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Front Matter for Volume 877
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, frontmatter (2006)
Back Matter for Volume 877
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, backmatter (2006)
Beam Compression Experiments using the UCLA/ATF Compressor
J. B. Rosenzweig; M. Dunning; E. Hemsing; G. Andonian; A. M. Cook; A. Murokh; S. Reiche; D. Schiller; M. Babzien; K. Kusche; V. Yakimenko; L. Palumbo; C. Vicario
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 642–648 (2006)
Active RF Pulse Compression using Electrically Controlled Semiconductor Switches
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 273–279 (2006)
A Theory for the RF Surface Field for Various Metals at the Destructive Breakdown Limit
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 27–40 (2006)
Experimental Observations of Beam Fluctuations in Space‐Charge Dominated Beams
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 461–467 (2006)
Development of Dielectric‐Based High Gradient Accelerating Structures
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 303–310 (2006)
Rectangular Dielectric‐loaded Structures for Achieving High Acceleration Gradients
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 910–918 (2006)
Guiding of Laser Beams in Plasmas by Radiation Cascade Compression
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 395–401 (2006)
Corrugated Plasma Waveguides — Optical Slow Wave Structures
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 750–756 (2006)
CTR Bunch Length Measurement of Monoenergetic and Maxwellian Electron Beams from Laser Plasma Cathode
Mitsuru Uesaka; Akira Maekawa; Takeru Ohkubo; Ryosuke Tsujii; Kennichi Kinoshita; Yamazaki Atsushi; Kazuyuki Kobayashi; Yukio Shibata; Yasuhiro Kondo; Tomonao Hosokai; Alexei Zhidkov; Toshiharu Takahashi
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 799–806 (2006)
Experimental Testing of Dynamically Optimized Photoelectron Beams
J. B. Rosenzweig; A. M. Cook; M. Dunning; R. J. England; P. Musumeci; M. Bellaveglia; M. Boscolo; L. Catani; A. Cianchi; G. Di Pirro; M. Ferrario; D. Fillipetto; G. Gatti; L. Palumbo; L. Serafini; C. Vicario; S. Jones
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 649–656 (2006)
3D Analysis of Wake Field Excitation in a Dielectric Loaded Rectangular Resonator
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 888–894 (2006)
Modeling and Experiments on Injection into University of Maryland Electron Ring
G. Bai; R. A. Kishek; B. Beaudoin; S. Bernal; D. Feldman; T. Godlove; I. Haber; B. Quinn; M. Reiser; D. Sutter; M. Walter; P. G. O’Shea
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 582–589 (2006)
The LACARA Vacuum Laser Accelerator Experiment: Beam Positioning and Alignment in a Strong Magnetic Field
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 880–887 (2006)
Tomography of the Injection and Acceleration Processes of Monoenergetic Electrons in a Laser Wakefield Accelerator
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 728–734 (2006)
Phase Sensitivity of Relativistic Gyrotrons to Voltage Deviation
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 355–361 (2006)
High‐Power RF Sources for Advanced Accelerator R&D
J. L. Hirshfield; E. V. Kozyrev; M. A. LaPointe; O. A. Nezhevenko; S. V. Shchelkunov; V. P. Yakovlev
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 280–287 (2006)
Beam Dynamics in a Hybrid Standing Wave‐Traveling Wave Photoinjector
J. B. Rosenzweig; D. Alesini; A. Boni; M. Ferrario; L. Ficcadenti; A. Fukusawa; A. Mostacci; B. O’Shea; L. Palumbo; B. Spataro; V. Fusco
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 635–641 (2006)
Fast Switching Ferroelectric Materials for Accelerator Applications
A. Kanareykin; E. Nenasheva; V. Yakovlev; A. Dedyk; S. Karmanenko; A. Kozyrev; V. Osadchy; D. Kosmin; P. Schoessow; A. Semenov
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 311–319 (2006)
