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Experimental study of the e+e− → π+π−π0 reaction by SND detector in the energy range
M. N. Achasov; K. I. Beloborodov; A. V. Berdyugin; A. G. Bogdanchikov; A. V. Bozhenok; A. D. Bukin; D. A. Bukin; T. V. Dimova; V. P. Druzhinin; V. B. Golubev; A. A. Korol; S. V. Koshuba; E. V. Pakhtusova; E. A. Perevedentsev; E. E. Pyata; S. I. Serednyakov; Yu. M. Shatunov; V. A. Sidorov; Z. K. Silagadze; A. A. Valishev; A. V. Vasiljev
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 60–64 (2004)
Analysis of Crystal Barrel data on the reaction p̄p annihilation at rest into π+π−π0η
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 72–76 (2004)
Dalitz‐plot analysis of Ds and D+ to three pions in FOCUS
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 77–82 (2004)
Measurement of the Hadronic Cross Section at DaΦne with the KLOE Detector
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 83–88 (2004)
Observation of resonances in the reaction p̄p → ηηπ0 at 5.2 GeV/c
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 94–99 (2004)
Observation of resonances in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 105–109 (2004)
Formation and interference of tensor mesons in the reaction γγ → π+π−π0
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 115–119 (2004)
Study of the e+e− → π0γ process in the energy range 0.60 – 1.06 GeV
M. N. Achasov; K. I. Beloborodov; A. V. Berdugin; A. G. Bogdanchikov; A. V. Bozhenok; A. D. Bukin; D. A. Bukin; A. V. Vasiljev; T. V. Dimova; V. P. Druzhinin; V. B. Golubev; A. A. Korol; S. V. Koshuba; A. P. Lysenko; E. V. Pakhtusova; S. I. Serednyakov; Yu. M. Shatunov; V. A. Sidorov; Z. K. Silagadze; A. N. Skrinsky; Yu. V. Usov
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 130–134 (2004)
Preliminary results of the analysis of the centrally produced φφ system
M. A. Reyes; M. C. Berisso; D. C. Christian; J. Felix; A. Gara; E. E. Gottschalk; G. Gutierrez; E. P. Hartouni; B. C. Knapp; M. N. Kreisler; S. Lee; K. Markianos; G. Moreno; M. H. L. S. Wang; A. Wehman; D. Wesson
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 135–139 (2004)
Study of the Reaction π−p → η′π0n at the VES Spectrometer
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 145–149 (2004)
Effects to Scalar Meson Decays of Strong Mixing between Low and High Mass Scalar Mesons
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 150–154 (2004)
Dynamical selection rule in the decays of π(1800)
V. Nikolaenko; VES collaboration; D. Amelin; Yu. Gavrilov; Yu. Gouz; R. Dzheliadin; A. Fenyuk; I. Kachaev; V. Kabachenko; A. Karyukhin; Yu. Khokhlov; A. Konopliannikov; V. Konstantinov; V. Kostyuhin; V. Matveev; A. Ostankov; B. Polyakov; D. Ryabchikov; A. A. Solodkov; A. V. Solodkov; O. Solovianov; E. Starchenko; A. Zaitsev; A. Zenin
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 155–159 (2004)
New contributions to φ → π0π0γ and φ → π0ηγ decays
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 160–164 (2004)
Last results from the DEAR experiment at DAΦNE
C. Curceanu (Petrascu); G. Beer; A. M. Bragadireanu; M. Cargnelli; J.‐P. Egger; H. Fuhrman; C. Guaraldo; M. Iliescu; T. Ishiwatari; K. Itahashi; M. Iwasaki; B. Lauss; V. Lucherini; L. Ludhova; J. Marton; F. Mulhauser; T. Ponta; L. A. Schaller; R. Seki; D. Sirghi; F. Sirghi; P. Strasser; J. Zmeskal
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 175–179 (2004)
Two‐Pion Production in Proton‐Proton Collisions
M. Bashkanov; S. Abdel‐Samad; K.‐Th. Brinkmann; H. Calén; F. Cappellaro; H. Clement; L. Demiroers; E. Doroshkevich; S. Dshemuchadse; C. Ekström; A. Erhardt; W. Eyrich; K. Fransson; H. Freiesleben; M. Fritsch; A. Gillitzer; L. Gustafsson; B. Höistad; M. Jacewicz; T. Johansson; L. Karsch; S. Keleta; K. Kilian; I. Koch; J. Kress; E. Kuhlmann; S. Kullander; A. Kupsc; S. Marcello; P. Marciniewski; R. Meier; K. Möller; B. Morosov; H. P. Morsch; C. Pauly; Y. Petukhov; E. Roderburg; P. Schönmeier; W. Schröder; M. Schulte‐Wissermann; W. Scobel; T. Sefzick; T. Skorodko; J. Stepaniak; G. J. Wagner; M. Wagner; U. Wiedner; P. Wintz; P. Wüstner; J. Zabierowski; J. Zlomanczuk; P. Zupranski; CELSIUS‐WASA Collaboration; COSY‐TOF Collaboration
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 241–244 (2004)
Single π0 and η Photoproduction off the Proton at CB‐ELSA
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 255–259 (2004)
Localizable Effective Theories, Bootstrap and the Parameters of Hadron Resonances
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 260–264 (2004)
Baryon resonance analysis in a coupled‐channel approach for energies up to
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 275–279 (2004)
