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Gamma-ray pulsars: the Compton Observatory contribution to the study of isolated neutron stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 39–56 (1997)
Galactic black hole binaries: High-energy radiation
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 122–140 (1997)
Galactic black hole binaries: Multifrequency connections
S. N. Zhang; I. F. Mirabel; B. A. Harmon; R. A. Kroeger; L. F. Rodriguez; R. M. Hjellming; M. P. Rupen
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 141–162 (1997)
Supernova remnants and plerions in the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory era
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 171–191 (1997)
Galactic annihilation line radiation
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 208–217 (1997)
Gamma ray implications for the origin and the acceleration of cosmic rays
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 449–460 (1997)
COMPTEL gamma-ray study of the Crab nebula
R. D. van der Meulen; H. Bloemen; K. Bennett; W. Hermsen; L. Kuiper; R. P. Much; J. Ryan; V. Schönfelder; A. Strong
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 537–541 (1997)
5 years of Crab Pulsar observations with COMPTEL
R. Much; K. Bennett; C. Winkler; R. Diehl; G. Lichti; V. Schönfelder; H. Steinle; A. Strong; M. Varendorff; W. Hermsen; L. Kuiper; R. van der Meulen; A. Connors; M. McConnell; J. Ryan; R. Buccheri
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 542–546 (1997)
The infrared to gamma-ray pulse shape of the Crab Nebula pulsar
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 547–551 (1997)
The spectrum of TeV gamma rays from the Crab Nebula
J. P. Finley; S. Biller; P. J. Boyle; J. H. Buckley; A. Burdett; J. Bussons Gordo; D. A. Carter-Lewis; M. A. Catanese; M. F. Cawley; D. J. Fegan; J. A. Gaidos; A. M. Hillas; F. Krennrich; R. C. Lamb; R. W. Lessard; C. Masterson; J. E. McEnery; G. Mohanty; J. Quinn; A. J. Rodgers; H. J. Rose; F. W. Samuelson; G. H. Sembroski; R. Srinivasan; T. C. Weekes; M. West; J. A. Zweerink
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 558–562 (1997)
On the accurate positioning of Geminga
P. A. Caraveo; M. G. Lattanzi; G. Massone; R. Mignani; V. V. Makarov; M. A. C. Perryman; G. F. Bignami
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 573–577 (1997)
Timing analysis of four years of COMPTEL data on PSR B1509-58
A. Carramiñana; K. Bennett; W. Hermsen; L. Kuiper; V. Schönfelder; A. Connors; V. Kaspi; M. Bailes; R. N. Manchester
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 583–587 (1997)
Search for the pulse of PSR B1823-13 in the COMPTEL and EGRET databases
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 588–591 (1997)
Very energy observations of PSR
R. Srinivasan; P. J. Boyle; J. H. Buckley; A. M. Burdett; J. Gordo; D. A. Carter-Lewis; M. Catanese; M. F. Cawley; E. Colombo; D. J. Fegan; J. P. Finley; J. A. Gaidos; A. M. Hillas; R. C. Lamb; F. Krennrich; R. W. Lessard; C. Masterson; J. E. McEnery; G. Mohanty; P. Moriarty; J. Quinn; A. J. Rodgers; H. J. Rose; F. W. Samuelson; G. H. Sembroski; T. C. Weekes; J. Zweerink
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 592–596 (1997)
Discovery of the young, energetic radio pulsar PSR
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 602–606 (1997)
VHE gamma rays from PSR B1706-44
P. M. Chadwick; M. R. Dickinson; N. A. Dipper; J. Holder; T. R. Kendall; T. J. L. McComb; K. J. Orford; J. L. Osborne; S. M. Rayner; I. D. Roberts; S. E. Shaw; K. E. Turver
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 612–616 (1997)
RXTE observations of the anomalous pulsar
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 617–621 (1997)
Search for X-ray pulsation from rotation-powered pulsars with ASCA
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 628–632 (1997)
A new method for statistical study of gamma-ray phase curves of radio pulsars
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 653–657 (1997)
Comparison of the BATSE LAD & SD light curves of Sco X-1: 1991–1996
