We present a single-electron device for the manipulation of charge states via quantum interference in nanostructured electrodes. Via self-inductance effects, we induce two independent magnetic fluxes in the electrodes and we demonstrate sensitivity to single charge states and magnetic field at variable temperature. Moreover, our approach allows us to demonstrate local and independent control of the single-particle conductance between nano-engineered tunnel junctions in a fully superconducting quantum interference single-electron transistor, thereby increasing the flexibility of our single-electron transistors. Our devices show a robust modulation of the current-to-flux transfer function via control currents while exploiting the single-electron filling of a mesoscopic superconducting island. Further applications of the device concept to single charge manipulation and magnetic-flux sensing are also discussed.
Superconducting nanoelectronics has continuously grown in the last few decades as a flexible and promising platform for the implementation of quantum-based sensors1–3 and quantum-state manipulating circuits,4,5 with particular attention to interference based superconducting devices6 and mesoscopic structures where single charges play dominant roles.7,8 Different geometries can be easily combined with standard nanolithography techniques,9 opening the field to complex and robust devices embedding multiple control lines and tunable working points in the parameter space. As a consequence, superconducting nanoelectronics technology represents an exceptional research platform for condensed-matter quantum physics experiments as well as for scalable quantum computing10 and photonics applications.11
Normal-metal,12 hybrid,13 or fully superconducting14 single-electron devices—fabricated by the shadow-mask technique9—have been so far one of the research topics where nanofabrication technology excelled, leading to device concepts where the detection of charge states approaching their coherent superposition15 has been routinely reached. While rather complex single-electron systems based on local electrical gating have been demonstrated,16 the on-chip tunability of their electrodes’ carrier population has been limited to the semiconductor nanowires17 and the 2D-electron-gas based technologies,18 where clear manipulation of Coulomb blockade effects has only been allowed via strong electric fields.
Nano-engineered superconducting electrodes8 introduce an alternative control parameter, the magnetic flux, that can act on the population of quasiparticle charge carriers19 via quantum interference.1 Short metallic nanowires have been embedded in superconducting loops7 leaving enough space to be coupled to a Coulombic island through mesoscopic tunnel junctions. The present technology, which is mostly based on aluminum tunnel junctions, is then further extended by an unprecedented level of control and flexibility offered by localized magnetic fluxes. Various approaches exploiting these phenomena demonstrated state-of-the-art magnetic flux sensing capabilities2,3,20 and single charge state manipulation8 but still lack for on-chip control.
Here, we demonstrate that two local magnetic fluxes can be used to manipulate the electrode density of states of a fully superconducting quantum interference single-electron transistor (SQUISET) and to efficiently modify its electron transport properties. In particular, we show how the typical Coulomb energy of the island can be controlled by the quasiparticle spectra of the source and drain electrodes by exploiting self-inductance effects.
