177Lu is used in medical research for various radiotheragnostic applications in nuclear medicine because of its various isotope properties. In this paper, we calculated the cross sections and production yields of the Lu isotope from different reactions X+176,174Lu and X+176Lu in energy levels from 0.001 to 100 MeV by using TALYS-1.96 and EMPIRE-3.2.2. Although n, d, and t reactions show an outstanding cross-section performance, α and t reactions show very impactful integral yield data. For the potential outcomes, these estimates are analyzed by comparing them to TENDL-2019 and EMPIRE-3.2.2.
Radionuclide therapy uses open sources of radiotherapeutic agents. It is rapidly emerging as an essential part of nuclear medicine, primarily due to the development of a diversity of sophisticated molecular carriers.1 The targeted radiotherapy (TRT) with its ability to deliver the radiation dose preferably to cancer cells is a quickly developing modality of cancer treatment and treatment of other pathological conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
In recent years, the interest in Lu-177 in nuclear medicine has grown tremendously.2 Its attractive decay characteristics and the emission of both low-energy β-rays and ɣ-rays upon decay allow for simultaneous imaging and radionuclide therapy.3,4 The nuclear properties of 177Lu are very advantageous compared to other therapeutic radionuclides, e.g., 90Y.5
The half-life of 177Lu is T1/2 = 6.659 days, which may be required for the use of more sophisticated procedures for the radiolabel and purification of 177Lu-labeled radiopharmaceuticals, as well as for performing quality control and administration. The physical half-life of Lu-177, which is relatively long, minimizes decay losses. The maximum β energy of 498 keV of 177Lu and average energy of 130 keV provide the short-range 0.2–0.25 mm, which is effective in destroying small malignant tumors with less damage to healthy cells.1,2,5,6
Therefore, the low exposure to gamma rays is caused by the low energy and emission probability of the main transitions: 112 keV (6.17 ± 0.08)% and 208 keV (10.36 ± 007%). This gamma emission is suitable for direct imaging by gamma scintigraphy cameras, thus eliminating the need for a surrogate such as 111ln.5,7
Symphonic improvement may occur with 177Lu-labeled somatostatin analogs that have been used for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRPT) on the neuroendocrine tumours (NET).8 The gamma lines are suitable for imaging the in vivo localization with a gamma camera, which is much more effective on SPECT single photon emission computed tomography.9
The chemical characteristics of Lu3+ are suitable for peptide and protein radiolabeling by attachment of a bi-functional cleating agent (BFCA) through a metabolically resistant covalent bond, which may be important for positron emission tomography (PET) already used in many clinics.10–12
The Food Drug and Authority (FDA) approve 177Lu for use in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs) in Jan-2018.13,14
Two methods may be used to produce Lu-177:15
Neutron irradiation of the target material continuum 176Lu is called the direct method.
Neutron irradiation of the target materials containing ytterbium-176 is called the indirect method.
The direct production route is based on the 1/v (where v is the velocity of the neutron) behavior of the radiative capture cross section of 176Lu in the thermal neutron region where the resonance is strong at about 0.1413 eV.5,6,16
Data prediction of neutron radiative capture cross section σo = 2090 ± 70b at the Vo = 2200 ms−1 and Io = 4.7.1,5,15,16
As an alternative route, 176Yb(nth, ɣ) 177Yb, the product 177Yb (T1/2 = 1.9 h) decays by β− to Lu-177. The drawback of this production modality is that it requires the chemical separation of 177Lu from the 176Yb target, resulting in an excessive amount of time, complexity, and costs.
This work will help to comprehend the prospects of production routes of the radioisotopes from their element in the target. To realize the reliability of the calculation, evaluations were analyzed with the calculation by EMPIRE 3.2.2 and TENDL-2019 data for some probable reactions.
As the paper deals with the enumeration of integral yield, first, we have to determine the production cross sections. The computer based simulation programs TALYS-1.95 (Linux) and EMPIRE (Windows) have been used for determining the production cross sections. The thick target integration yield can be determined easily by the following formula at the incident energy in a laboratory system Ein (MeV),17
where NA (mol−1) is Avogadro’s constant, Ap is the mass number of the projectile, AT (g mol−1) is the mass number of the target, σ(E) is the cross section, and S(E) is the stopping power.
The average energy loss of projectiles by the atomic collisions as a function of their energy in (MeV/cm) is known as stopping power. To determine the stopping power, we can use the Bethe–Bloch theorem,
Here, dE/dx is the stopping power in (MeV/cm), ρ is the mass density in (g/cm3), Z is the target charge number, zp is the projectile charge number, and β represents a beam particle at the relative velocity.
TALYS is a computer code system for analyzing basic scientific experiments or generating nuclear data for applications. It can provide the simulation of nuclear reactions that involve neutrons, photons, protons, deuterons, tritons, and 3 He- and alpha-particles, in the 1 KeV to 200 MeV energy range accurately.17–19 TALYS can generate nuclear data for all open reaction channels on user-defined energy and angle grid, beyond the resonance region. TALYS 1.95 has been used with the GNU FORTRAN compiler in the Linux Ubuntu operating system. The FORTRAN compiler is a modular system of reaction codes used for model and data evaluation of nuclear reactions. TALYS-1.95 has been used for calculating the production cross section and irradiation yield of medical isotopes in this paper.
