We have performed simulations of dispersion relations for surface acoustic waves in two-dimensional phononic crystal by the finite elements method (FEM) and by the plane wave method (PWM). Considered medium is a thin nickel layer on a silicon single crystal (001) surface. The nickel film is decorated with cylindrical holes of the depth equal to the nickel film thickness arranged in a square lattice. We have obtained full bandgaps for the surface waves propagating in the medium of particular range of filling factor and layer thickness. The width of the bandgap had reached over 500[MHz] for the sample of the lattice constant 500[nm] and is sufficient for experimental design.
Properties of elastic waves are particularly interesting in periodic media, characterized by periodic spatial distribution of density and elasticity coefficients. In such periodic media, a number of phenomena analogous to the behaviour of matter waves (electrons) in a periodic potential, described in terms of the band model, take place. Elastic waves propagate in the form of Bloch waves so that the vector of deformation is periodic in the reciprocal lattice,
Because of the facility of their production, the most often studied phononic crystals are one- and two-dimensional ones, which means that the media are periodic in one or two dimensions,4 while in the other directions the medium is homogeneous. Literature gives information on investigation of bulk waves5 and surface waves6 in the media containing cylinders in a periodic lattices of different symmetries. Full energy gaps have been obtained thanks to a high acoustic contrast between the materials,7 rotation of the elasticity tensors of the cylinders,5,6 taking into account piezoelectric properties8–10 or by making use of local resonance effect.1,12–14 The most often used simulation methods are that of finite elements, that of finite differences2,15 and that of plane waves.11,15 The results obtained by computation have been verified by experiments.12,16–18
In this paper, propagation of surface waves in a two-dimensional phononic crystal is simulated by the finite elements method (FEM) and plane waves method (PWM). The medium, (Fig. 1), is an elastic half-space limited by a free surface x3 = −h and is made of an anisotropic nickel film of the thickness h deposited on the (001) surface of silicon crystal. The nickel film is decorated with cylindrical holes of the depth equal to the nickel film thickness (h) and the radius r, arranged with the symmetry axis along the x3 direction in a square lattice of the lattice constant a. The ratio of the volume taken by the holes to that taken by nickel is described by the filling factor f = πr2/a2. The aim of the study was the check for the presence of acoustic bandgaps in such a medium at the border of the first Brillouin zone as a function of the filling factor.
A. Plane wave method
The method of plane waves is based on the assumption that a solution of the wave equation in a periodic medium, the Bloch wave, can be found by a set of plane waves. For the surface waves in a periodic structure, this method has been described in detail by Tanaka and Tamura19 for cylinders of infinite depths. The system studied in our work is made of a silicon substrate coated with a thin nickel film of the height h with a periodic lattice of holes.
The solution of the equation of motion
The vector
In order to obtain the dispersion relation, the generalized eigenproblem, obtained from the equation of motion, should be solved (see Appendix A):20
with respect to λ and separately for the film and for the substrate. In this way we obtain a set of solutions in the form:
Where Xl = Cl for the film and Xl = Sl for the substrate, while
The set is satisfied if the matrix M determinant becomes zero. These solutions identify the pairs (
In order to check the dynamics of a continuous medium by the method of plane waves, a special application in C++ language was written. The calculations were performed using the libraries GSL and Linpack. In fact PWM is addressed to the systems of solid state- solid state and when applied to liquids it gives unreal results - transverse vibrations. However, it is possible to simulate the structures in which the cylinders are filled with vacuum by choosing the parameters to meet the condition ρ/cij → 0.21,22
To carry out PWM calculations, the Fourier series should be limited to a finite number of terms. For our simulations we chose n = 169 terms to reproduce the medium, which was enough to get convergent results.
B. Finite element method
To perform simulation with the help of FEM, the acoustic module from the COMSOL Multiphysics program was used. The method is based on separation of the medium into small elements in which it is possible to approximate the solution of wave equation by a linear function, which permits a transformation of the differential equation into a set of algebraic equations.23 To get a dispersion relation the following steps are taken:
Bloch theorem is applied according to which it is possible to restrict the calculations to a single elementary cell,
The depth of the elementary cell must be at least equal to the depth of the medium penetration by a surface wave,
The bottom surface of the elementary cell is blocked as
$\vec{u}=0$,The surface waves are distinguished from other solutions by requirement that the geometric centre of vibrations is above 30% of the cell height, counted from the free surface.
As the depth of the surface wave penetration is proportional to its length, we have to omit the calculations near the centre of Brillouin zone as the cell must be very high near this centre, which extends the time of calculations and the results do not bring significant information. Moreover, the polarization of the surface waves is described by the parameter
Θ = 0 stands for the polarization in the sagittal plane (containing the wave vector and the vector normal to the free surface), while Θ = 1 stands for the polarization in the horizontal plane (Fig. 2).