An Inverse Compton Scattering Radiation Source via Self‐Guiding in a Plasma
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 482–488 (2006)
Polarized Gamma‐Source Based on Compton Backscattering in a Laser Cavity
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 628–634 (2006)
High Power Experiment of X‐Band Thermionic Cathode RF Gun for Compton Scattering X‐ray Source
Fumito Sakamoto; Mitsuru Uesaka; Katsuhiro Dobashi; Tomohiko Yamamoto; De Meng; Junji Urakawa; Toshiyasu Higo; Mitsuo Akemoto; Kenichi Matsuo; Hisaharu Sakae; Masashi Yamamoto
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 657–664 (2006)
Summary Report of Working Group 3: High Energy Density Physics and Exotic Acceleration Schemes
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 147–157 (2006)
Summary Report of Working Group 1: Computational Accelerator Physics
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 131–138 (2006)
Beam Control and Steering in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)
M. Walter; G. Bai; S. Bernal; D. Feldman; T. Godlove; I. Haber; M. Holloway; R. Kishek; P. O’Shea; C. Papadopoulos; B. Quinn; M. Reiser; D. Stratakis; D. Sutter; J. Thangaraj; M. Wilson; C. Wu
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 701–706 (2006)
Laser Wakefield Acceleration of High‐Quality Electron Beams to 300 MeV and Efficient Initiation of Photonuclear Reactions
S. A. Reed; N. Naumova; C. R. Vane; J. R. Beene; S. S. Bulanov; V. Chvykov; B. Hou; G. Kalintchenko; T. Matsuoka; P. Rousseau; D. R. Schultz; D. W. Stracener; V. Yanovsky; A. Maksimchuk
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 771–776 (2006)
Thermal Rigid‐rotor Equilibrium of Intense Beam Propagation through a Periodic Solenoidal Focusing Field
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 489–495 (2006)
Electron Beam Generation in Tevatron Electron Lenses
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 609–615 (2006)
A Hilbert‐Space Variational Principle for Spontaneous Wiggler and Synchrotron Radiation
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 381–387 (2006)
UCLA/FNPL Underdense Plasma Lens Experiment: Results and Analysis
M. C. Thompson; H. Badakov; J. B. Rosenzweig; G. Travish; R. Fliller; G. M. Kazakevich; P. Piot; J. Santucci; J. Li; R. Tikhoplav
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 561–567 (2006)
Plasma Density Measurements in Hydrogen‐Filled and Ablative Discharge Capillaries Based on Stark Broadening of Atomic Hydrogen Spectral Lines
Daniil Stolyarov; Igor Pavlishin; Marcus Babzien; Wayne Kimura; Patrik Muggli; Efthymios Kallos; Vitaly Yakimenko
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 784–791 (2006)
Experimental Work with Photonic Band Gap Fiber: Building a Laser Electron Accelerator
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 859–865 (2006)
Proton Acceleration to Therapeutic Energies with Ultra‐Intense Ultra‐Clean and Ultra‐Short Laser Pulses
S. A. Reed; S. S. Bulanov; V. Chvykov; A. Brantov; V. Yu. Bychenkov; G. Kalinchenko; T. Matsuoka; P. Rousseau; V. Yanovsky; D. W. Litzenberg; A. Maksimchuk
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 430–436 (2006)
Proton Acceleration: New Developments in Energy Increase, Focusing and Energy Selection
Emmanuel d’Humières; Julien Fuchs; Patrizio Antici; Patrick Audebert; Marco Borghesi; Erik Brambrink; Carlo Alberto Cecchetti; Malte Kaluza; Erik Lefebvre; Victor Malka; Mauro Manclossi; Samuel Meyroneinc; Patrick Mora; Henri Pépin; Ariane Pipahl; Lorenzo Romagnani; Yasuhiko Sentoku; Jörg Schreiber; Toma Toncian; Oswald Willi
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 41–50 (2006)
Application of the Corrugated Plasma Waveguide to Direct Laser Acceleration
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 807–811 (2006)
Wakefields Generated by Electron Beams Passing through a Waveguide Loaded with an Active Medium
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 468–474 (2006)
Limits on Production of Narrow Band Photons from Inverse Compton Scattering