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 670–674 (1997)
Application of the Gabor transform to BATSE spectroscopy detector observations of Scorpius X-1
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 675–678 (1997)
High-energy transient events from Scorpius X-1 and Cygnus X-1
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 679–682 (1997)
Low-energy line emission from Cygnus X-2 observed by the BeppoSAX LECS
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 683–686 (1997)
BATSE observations of the second outburst of GRO J1744-28
Peter Woods; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Jan van Paradijs; Michael S. Briggs; Kim Deal; C. A. Wilson; B. A. Harmon; G. J. Fishman; W. H. G. Lewin; J. Kommers
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 687–691 (1997)
Determination of peak fluxes and α for bursts from GRO J1744-28
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 692–696 (1997)
Kilohertz oscillations in 4U and other LMXBs
E. C. Ford; P. Kaaret; M. Tavani; D. Barret; P. Bloser; J. Grindlay; B. A. Harmon; W. S. Paciesas; S. N. Zhang
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 697–702 (1997)
Observation of X-ray bursters with the Beppo-SAX Wide Field Cameras
A. Bazzano; M. Cocchi; L. Natalucci; P. Ubertini; J. Heise; J. in ’t Zand; J. M. Muller; M. J. S. Smith
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 719–723 (1997)
Aperiodic variability of the X-ray burster 1E1724-3045: First results from RXTE/PCA
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 724–728 (1997)
Kilo-Hertz QPO and X-ray bursts in 4U 1608-52 in low intensity state
W. Yu; S. N. Zhang; B. A. Harmon; W. S. Paciesas; C. R. Robinson; J. E. Grindlay; P. Bloser; D. Barret; E. C. Ford; M. Tavani; P. Kaaret
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 734–738 (1997)
Evolution of the orbital period of Her X–1: Determination of a new ephemeris using RXTE data
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 753–757 (1997)
The pulsed light curves of Her X–1 as observed by BeppoSAX
D. Dal Fiume; M. Orlandini; G. Cusumano; S. Del Sordo; M. Feroci; F. Frontera; T. Oosterbroek; E. Palazzi; A. N. Parmar; A. Santangelo; A. Segreto
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 758–762 (1997)
Observations of Vela X–1 with RXTE
P. Kretschmar; I. Kreykenbohm; R. Staubert; J. Wilms; M. Maisack; E. Kendziorra; W. Heindl; D. Gruber; R. Rothschild; J. E. Grove
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 788–792 (1997)
BeppoSAX observation of the X-ray binary pulsar Vela X-1
M. Orlandini; D. Dal Fiume; L. Nicastro; S. Giarrusso; A. Segreto; S. Piraino; G. Cusumano; S. Del Sordo; M. Guainazzi; L. Piro
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 793–797 (1997)
Orbit determination for the Be/X-ray transient EXO
Mark T. Stollberg; Mark H. Finger; Robert B. Wilson; D. Matthew Scott; David J. Crary; William S. Paciesas
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 803–807 (1997)
A multiwavelength study of Cygnus X-3
M. L. McCollough; C. R. Robinson; S. N. Zhang; B. A. Harmon; W. S. Paciesas; R. M. Hjellming; M. Rupen; A. J. Mioduszewski; E. B. Waltman; R. S. Foster; F. D. Ghigo; G. G. Pooley; R. P. Fender; W. Cui
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 813–817 (1997)
Generation of periodical gamma radiation in binary system with a millisecond pulsar
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 822–826 (1997)
The MeV spectrum of Cygnus X-1 as observed with COMPTEL
M. McConnell; K. Bennett; H. Bloemen; W. Collmar; W. Hermsen; L. Kuiper; R. Much; J. Ryan; V. Schönfelder; H. Steinle; A. Strong; R. van Dijk
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 829–833 (1997)
Five years in the life of Cygnus X-1: BATSE long-term monitoring
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 834–838 (1997)
Spectral evolution of Cyg X-1 during its 1996 soft state transition
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 839–843 (1997)
X-ray and γ-ray spectra of Cyg X-1 in the soft state