EMPIRE 3.2.3
EMPIRE is a modular system of nuclear reaction codes comprising various nuclear models designed for calculations over a broad range of energies and incident particles, says Herman. It can be used for simulation of nuclear reactions while the projectile can be neutrons, photons, protons, deuterons, tritons, and 3 He- and alpha-particles in the energy range ∼keV and goes up to several hundred MeV for heavy-ion induced reactions.20–22 It can also provide a full ENDF-6 formatted file and comparison plots with automatically retrieved experimental data. We used EMPIRE 3.2.3 for determining the cross section only; thus, we can evaluate our data with the exfor library data and calculated data of TALYS-1.95.
Among the reactions, 176Yb(t, 2n)177Lu, 176Yb(d, p)177Lu, and 176Yb(α, p3n)177Lu show a very notable production cross section. Production cross sections have been determined for the reactions shown in the figure where different light beams including proton, neutron, deuteron, triton, 3He, and alpha-particle were used as a projectile.
The cross section was calculated by using TALYS-1.95 and EMPIRE 3.2.3. The production cross section by the TALYS data is tabulated in Table I. The EMPIRE cross section data have been consigned to the graph to make the evaluation more accurate. Yb and Lu were considered as targets, and the following beam parameters were used: particle beam current 1.0 mA, area of the thick target 10.0 cm, irradiation time 24 h, and target cooling time 24 h. We have used the nuclear data library EXFOR to obtain the experimental data. The comparisons are made between the calculated and experimental excitation functions.
Reaction . | σmax (MB) . | Eσmax (MeV) . | Threshold En (MeV) . |
174Yb(α, pn)177Lu | 1.700 | 35 | 9.640 |
176Yb(d, p)177Lu | 76.677 | 10 | 0 |
176Yb(d, n)177Lu | 9.206 | 15 | 0 |
176Yb(p, γ)177Lu | 0.129 | 09 | 0 |
176Yb(t, 2n)177Lu | 203.579 | 10 | 2.336 11 |
176Yb(α, p3n)177Lu | 29.026 | 50 | 13.938 8 |
176Yb(3He, p2n)177Lu | 7.111 | 25 | 0 |
176Yb(n, γ)177Yb → 177Lu | 42.745 | 1.2 | 0 |
176Lu(n, γ)177Lu | 118.314 | 1.0 | 0 |
Reaction . | σmax (MB) . | Eσmax (MeV) . | Threshold En (MeV) . |
174Yb(α, pn)177Lu | 1.700 | 35 | 9.640 |
176Yb(d, p)177Lu | 76.677 | 10 | 0 |
176Yb(d, n)177Lu | 9.206 | 15 | 0 |
176Yb(p, γ)177Lu | 0.129 | 09 | 0 |
176Yb(t, 2n)177Lu | 203.579 | 10 | 2.336 11 |
176Yb(α, p3n)177Lu | 29.026 | 50 | 13.938 8 |
176Yb(3He, p2n)177Lu | 7.111 | 25 | 0 |
176Yb(n, γ)177Yb → 177Lu | 42.745 | 1.2 | 0 |
176Lu(n, γ)177Lu | 118.314 | 1.0 | 0 |
It is not possible to draw all the graphs in a single figure. As (d, p), (d, n), and (t, 2n) reactions were starting above 6 MeV, they decreased after 15 MeV and finished at almost 30 MeV, and thus, these reactions are shown in the same figure; although the (h, t) reaction was starting above 15 MeV, it was added. The existing experimental reactions have a plot in the same figure, as they started with a higher value and finished by almost 10 MeV (Fig. 1).
The integral yield for the 176Yb (a, p2n) reaction is plotted in different figures. As it started with a higher energy level above 30 MeV, it could not be consigned in the same figure, but for comparison with the other reaction, 28 energy points are taken.
Production for 177Lu from Yb and 176Lu
Different isotopes of Yb have the natural abundance: 168Yb (0.126%), 170Yb (3.023%), 171Yb (14.216%), 172Yb (21.754%), 173Yb (16.098%), 174Yb (31.896%), and 176Yb (12.887%). Among these, medically important isotope 177Lu can be produced from 174Yb and 176Yb using n, d, p, t, 3He, and α particle beams. Hence, in the current work, cross sections of nimble light particle induced 174,176Yb and 176Lu reactions were checked for the production of 177Lu. The maximum production cross sections with the corresponding incident particle energies are tabulated in Table I.
The existing experimental method for producing 177Lu is based on the neutron induced reaction (at.). There are two processes, which can produce 177Lu, one is called the direct process by bombarding 176Lu and the other is called the indirect process, which first produces 177Yb and then, by beta decay, produces 177Lu. 176Yb(n, γ)177Yb → 177Lu and 176Lu(n, γ) → 177Lu both reactions occur at zero threshold energy with the highest production cross section value σmax = 42.7458 MB at 1.2 MeV and σmax = 118.314 MB at 1 MeV.