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 437–444 (2006)
Preliminary Results of Mono‐energetic Electron Beams from a Laser‐plasma Accelerator Driven by 200 TW Femto Second Pulses
R. Taki; W. M. An; Y. Q. Gu; Y. Guo; W. Hong; J. F. Hua; W. H. Huang; C. Y. Jiao; T. Kameshima; S. Kurokawa; Y. Z. Lin; H. J. Liu; K. Nakajima; H. S. Peng; L. Sun; C. M. Tang; C. X. Tang; X. D. Wang; X. D. Wang; T. S. Wen; X. L. Wen; Y. C. Wu; B. H. Zhang; K. N. Zhou; Q. H. Zhu
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 792–798 (2006)
Experimental Evidence for Particle Acceleration by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 51–63 (2006)
Demonstration of High Photon Yields and Nonlinearity in Relativistic Thomson Scattering
I. V. Pogorelsky; M. Babzien; I. Ben‐Zvi; K. Kusche; I. V. Pavlishin; D. P. Siddons; V. Yakimenko; D. Cline; F. Zhou; T. Hirose; Y. Kamiya; T. Kumita; T. Omori; J. Urakawa; K. Yokoya
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 402–408 (2006)
Energy Measurements of Trapped Electrons from a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator
Neil Kirby; David Auerbach; Melissa Berry; Ian Blumenfeld; Christopher E. Clayton; Franz‐Josef Decker; Mark J. Hogan; Chengkun Huang; Rasmus Ischebeck; Richard Iverson; Devon Johnson; Chandrashekhar Joshi; Thomas Katsouleas; Wei Lu; Kenneth A. Marsh; Warren B. Mori; Patric Muggli; Erdem Oz; Robert H. Siemann; Dieter Walz; Miaomiao Zhou
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 541–546 (2006)
Warm‐Fluid Equilibrium Theory of a Charged Particle Beam in a Periodic Solenoidal Focusing Field
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 445–451 (2006)
Ultra‐High Gradient Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator Experiments
M. C. Thompson; H. Badakov; J. B. Rosenzweig; G. Travis; M. Hogan; R. Ischebeck; N. Kirby; R. Siemann; D. Walz; P. Muggli; A. Scott; R. Yoder
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 903–909 (2006)
Summary Report of Working Group 5: Beam Generation, Monitoring, and Control
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 163–174 (2006)
Array of Metallic Posts: Possible Application for Beam Position Monitoring
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 823–830 (2006)
Pelegant: A Parallel Accelerator Simulation Code for Electron Generation and Tracking
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 241–247 (2006)
Demonstration of a Novel Positron Source Based on a Plasma Wiggler
D. K. Johnson; I. Blumenfeld; C. D. Barnes; C. E. Clayton; F. J. Decker; S. Deng; P. Emma; M. J. Hogan; C. Huang; R. Ischebeck; R. Iverson; C. Joshi; T. C. Katsouleas; N. Kirby; P. Krejcik; W. Lu; K. A. Marsh; W. B. Mori; P. Muggli; C. L. O’Connell; E. Oz; R. H. Siemann; D. Walz; M. Zhou
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 71–82 (2006)
A Meter‐Scale Plasma Wakefield Accelerator
Rasmus Ischebeck; Melissa Berry; Ian Blumenfeld; Christopher E. Clayton; Franz‐Josef Decker; Mark J. Hogan; Chengkun Huang; Richard Iverson; Chandrashekhar Joshi; Thomas Katsouleas; Wei Lu; Kenneth A. Marsh; Warren B. Mori; Patric Muggli; Erdem Oz; Robert H. Siemann; Dieter Walz; Miaomiao Zhou
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 3–7 (2006)
Coherent Transition and Smith Purcell Radiation Experiments
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 616–620 (2006)
Novel Module for Plasma Wakefield Acceleration of a Positron Beam
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 568–572 (2006)
High‐Brightness Picosecond Proton Beam Source Based on BNL TW CO2 Laser: Proof‐of‐Principle Experiments
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 409–415 (2006)
Experiment to Measure Ramped Electron Bunches at the UCLA Neptune Laboratory Using a Transverse Deflecting Cavity
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 595–601 (2006)
Simulation of Laser Wake Field Acceleration using a 2.5D PIC Code
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 709–713 (2006)
