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Stopping cross section and charge exchange study on the system
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 3–6 (2001)
Determination of stopping power of channeled α-particles in in the backscattering geometry
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 7–10 (2001)
Stopping powers of 2–10 MeV Si, P and S ions in Ni, Cu and Ge thin films using a novel ERD-based technique
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 25–28 (2001)
Effects of binding energy on exchange contributions to the stopping of electrons
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 29–32 (2001)
Velocity dependence of electron removal and fragmentation of water molecules caused by fast proton impact
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 33–35 (2001)
Transfer Ionization to single capture ratio for fast multiply charged ions on He
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 36–39 (2001)
Intense laser field studies of positive ions
I. D. Williams; P. McKenna; B. Srigengan; I. M. G. Johnston; W. A. Bryan; J. H. Sanderson; A. El-Zein; T. R. J. Goodworth; W. R. Newell; P. F. Taday; A. J. Langley
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 44–47 (2001)
Consideration of the Continuum x-ray background in 50–300 keV protons on thick targets of Ge, Ho, and Au
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 56–59 (2001)
Structures in the energy dependence of classical and quantum bremsstrahlung
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 60–63 (2001)
Polarizational bremsstrahlung on atoms and ions: Relativistic and non-relativistic cases
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 64–67 (2001)
Ionization channel in non-perturbative ion-atom collisions dominated by charge exchange
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 68–71 (2001)
Charged particle trajectories in an ideal paracentric hemispherical deflection analyzer
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 76–79 (2001)
Non-statistical magnetic substate populations following excitation of helium by electron and proton impact
J. Hanni; H. Merabet; A. Siems; R. Bruch; M. Bailey; D. V. Fursa; I. Bray; K. Bartschat; H. C. Tseng; C. D. Lin; A. G. Trigueiros
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 89–92 (2001)
Projectile and target Z-scaling of target K-vacancy production cross sections at 10 MeV/amu
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 93–95 (2001)
Ionization of noble gases by light ion impact: Scaling the ionization cross section
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 96–99 (2001)
Present status of L-shell X-ray production cross sections by protons with energies below 1 MeV
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 100–103 (2001)
Measured energy and angular distributions of sputtered neutral atoms from a Ga-In eutectic alloy target
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 108–111 (2001)
Fragmentation of ions following impact of slow and ions with Projectile charge and velocity dependence
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 114–117 (2001)
Molecular dynamics simulations of collisional cooling and ordering of multiply charged ions in a Penning trap
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 118–121 (2001)
Reactive collisions of hyperthermal ions with oxide surfaces
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 122–125 (2001)
Momentum distributions in fast heavy ion-atom collisions
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 133–136 (2001)
Excitation cross sections of (1snp) levels of helium by fast electron, proton, and molecular hydrogen ( and ) impact
M. Bailey; H. Merabet; R. Bruch; J. Hanni; S. Bliman; D. V. Fursa; I. Bray; K. Bartschat; H. C. Tseng; C. D. Lin
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 137–140 (2001)
Mechanism of secondary ion emission from an Al sample under MeV heavy ion bombardment
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 145–148 (2001)
Stripping energy dependence of a beam metastable fraction
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 149–152 (2001)
Fragmentation of 50–100 keV molecular hydrogen ions in collision with a molecular hydrogen target
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 153–156 (2001)
X-ray emission from electron capture by highly-charged ions
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 157–160 (2001)
Absolute single electron loss in collisions of with various atoms
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 161–163 (2001)
Recent experiments on the roles of projectile electrons in ion-atom collisions
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 164–167 (2001)
Ejected electron spectroscopy: Ionization in ion-atom collisions
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 168–171 (2001)
High-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy in atoms and molecules
N. Berrah; O. Nayandin; S. E. Conton-Rogan; E. Kukk; A. A. Wills; T. W. Gorczyca; G. Snell; Chien-Nan Liu; J. D. Bozek; M. Wiedenhoeft
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 177–180 (2001)
Electron-electron and electron-nuclear interactions in fast neutral-neutral collisions
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 181–184 (2001)
How do electrons communicate about time?