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 844–848 (1997)
Spectral variability of Cygnus X-1 in the soft state
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 854–857 (1997)
Modeling Cygnus X-1 spectra observed by BATSE
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 858–862 (1997)
Observational constraints on annihilation sites in 1E 1740.7−2942 and Nova Muscae
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 881–885 (1997)
Two-phase spectral modelling of 1E1740.7-2942
Osmi Vilhu; Jukka Nevalainen; Juri Poutanen; Marat Gilfanov; Philippe Durouchoux; Marielle Vargas; Ramesh Narayan; Ann Esin
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 887–891 (1997)
Multi-wavelength monitoring of GRS
R. Bandyopadhyay; P. Martini; E. Gerard; P. A. Charles; R. M. Wagner; C. Shrader; T. Shahbaz; I. F. Mirabel
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 892–896 (1997)
OSSE upper limit on positron annihilation from GRS
D. M. Smith; M. Leventhal; L. X. Cheng; J. Tueller; N. Gehrels; I. F. Mirabel; L. F. Rodriguez; W. Purcell
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 902–906 (1997)
Near-infrared observations of GRS
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 912–916 (1997)
Infrared observations and energetic outburst of GRS
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 917–921 (1997)
ASCA observations of galactic jet systems
T. Kotani; N. Kawai; M. Matsuoka; T. Dotani; H. Inoue; F. Nagase; Y. Tanaka; Y. Ueda; K. Yamaoka; W. Brinkmann; K. Ebisawa; T. Takeshima; N. E. White; A. Harmon; C. R. Robinson; S. N. Zhang; M. Tavani; R. Foster
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 922–926 (1997)
Multiwavelength observations of GX 339−4
I. A. Smith; E. P. Liang; M. Moss; J. Dobrinskaya; R. P. Fender; Ph. Durouchoux; S. Corbel; R. Sood; A. V. Filippenko; D. C. Leonard
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 932–936 (1997)
Radio observations of the black hole candidate GX
S. Corbel; R. P. Fender; P. Durouchoux; R. K. Sood; A. K. Tzioumis; R. E. Spencer; D. Campbell-Wilson
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 937–941 (1997)
Infrared observations of the ellipsoidal light variation in
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 942–946 (1997)
Rapid X-ray variability in GRO (Nova Per 1992)
F. van der Hooft; C. Kouveliotou; J. van Paradijs; D. J. Crary; B. C. Rubin; M. H. Finger; B. A. Harmon; M. van der Klis; W. H. G. Lewin; G. J. Fishman
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 947–951 (1997)
BATSE observations of two hard X-ray outbursts from 4U 1630-47
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 952–956 (1997)
Hard X-ray observations of GRS 1009-45 with the SIGMA telescope
P. Goldoni; M. Vargas; A. Goldwurm; P. Laurent; E. Jourdain; J.-P. Roques; V. Borrel; L. Bouchet; M. Revnivtsev; E. Churazov; M. Gilfanov; R. Sunyaev; A. Dyachkov; N. Khavenson; N. Tserenin; N. Kuleshova
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 957–961 (1997)
Relativistic effects in the X-ray spectra of the black hole candidate GS
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 962–966 (1997)
A search for gamma-ray flares from black-hole candidates on time scales of ∼1.5 hours
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 967–971 (1997)
Physical characteristics of the spectral states of galactic black holes
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 972–976 (1997)
Temporal characteristics of Compton reflection from accretion disks
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 977–981 (1997)
Phase difference and coherence as diagnostics of accreting sources
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 987–991 (1997)
TGRS results on the spatial and temporal behavior of the Galactic center 511 keV line
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1007–1011 (1997)
A BATSE measurement of the Galactic positron annihilation line
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1012–1016 (1997)
Is positron escape seen in the late-time light curves of Type Ia Supernovae?
