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A search for gamma-ray bursts in the GRBM/BeppoSAX database
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 18–22 (2000)
What can BeppoSAX tell us about short GRBs: An update from the subsecond GRB project
G. Gandolfi; M. J. S. Smith; A. Coletta; G. Celidonio; L. Di Ciolo; A. Paolino; G. Tarei; G. Tassone; J. M. Muller; E. Costa; M. Feroci; F. Frontera; L. Piro
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 23–27 (2000)
MeV measurements of γ-ray bursts by CGRO-COMPTEL: Revised catalog
A. Connors; C. A. Young; K. Bennett; W. Collmar; W. Hermsen; R. M. Kippen; L. Kuiper; M. McConnell; R. Miller; J. M. Ryan; V. Schönfelder; O. R. Williams; C. Winkler
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 28–32 (2000)
Properties of gamma-ray burst classes
Jon Hakkila; David J. Haglin; Richard J. Roiger; Robert S. Mallozzi; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; Charles A. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 33–37 (2000)
Unsupervised induction and gamma-ray burst classification
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 38–42 (2000)
A summary of biases in the BATSE burst trigger
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 43–47 (2000)
A Monte Carlo simulation of the peak counts bias and the slow riser bias in the BATSE trigger
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 53–57 (2000)
Luminosities, space densities and redshift distributions of gamma-ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 58–62 (2000)
Constraining the luminosity function of GRBs from time dilation, brightness distribution and redshift data
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 63–67 (2000)
LogN-LogF distribution of BATSE bursts based on the average flux during high power emission
Dmitrij S. Anfimov; Igor G. Mitrofanov; Maxim L. Litvak; Anton L. Sanin; Michael S. Briggs; William S. Paciesas; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; Robert D. Preece; Charles A. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 73–77 (2000)
Non-isotropic angular distribution for very short-time gamma-ray bursts?
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 97–101 (2000)
Testing the intrinsic randomness in the angular distributions of gamma-ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 102–106 (2000)
Wide-band spectroscopy of GRB 990510
Michael S. Briggs; Robert D. Preece; Jan van Paradijs; Jean in ’t Zand; John Heise; Erik Kuulkers; C. Kouveliotou
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 125–129 (2000)
Average spectral parameters of high-power emission in BATSE gamma-ray bursts
Dmitrij S. Anfimov; Igor G. Mitrofanov; Maxim L. Litvak; Anton L. Sanin; Michael S. Briggs; William S. Paciesas; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; Robert D. Preece; Charles A. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 140–144 (2000)
Cosmological signatures in intensity and break energy correlations
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 145–149 (2000)
The role of the BATSE instrument response in creating the GRB E-peak distribution
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 150–154 (2000)
Synchrotron emission as the source of GRB spectra, Part II: Observations
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 155–159 (2000)
Spectra of a recent bright burst measured by CGRO-COMPTEL: GRB 990123
C. A. Young; A. Connors; K. Bennett; W. Collmar; W. Hermsen; R. M. Kippen; E. D. Kolaczyk; L. Kuiper; M. McConnell; R. Miller; J. M. Ryan; V. Schönfelder; O. R. Williams; C. Winkler
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 170–174 (2000)
A new method for studying the hardness-intensity correlation in gamma-ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 180–184 (2000)
Unusual properties in the time profiles of bright GRBs
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 190–194 (2000)
GRB time-dilation measurements corrected for trigger bias
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 210–214 (2000)
The technique of emission time estimation for BATSE GRBs
Maxim L. Litvak; Igor G. Mitrofanov; Dmitrij S. Anfimov; Anton B. Sanin; Michael S. Briggs; William S. Paciesas; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; Robert D. Preece; Thomas M. Koshut; Gerald J. Fishman; Charles A. Meegan; John Patrick Lestrade
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 230–234 (2000)
The emission time signature of BATSE GRBs
Igor G. Mitrofanov; M. L. Litvak; Dmitrij S. Anfimov; Anton B. Sanin; Michael S. Briggs; William S. Paciesas; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; Robert D. Preece; Thomas M. Koshut; Gerald J. Fishman; Charles A. Meegan; John Patrick Lestrade