A. L. Godunov; J. H. McGuire; S. G. Tolmanov; Kh. Kh. Shakov; R. Dörner; H. Schmidt-Böcking; R. M. Dreizler
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 185–188 (2001)
Measurement of Compton scattered electrons using monochromatic X-rays
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 193–196 (2001)
Electrons from neutral projectiles and targets: Peaks and Ramsauer-Townsend structures
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 197–200 (2001)
First studies of state selective electron capture from atomic hydrogen by state prepared doubly charged ions
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 205–208 (2001)
Electron capture and loss cross sections for neutral projectiles colliding with atoms and molecules
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 209–212 (2001)
Auger decay of triply excited states of Li and projectiles following ion-molecule interactions
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 217–220 (2001)
First results from the PHOBOS experiment at RHIC
A. H. Wuosmaa; B. B. Back; M. D. Baker; D. S. Barton; S. Basilev; B. D. Bates; R. Baum; R. R. Betts; A. Białas; R. Bindel; W. Bogucki; A. Budzanowski; W. Busza; A. Carroll; M. Ceglia; Y.-H. Chang; A. E. Chen; T. Coghen; C. Conner; W. Czyz; B. Dabrowski; M. P. Decowski; M. Despet; P. Fita; J. Fitch; M. Friedl; K. Galuska; R. Ganz; E. Garcia; N. George; J. Godlewski; C. Gomes; E. Griesmayer; K. Gulbrandsen; S. Gushue; J. Halik; C. Halliwell; P. Haridas; A. Hayes; G. A. Heintzelman; C. Henderson; R. Hollis; R. Hołynski; B. Holzman; E. Johnson; J. Kane; J. Katzy; W. Kita; J. Kotuła; H. Kraner; W. Kucewicz; P. Kulinich; C. Law; M. Lemler; J. Ligocki; W. T. Lin; S. Manly; D. McCleod; J. Michałowski; A. Mignerey; J. Mülmenstädt; M. Neal; R. Nouicer; A. Olszewski; R. Pak; I. C. Park; M. Patel; H. Pernegger; M. Plesko; C. Reed; L. P. Remsberg; M. Reuter; C. Roland; G. Roland; D. Ross; L. Rosenberg; J. Ryan; A. Sanzgiri; P. Sarin; P. Sawicki; J. Scaduto; J. Shea; J. Sinacore; W. Skulski; S. G. Steadman; G. S. F. Stephans; P. Steinberg; A. Straczek; M. Stodulski; M. Strek; Z. Stopa; A. Sukhanov; K. Surowiecka; J.-L. Tang; R. Teng; A. Trzupek; C. Vale; G. J. van Nieuwenhuizen; R. Verdier; B. Wadsworth; F. L. H. Wolfs; B. Wosiek; K. Wozniak; A. H. Wuosmaa; B. Wysłouch; K. Zalewski; P. Zychowski
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 231–234 (2001)
Characterization and fabrication of target materials for RIB generation
R. F. Welton; M. A. Janney; P. E. Mueller; W. K. Ortman; R. Rauniyar; D. W. Stracener; C. L. Williams
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 250–253 (2001)
RNB production at SPIRAL/GANIL
A. C. C. Villari; F. Landré Pellemoine; C. Barué; G. Gaubert; S. Gibouin; Y. Huguet; P. Jardin; S. Kandri Rody; N. Lecesne; R. Leroy; M. Lewitowicz; C. Marry; L. Maunoury; J. Y. Pacquet; J. P. Rataud; M. G. Saint Laurent; C. Stodel; O. Bajeat; J. C. Angélique; N. A. Orr
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 254–256 (2001)
Experiments with radioactive beams at ATLAS
K. E. Rehm; I. Ahmad; J. Blackmon; F. Borasi; J. Caggiano; A. Chen; C. N. Davids; J. Greene; B. Harss; A. Heinz; D. Henderson; R. V. F. Janssens; C. L. Jiang; J. Nolen; R. C. Pardo; P. Parker; M. Paul; J. P. Schiffer; R. E. Segel; D. Seweryniak; R. H. Siemssen; M. S. Smith; J. Uusitalo; T. F. Wang; I. Wiedenhöver
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 261–264 (2001)
REX-ISOLDE-post-accelerated radioactive beams at cern-ISOLDE
T. Nilsson; J. Äystö; O. Forstner; H. L. Ravn; M. Oinonen; H. Simon; J. Cederkäll; L. Weissman; D. Habs; F. Ames; O. Kester; T. Sieber; H. Bongers; S. Emhofer; P. Reiter; P. G. Thirolf; G. Bollen; P. Schmidt; G. Huber; L. Liljeby; Ö. Skeppstedt; K. G. Rensfelt; F. Wenander; B. Jonson; G. Nyman; R. von Hahn; H. Podlech; R. Repnow; C. Gund; D. Schwalm; A. Schempp; K.-U. Kühnel; C. Welsch; U. Ratzinger; G. Walter; A. Huck; K. Kruglov; M. Huyse; P. van den Bergh; P. van Duppen; A. C. Shotter; A. N. Ostrowski; T. Davinson; P. J. Woods; I. Moukha; A. Richter; G. Schrieder