The deuteron induced 176Yb reaction can produce 177Lu in two paths: the direct process and the indirect process. The direct process and the indirect process of deuteron induced reaction, e.g., 176Yb(d, n)177Lu and 176Yb(d, p)177Yb → 177Lu, respectively, have shown non-zero cross section values. Although both reactions take place at zero threshold energy, the peak values of the cross section are different. The direct process has maximum ranges of cross section between 6 and 7 MB; on the other-hand, the indirect process has maximum ranges of a cross section between 40 and 60 MB, which means that the (d, p) reaction has almost nine times better production cross section than the (d, n) reaction for 177Lu.
The proton induced reaction on the 176Yb isotope has not shown promising production cross sections. The production cross section has maximum ranges between 0.12 and 0.19 MB.
The triton-induced reaction for the 176Yb isotope has cross section values for 177Lu, and it has shown very notable results with respect to the existential experimental reactions. The peak value of the production cross section is σmax = 203.579 MB at 10 MeV with the 2.34 MeV threshold energy, which is almost two times better than that of the neutron induced reaction.
The lowest value, but consign in this study, was from the 3He induced reaction. It also produces cross sections for 177Lu at the energy level above 15 MeV whereas the maximum reactions start from 5 MeV. Although the 176Yb(3He, p2n) → 177Lu reaction shows non-zero cross section values, it is very low in comparison to others.
Alpha induced reactions for 174Yb and 176Yb isotopes have production cross sections for 177Lu. Among the alpha reactions, 176Yb has the maximum cross section σmax. The 176Yb(α, p3n) → 177Lu reaction has a threshold energy of 13.939 MeV, and the maximum cross section reaches σmax = 29.0266 MB at 10 MeV. On the other-hand, 174Yb(α, p) → 177Lu has the range of 1.2–1.4 MB at above 30 MeV. As the 174Yb reaction has a very low cross section value, it has been plotted in a different figure.
The yield for 177Lu production has also been diagnosed for the same reactions with a decent cross section value. The production yield of 177Lu from different isotopes Yb and Lu has been enumerated for different projectiles. We cannot determine the yield for the neutron induced reaction by TALYS-1.95 because the isotope production is not yet enabled for incident photons and neutrons in TALYS-1.95. The maximum production yield has been found for the 176Yb(d, p)177Yb → 177Lu reaction and the 176Yb(α, p3n) → 177Lu reaction. The 176Yb(t, 2n) → 177Lu reaction and the 176Yb(d, n) → 177Lu reaction are in the second and third positions, respectively. We have not determined the yield for 176Yb(p, γ) → 177Lu, 176Yb(3He, p2n) → 177Lu, and 174Yb(α, p) → 177Lu because they could not have cross section over 7 MB.
The integral yield vs energy curves is shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). The enumeration of the integral yield for 177Lu production was measured up to 30 MeV except for the 176Yb(α, p3n) → 177Lu reaction. For more accuracy, the cross sections are compared with the EMPIRE and TENDL-2017 data. The comparison is shown in Figs. 3(a) and 3(c). The EMPIRE calculation gives a lower cross section than the TALYS-1.95.
We added different isotopes of 176Lu to evaluate the existence method through our theoretical calculation. The reactions are shown in Fig. 3(b) for the existance method. It started with the maximum values less than 0–1 MeV, then decreased, and lowered at almost 8 MeV. Although it increases a little, finally, it again falls by 15 MeV. The direct process has shown a more steep figure than the indirect process. 174Yb(α, pn) → 177Lu and 176Yb(p, γ) → 177Lu reactions show very low production cross section values; on the other hand, the 176Yb(α, p3n) → 177Lu reaction shows promising data with the higher energy over 30 MeV. Hence, they are plotted in different figures, as shown in Figs. 3(a)–3(d).
The calculation of the production cross section of the therapeutically imperative isotope 177Lu from Yb and Lu with the interaction of different light beams has been shown where the targeted isotopes are 174,176Yb and 176Lu. The production of cross sections of some Lu isotopes from the interaction of the isotope of Yb and Lu has been compared with various projectiles as presented in the graphs. The production yield has been calculated, and the integral yield against the energy has been plotted and evaluated in such a way that possible routes for the processing of Lu isotopes can be seen. The EXFOR Nuclear Data Library was used to collect the experimental data, and distinctions have been created between measured and practical functions. To make the estimation more accurate, the prediction of certain possible responses was assessed using the data of EMPIRE 3.2.2 and TENDL-2019. 176Yb(d, p), 176Yb(α, p3n), 176Yb(d, n), and 176Yb(t, 2n) reactions show auspicious data for producing 177Lu, and the relationship between the integral yields shows that the various possible routes for the Lu isotope can be seen in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b).
This work was supported by Abul Khaer Mohammad Rezaur Rahman’s Lab at the Department of Physics, University of Chittagong, Chattagram, Bangladesh.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
A. K. M. Rezaur Rahman: Conceptualization (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Resources (lead); Supervision (equal); Visualization (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Rifat Amin: Conceptualization (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (lead); Methodology (equal); Software (equal); Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The data that support the findings of this study are available within the article.