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 235–239 (2000)
Evidence for TeV emission from GRB 970417a
J. E. McEnery; R. Atkins; W. Benbow; D. Berley; M. L. Chen; D. G. Coyne; B. L. Dingus; D. E. Dorfan; R. W. Ellsworth; D. Evans; A. Falcone; L. Fleysher; R. Fleysher; G. Gisler; J. A. Goodman; T. J. Haines; C. M. Hoffman; S. Hugenberger; L. A. Kelley; I. Leonor; M. McConnell; J. F. McCullough; R. S. Miller; A. I. Mincer; M. F. Morales; P. Nemethy; J. M. Ryan; B. Shen; A. Shoup; C. Sinnis; A. J. Smith; G. W. Sullivan; T. Tumer; K. Wang; M. O. Wascko; S. Westerhoff; D. A. Williams; T. Yang; G. B. Yodh
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 240–244 (2000)
LOTIS upper limits and the prompt OT from GRB 990123
G. G. Williams; D. H. Hartmann; H. S. Park; R. A. Porrata; E. Ables; R. Bionta; D. L. Band; S. D. Barthelmy; T. Cline; N. Gehrels; D. H. Ferguson; G. Fishman; R. M. Kippen; C. Kouveliotou; K. Hurley; R. Nemiroff; T. Sasseen
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 250–254 (2000)
Preliminary results from the TAROT experiment
M. Boër; J.-L. Atteia; M. Bringer; S. Chaty; A. Klotz; F. Morand; H. Pedersen; C. Pollas; D. Toublanc
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 255–259 (2000)
First results from the Burst Observer and Optical Transient Exploring System station 1 (BOOTES-1)
A. J. Castro-Tirado; J. Soldán; M. Bernas; P. Páta; R. Hudec; T. M. Sanguino; B. de la Morena; J. A. Berná; A. de Ugarte; J. Gorosabel; J. M. Más-Hesse; A. Giménez
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 260–264 (2000)
Optical observations of GRBs: EN, BART, and OMC
René Hudec; Jan Soldan; Vera Hudcova; Jan Florian; Martin Nekola; Ondrej Broz; Martin Bernas; Petr Pata; Filip Hroch; Alberto J. Castro-Tirado; Miguel Mas-Hesse; Alvaro Gimenez; Eliana Palazzi; Nicola Masetti; Graziella Pizzichini
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 265–269 (2000)
An extended search for transient events in the COBE/DMR database associated with cosmic gamma-ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 270–274 (2000)
The afterglows of gamma-ray bursts
S. R. Kulkarni; E. Berger; J. S. Bloom; F. Chaffee; A. Diercks; S. G. Djorgovski; D. A. Frail; T. J. Galama; R. W. Goodrich; F. A. Harrison; R. Sari; S. A. Yost
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 277–297 (2000)
A coordinated radio afterglow program
D. A. Frail; S. R. Kulkarni; M. H. Wieringa; G. B. Taylor; G. H. Moriarty-Schieven; D. S. Shepherd; R. M. Wark; R. Subrahmanyan; D. McConnell; S. J. Cunningham
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 298–302 (2000)
Recent optical/near-IR observations of GRBs
A. J. Castro-Tirado; J. Gorosabel; J. Greiner; S. Klose; V. Mohan; R. Sagar; I. Bond; N. Rattenbury; Ph. Yock; F. Vrba; A. Henden; C. Luginbuhl; A. Guarnieri; M. R. Zapatero-Osorio; J. Zhu; R. Hudec; S. Guziy; A. Shlyapnikov; E. Palazzi; N. Masetti; F. Frontera; E. Costa; M. Feroci; L. Piro
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 313–317 (2000)
The detection of linear polarization in the afterglow of GRB 990510 and its theoretical implications
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 318–322 (2000)
Submillimeter observations of GRB counterparts
I. A. Smith; J. van Paradijs; R. P. J. Tilanus; T. J. Galama; P. J. Groot; P. Vreeswijk; E. Rol; C. Kouveliotou; R. A. M. J. Wijers; N. Tanvir
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 326–328 (2000)
Photometric study of the improved GRB 970815 error box
J. Gorosabel; A. J. Castro-Tirado; N. Benı́tez; M. R. Zapatero-Osorio; A. Campos; J. Trapero; E. Sánchez; N. Metcalfe
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 334–338 (2000)
CCD observations of the QSO 4C49.29 in the error box of GRB960720
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 339–341 (2000)
Optical study of the counterpart to GRB 990712
J. Gorosabel; A. J. Castro-Tirado; P. Saizar; N. J. Rattenbury; I. A. Bond; P. Yock; J. Hearnshaw; P. M. Kilmartin; Y. Muraki; T. Nakamura; K. Ohnishi; M. Reid; To Saito; S. Noda
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 342–346 (2000)
Early search for the optical afterglow from GRB 990806
Nicholas J. Rattenbury; Ian A. Bond; Alberto J. Castro-Tirado; Javier Gorosabel; John Hearnshaw; Pam M. Kilmartin; Yasushi Muraki; Takashi Nakamura; Kouji Ohnishi; Michael Reid; Toshiharu Saito; Marco Feroci; Philip Yock
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 347–351 (2000)
Connections between parameters of GRB afterglows
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 355–359 (2000)
What have we learned from optical detections of GRBs: Feasibility of independent searches?