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 265–268 (2001)
The production and generation of radioactive beams at Louvain-la-Neuve
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 269–272 (2001)
The development of an ECRIS charge-state breeder for generating RIB’s
T. Lamy; R. Geller; J. L. Bouly; N. Chauvin; J. C. Curdy; A. Lacoste; P. Sole; P. Sortais; T. Thuillier; J. L. Vieux-Rochaz
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 281–284 (2001)
Simulation of the effusive-flow of reactive gases in tubular transport systems: Radioactive ion beam applications
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 285–288 (2001)
Status of the new Los Alamos UCN source
K. Kirch; T. J. Bowles; B. Fillipone; P. Geltenbort; R. Hill; M. Hino; S. Hoedl; G. Hogan; T. M. Ito; T. Kawai; S. K. Lamoreaux; C.-Y. Liu; J. W. Martin; C. Morris; A. Pichlmaier; A. Saunders; S. Seestrom; A. Serebrov; D. Smith; B. Tipton; M. Utsuro; A. R. Young; J. Yuan
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 289–292 (2001)
Predicting long-lived, neutron-induced activation of concrete in a cyclotron vault
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 301–304 (2001)
Nuclear physics with fast neutrons at LANSCE/WNR: GEANIE and FIGARO
M. Devlin; N. Fotiades; G. D. Johns; R. O. Nelson; R. C. Haight; L. Zanini; J. A. Becker; L. A. Bernstein; P. E. Garrett; C. A. McGrath; D. P. McNabb; W. Younes; J. X. Saladin; A. Aprahamian
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 309–312 (2001)
Thick target yields for the reaction above 16 MeV
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 313–314 (2001)
Utilization of the reaction for nuclear structure studies of
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 315–318 (2001)
Lifetime measurements using the recoil distance method—achievements and perspectives
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 319–322 (2001)
Cross section measurement of and its application on boron characterization
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 323–326 (2001)
Production of by the reaction using neutrons produced from a variable energy cyclotron
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 335–338 (2001)
Precision measurement of the cross section for testing big-bang nucleosynthesis models
E. H. Seabury; R. C. Haight; J. M. O’Donnell; J. L. Ullmann; S. A. Wender; T. Akdogan; M. Chtangeev; W. A. Franklin; J. B. Hough; J. L. Matthews; Y. Safkan
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 339–341 (2001)
A test of the exponential decay law by photo-production of nuclear isomers
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 342–345 (2001)
Study of reactions of fast neutrons with nuclei with FIGARO at LANSCE
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 346–349 (2001)
High temperature rp-process nucleosynthesis of Mo and Ru, and β-delayed proton emission
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 358–361 (2001)
Extension of the electronic gamma-ray Spectrum Catalogue Web Site
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 366–372 (2001)
Environmental radiation protection studies related to nuclear industries, using AMS
Ragnar Hellborg; Bengt Erlandsson; Mikko Faarinen; Helena Håkansson; Kjell Håkansson; Madis Kiisk; Carl-Erik Magnusson; Per Persson; Göran Skog; Kristina Stenström; Sören Mattsson; Charlotte Thornberg
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 377–381 (2001)
A structural upgrade for the IsoTrace Tandetron accelerator
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 386–389 (2001)
Ion preparation systems for atomic isobar reduction in accelerator mass spectrometry
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 390–393 (2001)
Biokinetic and dosimetric investigations of -labeled substances in man using AMS