The energy of surface wave can be permanently bound to the free surface only apart from the so-called sound cone,24 defined by the curve of the slowest bulk wave on the dispersion relation. This curve corresponds to the frequency of wave propagating in the plane parallel to the surface: ω|| = vk||, where
For silicon without the nickel film and with the holes making a square lattice on the surface, no bandgap was obtained for surface waves.13 The same results was obtained for the structure of holes in the surface of crystalline nickel. Thus, we have decided to study the dispersion relations and acoustic bandgaps for the system of a square lattice of holes in a nickel layer on silicon crystal surface. The starting point of the simulations was the system of a uniform layer of nickel on silicon, and then the presence of holes was taken into account.
A. A homogeneous thin nickel film
Fig. 3(a) presents the dispersion relation for surface waves for a homogeneous nickel film on silicon (001) surface with a sound cone, defined by the velocity of the slowest transverse bulk wave in silicon. On the surface of the homogeneous nickel film there is not only Rayleigh's wave but also Sezawa wave - a generalized Rayleigh's wave, both polarized in the sagittal plane, and a transverse horizontal Love's wave. The presence of these waves is characteristic for a thin film of acoustic impedance greater than that of the substrate.25 As shown in the inset of Fig. 3(a), the velocity of Rayleigh's wave decreases with increasing thickness h of the nickel film (and increasing wavevector k), from the value characteristic of pure silicon to that characteristic of pure nickel. The velocities of Sezawa and Love waves also decrease and these waves occur in the limited range of kh, outside which they are coupled with bulk modes. Fig. 3(b) presents full dispersion relation in the reduced zone scheme. In the Γ → M, or [110] direction there are only two surface waves the Rayleigh's one and Love's one, along with a pseudo-surface wave (inside the sound cone). In the Γ → X and X → M directions all three surface modes propagate.
Because of the necessity of settling an appropriate height of the elementary cell in the FEM, the depth of surface waves penetration were determined for kh = 1 and kh = 0.34 (compare with Fig. 3(a)) in the [100] direction (Figs. 4 and 5). The Sezawa wave amplitude for kh = 0.34 (Fig. 5(c)) is nonzero even at a long distance from the surface because it is coupled with the bulk wave and its energy is emitted towards the inside of the medium. Apart from the above, at a distance of 1.5 of the wavelength, the amplitudes of surface waves almost disappear. Thus, the height of the elementary cell in the simulations was assumed as 1.5 of the wavelength at the smallest
B. Periodic structure in the nickel film
In order to determine the effect of a periodic lattice of cylindrical holes, the simulations of dispersion relations were made for different thicknesses of the nickel film h and different hole filling factors. For low filling factors as well as for a thick nickel film no acoustic bandgaps were found. Fig. 6 presents the dispersion relations for f = 0.6 and h/a = 0.3, h/a = 0.4 obtained by the method of plane waves and the method of finite elements. For a film with a periodic structure there are - among others - two surface modes polarized in the sagittal plane and a surface transverse horizontal mode. For a sufficiently high filling factor the full acoustic bandgap appears for surface waves (shaded area in Fig. 6).
The positions and widths of full bandgap versus the filling factor for h/a = 0.2, h/a = 0.3 and h/a = 0.4 are shown in Fig. 7. As follows from the figure, the position of the bandgap is shifted towards lower frequencies with increasing film thickness, maintaining the same lattice constant. The width of the bandgap in general increases with increasing filling factor, but irregularly because of the appearance of additional plane resonance bands for the large radius holes, as the regions between the holes act as resonance cavities for the waves of certain frequencies.21 For a particular lattice constant of 500[nm] the bandgap is in the range of hundreds of megahertz, e.g. it reaches 540[MHz] for thickness of a nickel layer of 150[nm] and a radius of holes of 240[nm].
For films of thicknesses from outside the range 0.2a ÷ 0.4a, bandgap also occurs but its width is much smaller than ones we showed. Moreover, it appear for the filling factor from a much narrower range.
Full bandgaps have been obtained for the surface waves propagating in the medium made of a thin nickel film with a periodic lattice of holes supported on silicon substrate. Such a structure is relatively simple to be obtained by lithographic methods. The width of the bandgaps had reached over 500[MHz] for the sample of the lattice constant 500[nm], which would permit experimental verification of the results by high-resolution Brillouin spectroscopy.
The results obtained by the two methods applied are consistent. On the other hand, in contrast to the finite element methods, the use of the plane wave method would not permit the investigation of more complex structures, e.g. multilayer systems in the aspect studied. This is a consequence of numerical technique limitation because of the necessity of work with large size matrices.15
We would like to thank Mr Bartlomiej Graczykowski for support in PWM and Comsol Multiphysics calculations.
The terms
The set of equations is defined by the following expressions obtained on the basis of the assumed boundary conditions:
The upper indices S and B refer to the film and the substrate, while