High Gradient Wakefields in Dielectric Loaded Structures
M. E. Conde; S. Antipov; F. Franchini; W. Gai; F. Gao; C. Jing; R. Konecny; W. Liu; J. G. Power; H. Wang; Z. Yusof
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 260–265 (2006)
Subpicosecond Double Electron Bunch Generation
W. D. Kimura; V. E. Yakimenko; M. Babzien; X. Ding; E. Kallos; K. P. Kusche; I. V. Pavlishin; I. V. Pogorelsky; D. Stolyarov; F. Zhou
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 527–533 (2006)
Resonant Plasma Wakefield Experiment: Plasma Simulations and Multibunched Electron Beam Diagnostics
Efthymios Kallos; Patric Muggli; Thomas Katsouleas; Vitaly Yakimenko; Daniil Stolyarov; Igor Pogorelsky; Igor Pavlishin; Karl Kusche; Marcus Babzien; Ilan Ben‐Zvi; Wayne D. Kimura
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 520–526 (2006)
Observation of Enhanced Transformer Ratio in Collinear Wakefield Acceleration
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 511–519 (2006)
Electron Bunch Length Measurements in the E‐167 Plasma Wakefield Experiment
Ian Blumenfeld; David Auerbach; Melissa Berry; Christopher E. Clayton; Franz‐Josef Decker; Mark J. Hogan; Chengkun Huang; Rasmus Ischebeck; Richard Iverson; Devon Johnson; Chandrashekhar Joshi; Thomas Katsouleas; Neil Kirby; Wei Lu; Kenneth A. Marsh; Warren B. Mori; Patric Muggli; Erdem Oz; Robert H. Siemann; Dieter Walz; Walter Zacherl; Miaomiao Zhou
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 499–503 (2006)
Amplitudes and Spectra of Wake Fields in a Planar Dielectric Resonator with Finite Q‐Factor
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 866–872 (2006)
Progress on Diamond‐Based Cylindrical Dielectric Accelerating Structures
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 320–330 (2006)
Structure Loaded Vacuum Laser‐Driven Particle Acceleration Experiments at SLAC
Tomas Plettner; Robert L. Byer; Eric R. Colby; Benjamin M. Cowan; Rasmus Ischebeck; Christopher McGuinness; Melissa R. Lincoln; Christopher M. S. Sears; Robert H. Siemann; James E. Spencer
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 103–116 (2006)
Status of the Polarized Nonlinear Inverse Compton Scattering Experiment at UCLA
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 475–481 (2006)
RF Breakdown Studies in Tungsten and Copper Structures
L. Laurent; C. Adolphsen; S. Beebe; S. Döbert; N. C. Luhmann, Jr.; C. Pearson; J. A. Rodriguez; G. Scheitrum; W. Wuensch
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 339–347 (2006)
Development of Gas Cluster Ion Beam Surface Treatments for Reducing Field Emission and Breakdown in RF cavities
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 370–377 (2006)
High Power RF Sources for Accelerators
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 297–302 (2006)
Update on Seeded SM‐LWFA and Pseudo‐Resonant LWFA Experiments — (STELLA‐LW)
W. D. Kimura; N. E. Andreev; M. Babzien; D. B. Cline; X. Ding; S. M. Hooker; E. Kallos; T. C. Katsouleas; K. P. Kusche; S. V. Kuznetsov; P. Muggli; I. V. Pavlishin; I. V. Pogorelsky; A. A. Pogosova; L. C. Steinhauer; D. Stolyarov; A. Ting; V. Yakimenko; A. Zigler; F. Zhou
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 534–540 (2006)
Snapshots of Laser‐Generated Wakefields
N. H. Matlis; S. Reed; S. S. Bulanov; V. Chvykov; G. Kalintchenko; T. Matsuoka; P. Rousseau; V. Yanovsky; A. Maksimchuk; S. Kalmykov; G. Shvets; M. C. Downer
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 22–26 (2006)
Fabrication of Plasma Transient Density Structures and its Application to High‐Field Plasma Devices
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 117–128 (2006)
Summary Report of Working Group 7: Electromagnetic‐Structure Based Accelerators
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 183–190 (2006)
Development of a 20 MeV Dielectric‐Loaded Test Accelerator