Sören Mattsson; Mikael Gunnarsson; Sigrid Leide Svegborn; Bertil Nosslin; Lars-Erik Nilsson; Ola Thorsson; Sven Valind; Magnus Åberg; Henrik Östberg; Ragnar Hellborg; Kristina Stenström; Bengt Erlandsson; Mikko Faarinen; Madis Kiisk; Carl-Erik Magnusson; Per Persson; Göran Skog
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 394–398 (2001)
Microbeam AMS measurements of PGE and Au trace and osmium isotopic ratios
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 399–402 (2001)
A 3 MV heavy element AMS system using a unique TOF set-up
A. Gottdang; M. Klein; D. J. W. Mous; T. Kitamura; Y. Mizutani; T. Suzuki; T. Aramaki; O. Togawa; S. Kabuto; K. Suto
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 403–406 (2001)
Test of positive ion beams from a microwave ion source for AMS
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 407–412 (2001)
Study of the elemental composition of Yellow Pine using particle induced x-ray emission (PIXE)
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 425–427 (2001)
Investigation of ancient human bone by means of ionoluminescence and μPIXE
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 428–431 (2001)
High energy ion beam analysis of buried interface
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 432–435 (2001)
Characterization of multilayer thin film optical filters using RBS
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 436–439 (2001)
RBS and NRA of cobalt oxide thin films prepared by the sol-gel process
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 440–442 (2001)
Ion beam characterization of advanced metallization for ULSI applications
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 443–446 (2001)
Simultaneous analysis of multiple elements by combined ion-beam methods
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 447–450 (2001)
Double alignment channeling at CIM—Alabama A&M University
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 451–453 (2001)
Investigation of alkali ion exchange processes in waste glasses using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis
V. Shutthanandan; S. Thevuthasan; D. R. Baer; E. M. Adams; S. Maheswaran; M. H. Engelhard; J. P. Icenhower; B. P. McGrail
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 454–457 (2001)
Ion beam analysis with monolayer depth resolution using the electrostatic spectrometer at the MPI Stuttgart
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 458–462 (2001)
Hydrogen analysis of epitaxial Cu(111)/Nb(110) multilayer using MeV ion beams
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 466–469 (2001)
Advanced RBS analysis of thin films in micro-electronics
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 470–475 (2001)
Strain measurements of semiconductor multilayers by ion channeling, high resolution XRD and Raman spectroscopy
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 476–479 (2001)
Enhanced hydrogen detection and depth profiling system using coincidence techniques
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 484–486 (2001)
Heavy ion ERD of nitrides with a position-sensitive gas ionization detector
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 487–490 (2001)
Methods for quality control/quality assurance of -assisted neutron activation analysis
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 495–498 (2001)
Monitoring of D–T accelerator neutron output in a PGNAA system using silicon carbide detectors
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 499–503 (2001)
Applications of nuclear analytical techniques to environmental studies
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 508–511 (2001)
Metallic pollutants in Mexico Valley
Trinidad Martı́nez; Juan Lartigue; Pedro Avila-Perez; Manuel Navarrete; Graciela Zarazúa; Carmen López; Luis Cabrera; Alejandro Ramirez
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 512–515 (2001)
Report on the Acadiana Research Laboratory nuclear microprobe system
