The electronic state of single crystals of CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 and CePt2Cd20 has been studied by measuring the electrical resistivity ρ and specific heat C. We found that by substituting Zn with Cd, the lattice parameter expands, and the electronic specific heat coefficient γ and A coefficient, which is T2-term in ρ, are enhanced. Our experimental results reveal that the electronic state of the intermediate valence compound CeIr2Zn20 changes to a moderately heavy fermion state due to the negative chemical pressure. On the other hand, C and ρ of CePt2Cd20 show a clear jump and an abrupt change of slope below 0.3 K, respectively, due to a magnetic transition. The relation between the hybridization strength and Ce valence state has also been investigated by X-ray absorption experiment.
CeT2X20 (T: transition metals, X=Al, Zn, Cd) crystallizes in the cubic CeCr2Al20 type crystal structure. In these systems, the ground state of 4f electron in Ce atom strongly depends on X atom. For example, CeT2Al20 show the paramagnetic ground state with a temperature independent and small magnetic susceptibility,1 while CeIr2Zn20 and CeRu2Zn20 exhibit an intermediate valence state and heavy fermion state, respectively.2–4 The localized character of the 4f electrons has been observed in CeT2Cd20, showing a Curie-Weiss type magnetic susceptibility at low temperatures.5,6 The hybridization strength between the 4f electron and conduction electrons gets weaker in the order of X=Al, Zn, and Cd, where the lattice parameters for X=Al, Zn, and Cd are approximately 14.7, 14.3, and 15.6 Å.
In the present study, we controlled the hybridization strength between 4f electron and conduction electrons in the intermediate valence compound CeIr2Zn20 by substituting Zn with Cd to expand the lattice constant. The electrical resistivity ρ, and specific heat C of CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 were measured, to see if CeT2X20 approaches quantum critical point due to the substitution effect. The ground state of the Cd-rich compounds, CeT2Cd20 are not clear yet. In these CeT2Cd20 compounds, the Ce atom possesses a cubic site symmetry. The crystal electric field (CEF) potential splits the 2J + 1 degenerate states into two levels namely, a Γ7-doublet and a Γ8-quartet.7 From our low temperature specific heat measurement, we could determine the ground state of CePt2Cd20.
Additionally, the relationship between the hybridization strength and 4f valence state is one of the interesting topics of research. For example, Yb valence in YbT2Zn20 decreases with decreasing temperature and becomes constant below the Kondo temperature,8 indicating the hybridization strength. In order to study the relation between Ce valence and hybridization strength in CeT2X20, we have performed high-resolution X-ray absorption experiment using partial fluorescence yield (PFY) at Ce L3-edge.
Single crystals of CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 and CePt2Cd20 have been grown by Zn-Cd and Cd self flux method, respectively. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) display the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns of CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 and photos of corresponding single crystals, respectively. The results of PXRD reveal that all samples crystallize in the cubic CeCr2Al20 type crystal structure. The actual concentrations of Cd in CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 for x = 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 were determined to be 0.09, 0.13, and 0.16, respectively, by microprobe analysis. As x increases, the lattice parameter becomes larger and tends to saturate for x > 0.1. Here, Cd could occupy three different Zn sites of 16c, 48f, and 96g. The PXRD analyses reveal that Cd tends to occupy mainly 16c site. A similar behavior was observed in YMn2(Zn1−xInx)20.9
The electrical resistivity ρ was measured by the standard four-probe method in the temperature range from 0.8 to 300 K. The specific heat C was measured by the thermal relaxation technique using the physical properties measurement system, PPMS (Quantum Design Co. Ltd.). High-energy resolution X-ray absorption (PFY-XAS) spectra at Ce L3-edge of CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 and CePt2Cd20 were measured at BL39XU of SPring-8 by using five Ge 331 spherically-bent crystals. The PFY-XAS is obtained by using 3d − 2p resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy suppressing core-hole lifetime-broadening effect in the final states. Therefore, both Ce3+ and Ce4+ components are clearly resolved and small variation of spectrum is distinguished.
A. CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20
Figure 2(a) depicts the temperature dependence of ρ of CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20. ρ of CeIr2Zn20 shows a shoulder-like behavior around 150 K, which is consistent with the previous study.2 As x increases, the value of ρ at 300 K decreases. Simultaneously, the shoulder-like structure is shifted towards lower temperatures and for x = 0.16 is located at around 50 K. A similar behavior was observed in CeNi2(Si1−yGey)2,10 where y = 0 and 1 are intermediate valence and heavy-fermion compounds, respectively. At low temperatures, ρ(T) follows the relation, ρ = ρ0 + AT2, below a characteristic temperature TFL, as shown by solid lines in the inset of Fig. 2(a), where ρ0 is the residual resistivity, and A1/2 corresponds to the effective mass. With increasing x, A increases and TFL decreases. Similar behavior was reported in the pressure study of YbIr2Zn20.11 In the case of YbIr2Zn20, the shoulder-like structure in ρ(T) has been transformed into a peak around the critical pressure, where A is extremely enhanced and TFL is reduced to almost 0 K. Our experimental results of CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 imply that the hybridization effect becomes weaker due to the Cd substitution.
