsic ripples in 2-D membranes, interface strain, processing related defects etc. apart from electron-phonon scattering, come into play. Owing to these effects there is a large difference between experimental results1–3 and simulation studies that are being conducted by different groups.4–6,12 For theoretical studies conducted for nanoscale FET of MX2 material, the ON currents are in the range of 500 μA/μm for HfO2 top gated Schottky barrier MoS2 SBFET of LCh = 15 nm.4 For HfO2 top-gated MOSFET in the scaling limit of LCh = 5 nm the simulated ON current is reported as 238 μA/μm by Alam et al.5 In this context our simulated results for LCh = 10 nm, top gated HfO2 dielectric doped contact MoS2 MOFET shows ON current of 666 μA/μm which is consistent with other theoretical results based on similar structures and device geometry and gating.4
The calculated values for the geometrical oxide capacitance Cox is 0.22fF/μm, the channel quantum capacitance CQ at VG = 0.4V is 0.16fF/μm and the fringing capacitance Cf is 0.025fF/μm. The capacitances are calculated by the methods described by Alam et al.5 For the 25 nm device, τ in the ballistic limit was calculated to be 0.67 ps for MoS2 and 0.53 ps for WSe2 FET. In case of MoS2 FETs scattering seems to affect delay time much more severely than the WSe2 FETs. As electron-phonon scattering is included the delay time increases significantly and the values increase to 0.91 ps and 0.64 ps for the MoS2 and the WSe2 FETs respectively.
The transconductance (gm) vs VG characteristics in Fig. 7 of a 25nm device show a the ballistic values of gm for the MX2 are rather closely grouped together, while in the quasi-ballistic case the gm-VG curve are more spread out. This trend was earlier observed in the ON currents for ballistic and quasi-ballistic cases as well. The reason behind being the disparity in the amount of electron-phonon scattering among the two different MX2 materials. The values of peak gm for the MX2 n-MOSFETs vary between 1226–1359μS/μm for the ballistic cases.
The energy and position resolved current spectra is shown in Fig. 8. It is clear that the WSe2 MOSFETs show a higher current density compared to the MoS2 ones. Also the extension of the region of highest current density within the devices show that, for the 1L-WSe2 this region (marked red in the colorbar) extends to a significant portion of the channel length. For 1L-MoS2 the length of this region diminishes gradually due to higher degree of electron phonon scattering in the channel for those structures. In all the cases there is no evidence of direct tunnelling between the source and drain, as is expected for channel lengths of LCh = 25 nm.
In this paper we study the effect of phonon scattering on the performance of monolayer (1L) MoS2 and WSe2 n-MOSFETs. Material properties of the channel are evaluated using the local density approximation (LDA) in density functional theory (DFT) using the Perdew–Zunger (PZ) exchange correlation. Thereafter using our in-house non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) simulator, we study the effect of phonon scattering on the performance of such devices. Individual contributions of the different phonon modes to the scattering and the effect of varying channel length of the device on performance parameters such as ON current, ballisticity, intrinsic delay time and transconductance are studied in detail. It is found that performance of WSe2 devices are less impacted by phonon scattering compared to the MoS2 counterparts.
Dr. A. Sengupta thanks DST, Govt. of India, for the DST INSPIRE Faculty award. (Grant No. DST/INSPIRE/04/2013/000108).