Gary A. Glass; William A. Hollerman; Shelly F. Hynes; Justin Fournet; Alan M. Bailey; Changgeng Liao
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 522–525 (2001)
Latent ion tracks in mica studied with scanning force microscopy in air and in vacuum
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 526–530 (2001)
Heavy ion microbeam studies of diffusion time resolved charge collection from p-n junctions
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 531–534 (2001)
The study of phosphor efficiency and homogeneity using a nuclear microprobe
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 535–538 (2001)
The recent progress of the high-energy heavy ion nuclear microprobe at the University of North Texas
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 539–542 (2001)
Dependence of heavy ion induced secondary ion emission on electric conductivity in MeV energy range
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 543–547 (2001)
Diffusion of TiN into aluminum films measured by soft x-ray spectroscopy
T. M. Schuler; D. L. Ederer; N. Ruzycki; G. Glass; W. A. Hollerman; A. Moewes; M. Kuhn; T. A. Callcott
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 548–554 (2001)
The Argonne Fragment Mass Analyzer and measurements of entry distributions
A. Heinz; T. L. Khoo; P. Reiter; I. Ahmad; P. Bhattacharyya; J. Caggiano; M. P. Carpenter; J. A. Cizewski; C. N. Davids; W. F. Henning; R. V. F. Janssens; G. D. Jones; R. Julin; F. G. Kondev; T. Lauritsen; C. J. Lister; D. Seweryniak; S. Siem; A. A. Sonzogni; J. Uusitalo; I. Wiedenhöver
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 559–562 (2001)
Neutron and simultaneous gamma detection with scintillator
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 563–566 (2001)
Pulse-height spectrum measurement experiment for code benchmarking: Initial results
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 567–570 (2001)
SONTRAC—a scintillating plastic fiber tracking detector for neutron and proton imaging spectroscopy
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 571–574 (2001)
Neutron spectrometry in neutron and charged-particle mixed fields with phoswich neutron detector
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 579–582 (2001)
Multielement silicon detectors for registration of charged particles, x-rays and gamma-radiation
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 591–598 (2001)
Application of ECR ion sources for surface modification of materials
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 599–602 (2001)
Solid state pulsed power systems for plasma source ion implantation
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 607–610 (2001)
Laser ion source for on-line production of exotic nuclei
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 611–614 (2001)
Photocathode electron gun applications in research and industry
A. M. M. Todd; H. Bluem; M. D. Cole; J. R. Rathke; I. Ben-Zvi; T. Srinivasan-Rao; J. Schill; G. Neil; C. Bohn
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 615–618 (2001)
Emittance studies of ARTEMIS-the new ECR ion source for the coupled cyclotron facility at NSCL/MSU
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 619–622 (2001)
Spatial distribution of ion species in a source plasma for broad beams
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 623–626 (2001)
The VERA heavy ion program-status and prospects
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 627–630 (2001)
Accelerator system at the Wakasa-wan Energy Research Center
S. Hatori; Y. Ito; R. Ishigami; K. Yasuda; T. Inomata; T. Maruyama; K. Ikezawa; K. Takagi; K. Yamamoto; S. Fukuda; K. Kume; G. Kagiya; T. Hasegawa; M. Hatashita; M. Yamada; H. Yamada; M. Dote; N. Ohtani; S. Kakiuchi; Y. Tominaga; S. Fukumoto; M. Kondo
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 631–634 (2001)
Recycling and recommissioning a used biomedical cyclotron
AIP Conf. Proc. 576, 639–642 (2001)