Phase Motion in the Scalar Low‐Mass π− π+ Amplitude in D+ → π− π+ π+
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 312–316 (2004)
The properties of the σ and κ resonances in a new unitarization approach
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 322–326 (2004)
Analysis of f0 mesons with unitarized multi‐state Breit‐Wigner approach
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 327–331 (2004)
The Light and Heavy Scalars in Unitarized Coupled Channel and Lagrangian Approaches
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 332–336 (2004)
The κ Meson Production in J/ψ → K*(892) Kπ Process
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 337–341 (2004)
Combined analysis of the processes ππ → ππ, KK̄, ηη and lower scalar nonets
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 357–364 (2004)
HERA‐g, a New Experiment for Glueball, Hybrid and Odderon Studies at DESY
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 387 (2004)
Exotic States in Crystal Barrel Analyses of Annihilation Channels
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 388–393 (2004)
BABAR Results on the Ds System
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 394–399 (2004)
Investigation of Resonance Structures in the System of Two KS‐Mesons in the Mass Regions around 1070 and 2000 MeV
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 411–415 (2004)
Static potentials and confining field structure of baryons and 3g‐glueballs
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 426–430 (2004)
The Θ+ (1540) as a heptaquark with the overlap of a pion, a kaon and a nucleon
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 467–474 (2004)
Observation of the Resonance in Photon‐Photon Fusion at CLEO
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 543–549 (2004)
Indication for Existence of Chiral‐Axial Vector Meson in ( cn̄ )‐System
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 550–555 (2004)
Hard core attraction in hadron scattering and the family of the Ds meson molecule
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 561–565 (2004)
Charm‐ and Bottom‐ Baryons: A Variational Approach Using Heavy Quark Symmetry
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 566–570 (2004)
The phase between the three gluon and one photon amplitudes in quarkonium decays
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 571–575 (2004)
Results of experiment Focus on direct CP violation with charm D mesons, D0 mixing and lifetime difference
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 576–580 (2004)
E835 at FNAL: Charmonium Spectroscopy in p̄p Annihilations
C. Patrignani; M. Ambrogiani; M. Andreotti; S. Bagnasco; W. Baldini; D. Bettoni; G. Borreani; A. Buzzo; R. Calabrese; R. Cester; G. Cibinetto; P. Dalpiaz; G. Garzoglio; K. E. Gollwitzer; M. Graham; A. Hahn; D. Joffe; J. Kasper; G. Lasio; M. Lo Vetere; E. Luppi; M. Macrí; M. Mandelkern; F. Marchetto; M. Marinelli; W. Marsh; E. Menichetti; Z. Metreveli; R. Mussa; M. Negrini; M. Obertino; M. Pallavicini; N. Pastrone; T. Pedlar; S. Pordes; E. Robutti; J. Rosen; P. Rumerio; R. Rusack; A. Santroni; J. Schultz; K. K. Seth; M. Stancari; G. Stancari; S. Seon‐Hee; A. Tomaradze; I. Uman; T. Vidnovic, III; S. Werkema; FNAL‐E835 collaboration
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 581–590 (2004)
New precision measurement of the J/ψ‐ and ψ′‐meson masses
V. M. Aulchenko; S. A. Balashov; E. M. Baldin; M. Yu. Barnyakov; S. E. Baru; I. V. Bedny; O. L. Beloborodova; A. E. Blinov; V. E. Blinov; A. V. Bogomyagkov; A. E. Bondar; D. V. Bondarev; A. R. Buzykaev; S. I. Eidelman; V. R. Groshev; S. E. Kamaev; V. A. Kiselev; S. A. Kononov; K. A. Kotov; E. A. Kravchenko; E. V. Kremyanskaya; E. B. Levichev; V. M. Malyshev; A. L. Maslennikov; O. I. Meshkov; S. E. Mishnev; N. Yu. Muchnoi; A. I. Naumenkov; S. A. Nikitin; I. B. Nikolaev; A. P. Onuchin; S. B. Oreshkin; Yu. A. Pakhotin; S. V. Peleganchuk; S. S. Petrosyan; V. V. Petrov; A. O. Poluektov; A. A. Polunin; G. E. Pospelov; I. Ya. Protopopov; G. A. Savinov; A. G. Shamov; D. N. Shatilov; A. I. Shusharo; B. A. Shwartz; V. A. Sidorov; E. A. Simonov; Yu. I. Skovpen; A. N. Skrinsky; A. M. Soukharev; A. A. Talyshev; V. A. Tayursky; V. I. Telnov; Yu. A. Tikhonov; K. Yu. Todyshev; G. M. Tumaikin; Yu. V. Usov; A. I. Vorobiov; A. N. Yushkov; A. V. Zatsepin; V. N. Zhilich
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 591 (2004)
Observation of a Narrow Resonance by CLEO
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 601–606 (2004)
Chiral doublings of heavy‐light hadrons: New charmed mesons discovered by BABAR, CLEO and BELLE
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 670–674 (2004)
