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The Discovery and Nondiscovery of Neutrinos: The Reines Cowan Experiment and the 17Kev Neutrino
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 12–23 (2007)
Physics Potential of Beta/EC Beams in regard to CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillations
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 24–34 (2007)
Robustness of solar neutrino oscillations in the presence of non‐standard physics
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 100–107 (2007)
Spatial confinement and thermal deconfinement in the Gross‐Neveu model
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 170–177 (2007)
Pierre Auger Enhancements: Transition from Galactic to Extragalactic Cosmic Ray Sources
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 210–218 (2007)
Neutrino masses and mixings in a Minimal S3‐invariant Extension of the Standard Model
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 383–389 (2007)
Stability of the Tree‐Level Vacuum in a Minimal S3 Extension of the Standard Model
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 390–393 (2007)
Upper Bound on the Hadronic Light‐by‐Light Contribution to the Muon g − 2
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 394–397 (2007)
B meson decays into charmless pseudoscalar scalar mesons
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 398–403 (2007)
Effects of charged Higgs bosons in the ντ𝒩 deep inelastic scattering within the 2HDM(II) and the UHE ντ detection
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 408–411 (2007)
Signatures of First Cosmological Structures in the CH Rotational Lines
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 412 (2007)
Λ0 Polarization In At 800‐GeV/c
J. Castorena; J. Félix; M. C. Berisso; D. C. Christian; A. Gara; E. E. Gottschalk; G. Gutiérrez; E. P. Hartouni; B. C. Knapp; M. N. Kreisler; S. Lee; K. Markianos; G. Moreno; M. A. Reyes; M. H. L. S. Wang; A. Wehmann; D. Wesson
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 413 (2007)
Rare top quark decays in Alternative Left‐Right Symmetric Models
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, 414–415 (2007)
Back Matter for Volume 917
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, backmatter (2007)
Front Matter for Volume 917
AIP Conf. Proc. 917, frontmatter (2007)
Inkjet- and flextrail-printing of silicon polymer-based inks for local passivating contacts
Zohreh Kiaee, Andreas Lösel, et al.
Design of a 100 MW solar power plant on wetland in Bangladesh
Apu Kowsar, Sumon Chandra Debnath, et al.
Effect of coupling agent type on the self-cleaning and anti-reflective behaviour of advance nanocoating for PV panels application
Taha Tareq Mohammed, Hadia Kadhim Judran, et al.