Figure 2(b) shows the specific heat divided by temperature C/T versus T2 of CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20. The solid line in Fig. 2(b) represents the curve calculated by the Debye approximation for CeIr2Zn20 expressed as C/T = γ + βT2 with γ = 35 mJ/(K2⋅mol) and β = 1.3 mJ/(K4⋅mol). The values of C/T at low temperatures, which corresponds to γ, is enhanced by substituting Zn with Cd. The enhancement of γ is consistent with the enhanced A value, as discussed above. C/T for x = 0 and 0.09 almost follows a linear relation with T2. In contrast, C/T for x = 0.13 and 0.16 deviates from linearity and exhibits a small upturn at low temperatures which is something similar to that observed in CeNi2(Si1−yGey)210 for y ≥ 0.8. In particular, CeNi2Ge2 shows a non-Fermi liquid behavior as the 4f contribution C4f/T is proportional to − ln T. In analogy with CeNi2(Si1−yGey)2, CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 might approach the quantum critical point and the upturn could be the sign of non-Fermi liquid behavior. The upturn in C/T was also explained by the Kondo model with a small Kondo temperature.12 We need to measure C(T) at lower temperatures and subtract with lattice contribution to get more insight on the upturn.
B. CePt2Cd20
Figure 3(a) shows the low temperature part of the heat capacity of CePt2Cd20 and LaPt2Cd20 along with the calculated entropy S4f on the right axis. gradually increases below 2 K with decreasing temperature, which might be due to some short-range order, and shows a clear λ-type jump at 0.3 K due to a phase transition. Correspondingly, an abrupt change of slope in ρ of CePt2Cd20 is observed at 0.26 K, as indicated by an arrow in Fig. 3(b).
The magnetic entropy S4f has been estimated from 4f contribution C4f, (not shown here for brevity). Here, we used the calculated lattice contribution below 2 K by the Debye approximation with γ = 20 mJ/(K2⋅mol) and β = 4.5 mJ/(K4⋅mol),13 as shown by the solid line in Fig. 3(a). S4f reaches almost R ln 2 at 2 K and remains almost flat up to 4 K, which implies that the ground state is the Γ7 doublet and the transition may be due to a magnetic ordering. Here, S4f at 0.1 K is determined as 0.48 J/(K⋅mol) by assuming that C4f linearly decreases toward 0 for T → 0 K. Note that the γ value of CePt2Cd20 can not be estimated correctly due to the extremely large magnetic component. However, the γ value of CePt2Cd20 should be small similar to that of CeNi2Cd20 whose γ value is 25 mJ/(K2⋅mol),5 thus indicating that the hybridization strength of CeT2Cd20 is much smaller compared to that of CeIr2Zn20.
C. X-ray absorption experiment
Figure 4(a) shows the PFY-XAS spectra for three different samples of CeIr2Zn20, CeIr2(Zn0.91Cd0.09)20, and CePt2Cd20 at 300 K. The prominent peak observed at 5.726 keV and the broad hump around 5.737 keV are assigned to 4f1(Ce3+) and 4f0(Ce4+) components, respectively. Spectral intensity of the main peak for CeIr2Zn20 seems to be enhanced by Cd substitution, while for CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 it is much smaller than that of CePt2Cd20. A similar behavior was observed in heavy fermion compounds UIr2Zn20 and UPd2Cd20, which exhibit a non-magnetic ground state and a phase transition, respectively.14,15 In the case of UPd2Cd20 a sharper peak was observed compared to that of UIr2Zn20.16 Note that since self-absorption effect, which can reflect the spectral shape, is not excluded in the present study hence the observed different spectra among CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 and CePt2Cd20 can originate not only from different hybridization strength but also from different constituent atoms.
The PFY-XAS spectrum of CePt2Cd20 does not change between 3.0 K and 300 K, as shown in Fig. 4(b). In contrast, an apparent change in spectra between 300 K and 3.0 K is detected in CeIr2Zn20 and Cd-doped one. With decreasing temperature, the main peak of 4f1 component is suppressed and the hump of 4f0 one is enhanced, thus indicating 4f0 configuration is more stable at low temperature. This result originates from thermal variation of Ce valence. A similar behavior is observed in mixed valence Kondo lattice compounds, for example, CeT2(Si1−xGex)2.17 The variation of Ce valence between two temperatures is reduced by substituting Zn with Cd, implying that a weak hybridization effect reduces the valence change. In the opposite side of weak hybridized compounds, a temperature dependent valence change is not observed in CeMo2Al20 (not shown here). The hybridization effect of CeIr2Zn20 is incidentally strong enough to observe the Ce valence change in the measured temperature range. In order to elucidate the mechanism of Ce valence change with temperature, PFY-XAS experiment for Ce compounds with a similar γ value of CeIr2Zn20 should be performed.
We succeeded in growing single crystals of CeIr2(Zn1−xCdx)20 which are confirmed to crystallize in the CeCr2Al20-type structure. The actual x values are found to be around 0.1, which are smaller than nominal x, implying that the 16c site Zn is relatively easier to substitute. The experimental results of PXRD, electrical resistivity, and specific heat reveal that the electronic state of CeIr2Zn20 changes from intermediate valence state to moderately heavy fermion state by the negative chemical pressure, indicating that the hybridization effect is suppressed by Cd substitution. It is necessary to measure low temperature C and grow crystals for x > 0.16 to look for quantum critical phenomena in the CeT2X20 system.
The low temperature specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements of CePt2Cd20 confirms a magnetic transition below 0.3 K with the Γ7 doublet ground state. This is the first compound exhibiting a clear phase transition among a series of CeT2X20.
From PFY-XAS experiment, the temperature dependent spectra are clearly observed in CeIr2Zn20, which directly correspond to thermal variation of Ce valence state. Cd substitution seems to suppress the variation of spectra between 3.0 K and 300 K. In CePt2Cd20, the spectra is almost temperature independent.
This work was carried out under the Joint-Research Program of the International Research Center for Nuclear Materials Science, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University. A.T. and R.K. thank Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for the financial assistance (Grant: DST/INT/JSPS/P-196/2015). This study was partially supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (Grant No. 15K05195) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), Japan. The PFY-XAS experiments were performed at the BL39XU of SPring-8 with the approval of the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) (Proposal Nos. 2016B1961, 2017A1857, 2017B1066, 2018A1047).