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 360–364 (2000)
Search for X-ray afterglows from gamma-ray bursts in the RASS
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 380–384 (2000)
Possible evidence for soft glowing emission from gamma-ray bursts detected by the APEX experiment on Phobos-2
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 390–393 (2000)
Evidence for early high-energy afterglow: BATSE observations of GRB980923
Timothy W. Giblin; Jan van Paradijs; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Valerie Connaughton; Ralph A. M. J. Wijers; Michael S. Briggs; Robert D. Preece; Gerald J. Fishman
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 394–398 (2000)
The GRB/SN connection: An improved spectral flux distribution for the SN-like component to the afterglow of GRB 970228, the non-detection of a SN-like component to the afterglow of GRB 990510, and GRBs as beacons to locate SNe at redshifts
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 414–418 (2000)
Are there unrecognized optical afterglows of GRBs among observed SNe?
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 424–428 (2000)
Constraints on the internal shock model from the temporal analysis of GRBs
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 450–454 (2000)
Emission of cosmological gamma-ray bursts in the GeV–TeV energy domain
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 460–464 (2000)
Comparisons between analytic and numerical calculations of GRB spectra
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 470–474 (2000)
An eigenfunction method for particle acceleration at ultra-relativistic shocks
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 485–488 (2000)
Flow-field dependent variation method for complex relativistic fluids
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 494–498 (2000)
Particle acceleration at ultra-relativistic shocks and the spectra of relativistic fireballs
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 524–529 (2000)
Hydrodynamics and radiation from a relativistic expanding jet with applications to GRB afterglow
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 540–544 (2000)
Early GRB afterglows from relativistic blast waves in general radiative regimes
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 545–549 (2000)
2D hydrodynamic simulations of relativistic jets from collapsars
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 565–569 (2000)
Gamma-ray bursts via pair plasma fireballs from heated neutron stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 570–574 (2000)
Asymmetric neutron star coalescences: Implications for GRBs
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 575–578 (2000)
Mass-loss from a magnetically driven wind emitted by a disk orbiting a stellar-mass black hole
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 579–583 (2000)
Fireballs from collapse of neutron stars induced by primordial black holes
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 584–588 (2000)
The connection between supernovae and gamma-ray bursts: On the distribution of the circumstellar matter
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 608–616 (2000)
The type Ib/c supernova, gamma-ray burst, soft gamma-ray repeater, magnetar connection
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 617–621 (2000)
Properties of hypernovae: SNe 1997ef, 1998bw, and 1997cy
K. Nomoto; K. Maeda; T. Nakamura; K. Iwamoto; T. Suzuki; P. A. Mazzali; M. Turatto; I. J. Danziger; F. Patat
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 622–627 (2000)
Gamma-ray burst lensing limits on cosmological parameters
Robert J. Nemiroff; Gabriela F. Marani; Jay P. Norris; Jerry T. Bonnell; Charles A. Meegan; Kevin C. Hurley
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 663–667 (2000)
Observations of gamma-ray bursts with MAXI on the international space station
N. Kawai; A. Yoshida; T. Mihara; H. Negoro; Y. Shirasaki; I. Sakurai; M. Matsuoka; K. Torii; S. Ueno; M. Sugizaki; H. Tomida; W. Yuan; H. Tsunemi; E. Miyata; M. Yamauchi
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 691–695 (2000)
MARGIE: A gamma-ray burst ultra-long duration balloon mission
D. Band; J. Matteson; M. Cherry; J. G. Stacy; P. Altice; T. G. Guzik; S. C. Kappadath; J. Buckley; P. Hink; J. Macri; M. McConnell; J. Ryan; T. O’Neill; A. Zych
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 696–700 (2000)
A new X-ray telescope for monitoring the x-ray afterglows of GRBs
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 701–705 (2000)
Estimation of GRB detection by FiberGLAST
S. Phengchamnan; K. Aisaka; M. Atac; W. R. Binns; J. H. Buckley; M. L. Cherry; D. Cline; P. Dowkontt; J. W. Epstein; M. H. Finger; G. J. Fishman; T. G. Guzik; P. L. Hink; M. H. Israel; S. C. Kappadath; G. R. Karr; R. M. Kippen; J. Macri; R. S. Mallozzi; M. L. McConnell; Y. Pischalnikov; W. S. Paciesas; T. A. Parnell; G. N. Pendleton; R. D. Preece; G. A. Richardson; K. Rielage; J. M. Ryan; J. G. Stacy; T. O. Tümer; D. B. Wallace; R. B. Wilson