A prototypical device is depicted in Fig. 1. A superconducting island is connected to the source and drain electrodes via tunnel junctions. Both source and drain consist of a superconducting nanowire embedded in a superconducting loop. Each ring has two contact pads for the injection of the source–drain current and the currents for the independent control of the fluxes. The entire structure is realized via three-angle-deposition (42°/20°/0°) of aluminum (15/20/100 nm) through a suspended mask on a Si/SiO2 (300 nm thick oxide) substrate [see Fig. 1(a)]. The polymeric mask has been obtained via electron beam lithography, whereas thin film deposition has been performed via electron beam evaporation. Tunnel junctions were created between the first and the second deposition step by oxygen exposure (5 × 10−2 mbar for 5 min). One of the tunnel junctions across the nanowire and the island is visible in the inset of Fig. 1(a). The device configuration defines three main current paths IS, ID, and ISD. The first two act as control currents flowing along parts of the source and drain loops, while the last is the effective current flowing through the Coulombic island [Fig. 1(b)]. The entire chip is pierced by a uniform magnetic field, B, generated by an external magnet inducing a flux ΦB = in both the identical loops of area A. The combined effect of B and the local currents gives rise to two magnetic fluxes at the source and drain loops, ΦS = ΦB + and ΦD = ΦB + , respectively. MS and MD are the self-inductances, while mS and mD are the mutual inductances between opposite loops. The electrodes are biased via an external voltage source (VSD), and the island is exposed to a control electric field via a capacitively coupled gate that induces nG = CGVG/e quantized charges, with CG being the gate–island capacitance, VG the gate voltage, and e the electron charge. This device architecture is designed to act essentially as a fully superconducting single-electron transistor21,22 with two identical tunnel junctions (total series resistance RT ≈ 1.75 MΩ). In the absence of a magnetic field, this is confirmed by the differential conductance stability diagram in Fig. 1(c) clearly showing the effect of the charging energy, evaluated to be EC = 75 μeV from the Coulomb diamonds and confirmed by the Josephson-quasiparticle peaks (JQPs).14,22–25 In particular, dark and sharp JQP conductance peaks clearly visible in the blocked region of Figs. 1(c) and 1(d) are unaffected by the small magnetic field applied since they depend on the island superconducting gap ΔI and EC only. Therefore, from the JQPs, we have estimated ΔI ≈ 216 μeV. When the SQUISET is uniformly pierced by B, the condition ΦS = ΦD = ΦB = Φ0/2 can be reached, as shown in Fig. 1(d), and the superconducting gaps of the two nanowires are reduced to their minimum via quantum interference. This effect can be appreciated by the reduction of the voltage threshold separating the conducting region, where the transport is dominated by quasiparticle tunneling and not JQP cycles, with respect to the blocked one [V1 = 2ΔI + ΔS,0 + ΔD,0 in Figs. 1(c) and V2 = 2ΔI + ΔS,1/2 + ΔD,1/2 in Fig. 1(d)]. It is worth mentioning here that V1 and V2 have been selected as reference thresholds, for which the independence by the charging energy EC is guaranteed by their position with respect to the Coulomb diamonds. From there, the zero magnetic field and the Φ0/2 superconducting gaps of the electrodes have been deduced (ΔS,0 = ΔD,0 ≈ 235 μeV and ΔS,1/2 = ΔD,1/2 ≈ 84 μeV). The effect of local magnetic flux biasing via IS and ID is shown in Fig. 2, where the source–drain current ISD is monitored at fixed bias VSD = V1 as a function of the currents flowing in the loops. The non-symmetrical behavior shown in Fig. 2 suggests an asymmetry in the dynamical conductance of the two tunnel junctions involved. From the analysis of maxima and minima fitted positions in this diagram, represented by quasi-orthogonal light green dashed lines, it is possible to observe and quantify the effect of the self-inductances, giving MS = 0.69Φ0/mA and MD = 0.87Φ0/mA. From these estimates, the cross-influence of the flux control lines turns out to be almost negligible (mS,D < 0.05Φ0/mA) and the electrode quasiparticle density of states are almost independently tunable by IS and ID, respectively. In order to further investigate the effect of an independent flux biasing via local effects, we have performed temperature series measurements that confirm the single charge sensitivity of our device up to T = 700 mK [Fig. 3(a)]. There, a symmetrical magnetic flux biasing condition via B respects the periodical modulation of the source–drain current when the device is biased at VSD = V1. It is worth mentioning that experimental data reported in Fig. 3 are affected by unavoidable background charge as commonly occurs in single charge