Steven H. Gold; Allen K. Kinkead; Wei Gai; John G. Power; Richard Konecny; Chunguang Jing; Jidong Long; Sami G. Tantawi; Christopher D. Nantista; Ralph W. Bruce; Arne W. Fliflet; Marcie Lombardi; David Lewis, III
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 266–272 (2006)
Expanded Model Predictions for Seeded SM‐LWFA and Pseudo‐Resonant LWFA
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 714–720 (2006)
Phase Space Tomography: A Simple, Portable and Accurate Technique to Map Phase Spaces of Beams with Space Charge
D. Stratakis; R. A. Kishek; H. Li; S. Bernal; M. Walter; I. Haber; R. Fiorito; J. C. T. Thangaraj; B. Quinn; M. Reiser; P. G. O’Shea
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 680–686 (2006)
PIC Simulations of Proton Acceleration with High Intensity Lasers: the Transparency Regime, and Interaction with Underdense Targets
Emmanuel d’Humières; Julien Fuchs; Patrizio Antici; Patrick Audebert; Erik Brambrink; Erik Lefebvre; Victor Malka; Patrick Mora; Yasuhiko Sentoku
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 388–394 (2006)
Rotational Mismatches and Emittance Growth for the UMER Beam
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 227–234 (2006)
New Developments in Space‐Charge Beam Physics Research at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)
S. Bernal; G. Bai; B. Beaudoin; D. Feldman; R. Feldman; R. Fiorito; T. F. Godlove; I. Haber; R. A. Kishek; C. Papadopoulos; B. Quinn; M. Reiser; D. Stratakis; D. Sutter; K. Tian; J. C. T. Thangaraj; M. Walter; C. Wu; P. G. O’Shea
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 94–102 (2006)
Modeling Laser Wake Field Acceleration with the Quasi‐Static PIC Code QuickPIC
J. Vieira; M. Tzoufras; C. Huang; W. Lu; M. Zhou; F. Tsung; V. K. Decyk; W. B. Mori; T. Antonsen, Jr.; J. Cooley; L. O. Silva
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 235–240 (2006)
Generation EM Waves by Laser Plasma Interaction Experiments in Utsunomiya University
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 547–553 (2006)
Accurate Modeling of Laser‐Plasma Accelerators with Particle‐In‐Cell Codes
Estelle Michel; B. A. Shadwick; C. B. Schroeder; C. G. R. Geddes; E. Esarey; W. P. Leemans; H. Ruhl; T. Cowan
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 213–219 (2006)
Novel Computational Approach to Weibel Instability and Beam Transport in Overdense Plasma
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 416–422 (2006)
Efficient Electron Injection into Plasma Waves using Higher‐Order Laser Modes
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 757–763 (2006)
Relativistic Dynamical Bi‐Stability of Plasma Waves in a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 423–429 (2006)
High Quality Electron Bunches up to 1 GeV from Laser Wakefield Acceleration at LBNL
E. Esarey; B. Nagler; A. J. Gonsalves; Cs. Toth; K. Nakamura; C. G. R. Geddes; C. B. Schroeder; J. van Tilborg; S. Hooker; W. P. Leemans; E. Michel; J. Cary; D. Bruhwiler
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 8–14 (2006)
Relativistic Extension of the Accelerating‐Focusing Phase in 3D Nonlinear Laser Wake
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 735–742 (2006)
Beam Injection and Matching Studies at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)
Jayakar C. T. Thangaraj; R. A. Kishek; S. Bernal; M. Reiser; D. Stratakis; M. Walter; B. Quinn; D. Sutter; B. Beaudoin; C. Papadopoulous; G. Bai; C. Wu; P. G. O’Shea
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 687–693 (2006)
Experimental Study on the Scaling Law of a Self‐Modulated Laser Wakefield Accelerator
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 743–749 (2006)
Enhancing Plasma Wakefield and E‐cloud Simulation Performance Using a Pipelining Algorithm
AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 201–207 (2006)
Design of a 100 MW solar power plant on wetland in Bangladesh
Apu Kowsar, Sumon Chandra Debnath, et al.
The effect of a balanced diet on improving the quality of life in malignant neoplasms
Yu. N. Melikova, A. S. Kuryndina, et al.