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 706–710 (2000)
A robust filter for the BeppoSAX Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor triggers
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 711–715 (2000)
GRB localization with the BeppoSAX Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 716–720 (2000)
Response function of the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GRBM) onboard the BeppoSAX satellite
F. Calura; M. Rapisarda; F. Frontera; E. Montanari; C. Guidorzi; L. Amati; M. Feroci; E. Costa; P. Collina
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 721–725 (2000)
Progress incorporating the NEAR mission into the interplanetary GRB network
T. L. Cline; S. Barthelmy; P. Butterworth; T. McClanahan; D. Palmer; J. Trombka; K. Hurley; R. Gold; R. M. Kippen; C. Kouveliotou; D. Frederiks; S. Golenetskii; E. Mazets
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 726–730 (2000)
GRB Coordinates Network (GCN): A status report
S. D. Barthelmy; T. L. Cline; P. Butterworth; R. M. Kippen; M. S. Briggs; V. Connaughton; G. N. Pendleton
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 731–735 (2000)
Super-LOTIS early time optical counterpart measurements
H. S. Park; R. A. Porrata; G. G. Williams; E. Ables; D. L. Band; S. D. Barthelmy; R. M. Bionta; T. L. Cline; D. H. Ferguson; G. J. Fishman; N. Gehrels; D. Hartmann; K. Hurley; C. Kouveliotou; C. A. Meegan; R. Nemiroff; W. Pereira
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 736–740 (2000)
Milagro: A TeV observatory for gamma-ray bursts
B. L. Dingus; R. Atkins; W. Benbow; D. Berley; M. L. Chen; D. G. Coyne; R. W. Ellsworth; D. Evans; A. Falcone; L. Fleysher; R. Fleysher; G. Gisler; J. A. Goodman; T. J. Haines; C. M. Hoffman; S. Hugenberger; L. A. Kelley; I. Leonor; M. McConnell; J. F. McCullough; J. E. McEnery; R. S. Miller; A. I. Mincer; M. F. Morales; P. Nemethy; J. M. Ryan; B. Shen; A. Shoup; C. Sinnis; A. J. Smith; G. W. Sullivan; T. Tumer; K. Wang; M. O. Wascko; S. Westerhoff; D. A. Williams; T. Yang; G. B. Yodh
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 751–755 (2000)
Searching for optical and high-energy transients from gamma-ray bursts simultaneously with Čerenkov telescopes
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 756–760 (2000)
The soft gamma repeaters in review
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 763–770 (2000)
BeppoSAX and Ulysses data on the giant flare from
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 771–775 (2000)
The hard side of
P. M. Woods; C. Kouveliotou; J. van Paradijs; M. S. Briggs; K. Hurley; E. Göǧüş; R. D. Preece; T. W. Giblin; C. Thompson; R. C. Duncan
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 776–780 (2000)
Spin period and burst rate history of
Peter M. Woods; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Jan van Paradijs; Mark H. Finger; Christopher Thompson; Robert C. Duncan; Kevin Hurley; Tod Strohmayer; Jean Swank; Toshio Murakami
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 781–785 (2000)
Deep searches for pulsations in and
T. Murakami; M. Ando; K. Hurley; P. Li; C. Kouveliotou; P. Woods; D. Hartmann; I. Smith; M. Tsujimoto; T. Strohmayer; A. Yoshida
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 786–790 (2000)
Statistical properties of bursts
Ersin Göǧüş; Peter M. Woods; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Jan van Paradijs; Michael S. Briggs; Robert C. Duncan; Christopher Thompson
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 796–800 (2000)
Optical imaging of the error box during the SGR activity in June 1998
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 801–803 (2000)
Rapid optical follow-up observations of SGR events with ROTSE-I
R. Balsano; C. Akerlof; S. Barthelmy; J. Bloch; P. Butterworth; D. Casperson; T. Cline; S. Fletcher; G. Gisler; J. Hills; R. Kehoe; B. Lee; S. Marshall; T. McKay; A. Pawl; W. Priedhorsky; N. Seldomridge; J. Szymanski; J. Wren
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 804–808 (2000)
Search for photometric variability in the vicinity of and discovery of a high-mass cluster
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 809–813 (2000)
ISO observation of a fraction of the error box
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 818–820 (2000)
Optical/near-IR observations of during the May–June and Aug–Sep 1998 active periods
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 821–824 (2000)
NIR spectroscopic observations of the stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 825–829 (2000)
Relativistic compton scattering in ultra-strong magnetic fields
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 852–856 (2000)
Attributes of GRB pulses: An improved Bayesian Blocks algorithm for binned data
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 873–876 (2000)
Properties of Karhunen-Loeve Expansion of astronomical images in comparison with other integral transforms
AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 882–886 (2000)