sensitive devices. These offsets were removed by referring to the nG normalized quantized induced charge value, whose zero is centered in one of the ISD minima. By exploiting this evidence, we proceeded investigating the effect of local magnetic and electrical gating at T = 700 mK and two different magnetic fields leading to ΦB = 0 and ΦB = Φ0/2 [see Fig. 3(b)]. There, the periodical and asymmetrical dependence of ISD on nG reflects the unbalanced condition of the electrode superconducting gaps that affects the conductance of the tunnel junctions, with clear similarities to the behavior reported in Fig. 3(a). Triangular regions in the nG–IS plane, corresponding to the maximum ISD current, are shifted and expanded from the ISMS = Φ0/2 condition (when no external magnetic field is applied) to IS = 0 when a uniform magnetic flux offset is introduced (ΦB = Φ0/2). Analogously, semi-circular regions corresponding to blockaded regions of almost zero ISD current are shrunk and shifted around the ISMS = Φ0/2 condition. The mechanism of unbalanced response to the magnetic field is analyzed in detail in Fig. 4(a), where we report the evolution of the flux-modulated current (ISD) at different IS values. ISD presents sharp and periodic peaks on top of broader peaks. The latter are controlled by IS, which induces their gradual separation. Yet, the sharp structures depend only on ID, while their sharpness stems from the asymmetry existing between local conductances of the source and drain tunnel junctions.26 The S’ISIS” structure of our device expresses here strong asymmetrical behavior with respect to the symmetrical geometry, simply due to the local action of unbalancing flux given by self-inductance effects. Sharp peaks at ΦB = Φ0/2 are independent with respect to the current IS and can be attributed to the island–drain junction, confirming the negligible correlation between the two flux control lines of our device. The wider plateau of ISD can be shifted along the ΦB axis at will by acting on the IS current. These plateaus are clearly wider with respect to the sharp peaks of the island–drain junction due to the asymmetric voltage bias of the circuit [see Fig. 1(b)]. In order to quantify the flux-to-current transfer function, we show in Fig. 4(b) the numerical derivative of ISD with respect to ΦB. Double peaked transfer functions reflect the role of the two different superconducting gaps; moreover, the effect of the flux bias via IS can be exploited to further increment the responsiveness of our device to the magnetic flux variation. As an example, when ISMS = 0.22Φ0, the two negative peaks collapse in one and effectively enhance the transfer function from |dISD/dΦB| ≈ 1.6 nA/Φ0 to |dISD/dΦB| ≈ 3.2 nA/Φ0. Eventually, non-negative responsiveness can be induced around ΦB = 0 when 0.22Φ0 < ISMS < 0.33Φ0. The high responsiveness of the SQUISET to the magnetic field is a consequence of the Coulombic island enhancing the transfer function by acting as an energy filter27 for the intermediate charge states involved in the transport processes. This flexible configuration confirms potential application of dynamical conductance-enhanced sensitivity to magnetic field variations in double-junction system embedding quantum interference based electrodes.
In summary, we have reported the fabrication and characterization of a fully superconducting SQUISET demonstrating local manipulation of charge and magnetic flux sensing via independent current and voltage control lines. We have discussed in detail the dependencies on the external magnetic field, gate voltage, flux bias currents, and temperature, which is possible due to the multiple-electrode design of the device. On one side, this proof-of-concept device opens up to an unprecedented tool to superconducting charge control, with quantum interference based nanostructured electrodes, to be used in quantum electronics4 and metrology.18,28,29 Moreover, straightforward integration with present quantum technologies10 based on aluminum nanostructures is worth considering. On the other side, the enhanced and flexible sensitivity to magnetic fields envisages our device concept for the implementation of energy-filtered27 single charge magnetometers.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Compagnia di San Paolo for financial support to NanoFacility Piemonte at INRIM. They also thank G. Amato, L. Callegaro, and I. Mendes for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the INRiM “IBC-QuBit”—Seed Project. E.S. and F.G. acknowledge financial support from ERC Grant Agreement No. 615187—COMANCHE. F.G. acknowledges the Royal Society through the International Exchanges between the UK and Italy (Grant No. IESR3 170054). The work of F.G. was partially funded by the Tuscany Region under Grant No. FARFAS 2014 project SCIADRO.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.