The K → ππ Electroweak Penguin Matrix Elements in the Chiral Limit
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 675–679 (2004)
Infrared Features of Lattice Landau Gauge QCD and the Gribov Copy Problem
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 685–689 (2004)
The QCD string in the chiral Lagrangian and the spectrum of pseudoscalar states
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 711–715 (2004)
The Ds(2317) and Ds(2463) Mesons as Scalar and Axial‐Vector Chiralons in the Covariant Level‐Classification Scheme
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 716–720 (2004)
Medium Modifications of Hadrons in Photon Induced Reactions
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 760–764 (2004)
Nucleons in Nuclear Matter and the Transition to Quark Matter
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 770–774 (2004)
Observation of K+p and K+d correlations from pA collisions
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 775–779 (2004)
Hadron formation in electron induced reactions at HERMES energies
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 822–826 (2004)
Time‐like Compton scattering and related exclusive processes in proton‐antiproton annihilation at PANDA
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 827–831 (2004)
Recent Results from 2π0 Photoproduction off the Proton
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 842–847 (2004)
Measurement of the Spin Rotation Parameter A in the Elastic Pion‐proton Scattering at 1.43 GeV/c
I. G. Alekseev; N. A. Bazhanov; P. E. Budkovsky; E. I. Bunyatova; V. P. Kanavets; A. I. Kovalev; L. I. Koroleva; S. P. Kruglov; B. V. Morozov; V. M. Nesterov; D. V. Novinsky; V. V. Ryltsov; V. A. Shchedrov; A. D. Sulimov; V. V. Sumachev; D. N. Svirida; V. Yu. Trautman; V. V. Zhurkin
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 848–851 (2004)
Energy dependence of the Λ/Σ0 production cross section ratio in p‐p interactions
P. Kowina; H.‐H. Adam; A. Budzanowski; R. Czyżykiewicz; D. Grzonka; M. Janusz; L. Jarczyk; B. Kamys; A. Khoukaz; K. Kilian; P. Moskal; W. Oelert; C. Piskor‐Ignatowicz; J. Przerwa; T. Rożek; R. Santo; G. Schepers; T. Sefzick; M. Siemaszko; J. Smyrski; A. Täschner; P. Winter; M. Wolke; P. Wüstner; W. Zipper
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 852–857 (2004)
Analysis of the η meson production mechanism via the p⃗p → ppη reaction
R. Czyżykiewicz; H.‐H. Adam; A. Budzanowski; D. Grzonka; M. Janusz; L. Jarczyk; B. Kamys; A. Khoukaz; K. Kilian; P. Kowina; P. Moskal; W. Oelert; C. Piskor‐Ignatowicz; J. Przerwa; T. Rożek; R. Santo; G. Schepers; T. Sefzick; M. Siemaszko; J. Smyrski; A. Täschner; P. Winter; P. Wüstner; W. Zipper
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 858–862 (2004)
Isospin symmetry breaking as a tool for particle physics investigations
A. Magiera; S. Abdel‐Bary; P. Hawranek; J. Ilieva; K. Kilian; D. Kirilov; St. Kistryn; S. Kliczewski; W. Klimala; D. Kolev; M. Kravčiková; T. Kutsarova; J. Lieb; H. Machner; G. Martinská; L. Pentchev; N. Piskunov; P. von Rossen; B. J. Roy; I. Sitnik; R. Siudak; J. Smyrski; R. Tsenov; M. Uličný; J. Urbán; A. Wrońska
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 863–869 (2004)
Longitudinal polarization of Λ and Λ̄ hyperons in DIS at COMPASS
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 875–880 (2004)
Light antinuclei production in proton‐proton, proton‐nucleus, and antiproton‐proton collisions
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 892–896 (2004)
QCD analysis of polarized structure functions in next‐to‐leading‐order, using improved valon model
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 897–901 (2004)
Renormalization and factorization scales and scheme dependence for some QCD observables
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 902–906 (2004)
Production of η and η′ mesons via the quasi‐free proton‐neutron interaction
P. Moskal; H.‐H. Adam; A. Budzanowski; R. Czyżykiewicz; D. Grzonka; M. Janusz; L. Jarczyk; T. Johansson; B. Kamys; A. Khoukaz; K. Kilian; P. Kowina; W. Oelert; C. Piskor‐Ignatowicz; J. Przerwa; T. Rożek; R. Santo; G. Schepers; T. Sefzick; M. Siemaszko; J. Smyrski; A. Strzałkowski; A. Täschner; P. Winter; M. Wolke; P. Wüstner; W. Zipper
AIP Conf. Proc. 717, 907–911 (2004)
Inkjet- and flextrail-printing of silicon polymer-based inks for local passivating contacts
Zohreh Kiaee, Andreas Lösel, et al.
Design of a 100 MW solar power plant on wetland in Bangladesh
Apu Kowsar, Sumon Chandra Debnath, et al.
Production and characterization of corncob biochar for agricultural use
Praphatsorn Rattanaphaiboon, Nigran Homdoung, et al.