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1022–1026 (1997)
The origin of the high-energy activity at the Galactic center
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1027–1033 (1997)
Evidence for GeV emission from the Galactic center fountain
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1039–1043 (1997)
Positron transport and annihilation in expanding flows: A model for the high-latitude annihilation feature
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1044–1048 (1997)
Issues concerning the Orion gamma ray line observations: Overview and X-ray emission
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1049–1053 (1997)
Constraints from pion production on the spectral hardness of the low energy cosmic rays in Orion
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1054–1058 (1997)
Gamma-ray lines from OB associations at and
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1059–1063 (1997)
On the origin of 3 to 7 MeV γ-ray excess in the direction of Orion
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1069–1073 (1997)
COMPTEL spectral study of the inner galaxy
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1074–1078 (1997)
OSSE results on Galactic γ-ray line emission
M. J. Harris; W. R. Purcell; K. McNaron-Brown; R. J. Murphy; J. E. Grove; W. N. Johnson; R. L. Kinzer; J. D. Kurfess; G. H. Share; G. V. Jung
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1079–1083 (1997)
Reassessment of the emission from SN 1991T
D. J. Morris; K. Bennett; H. Bloemen; R. Diehl; W. Hermsen; G. G. Lichti; M. L. McConnell; J. M. Ryan; V. Schönfelder
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1084–1088 (1997)
RXTE observations of Cas A
R. E. Rothschild; R. E. Lingenfelter; W. A. Heindl; P. R. Blanco; M. R. Pelling; D. E. Gruber; G. E. Allen; K. Jahoda; J. H. Swank; S. E. Woosley; K. Nomoto; J. C. Higdon
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1089–1093 (1997)
Fluctuation analysis of OSSE measurements of the 1.275 MeV line of
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1094–1098 (1997)
COMPTEL all-sky imaging at 2.2 MeV
M. McConnell; S. Fletcher; K. Bennett; H. Bloemen; R. Diehl; W. Hermsen; J. Ryan; V. Schönfelder; A. Strong; R. van Dijk
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1099–1103 (1997)
constraints from COMPTEL/OSSE/SMM data
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1104–1108 (1997)
and the COMPTEL data
R. Diehl; U. Wessolowski; U. Oberlack; H. Bloemen; R. Georgii; A. Iyudin; J. Knödlseder; G. Lichti; W. Hermsen; D. Morris; J. Ryan; V. Schönfelder; A. Strong; P. von Ballmoos; C. Winkler
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1109–1113 (1997)
Models for COMPTEL data
R. Diehl; U. Oberlack; J. Knödlseder; H. Bloemen; W. Hermsen; D. Morris; J. Ryan; V. Schönfelder; A. Strong; P. von Ballmoos; C. Winkler
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1114–1118 (1997)
γ-ray emitting radionuclide production in a multidimensional supernovae model
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1119–1124 (1997)
Predictions of gamma-ray emission from classical novae and their detectability by CGRO
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1125–1129 (1997)
CTA 1 supernova remnant: A high energy gamma-ray source?
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1137–1141 (1997)
Constraints on cosmic-ray origin from TeV gamma-ray observations of supernova remnants
R. W. Lessard; P. J. Boyle; S. M. Bradbury; J. H. Buckley; A. C. Burdett; J. Bussóns Gordo; D. A. Carter-Lewis; M. Catanese; M. F. Cawley; D. J. Fegan; J. P. Finley; J. A. Gaidos; A. M. Hillas; F. Krennrich; R. C. Lamb; C. Masterson; J. E. McEnery; G. Mohanty; J. Quinn; A. J. Rodgers; H. J. Rose; F. W. Samuelson; G. H. Sembroski; R. Srinivasan; T. C. Weekes; J. Zweerink
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1142–1146 (1997)
Hard X-ray emission from Cassiopeia A SNR
Lih-Sin The; Mark D. Leising; Dieter H. Hartmann; James D. Kurfess; Philip Blanco; Dipen Bhattacharya
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1147–1151 (1997)
Gamma-rays from supernova remnants: Signatures of non-linear shock acceleration
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1157–1161 (1997)
Production of beryllium and boron by spallation in supernova ejecta
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1167–1171 (1997)
Gamma rays and cosmic rays from supernova explosions and young pulsars in the past
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1172–1177 (1997)
Angle distribution and time variation of gamma ray flux from solar and stellar winds, 2. Generation by galactic cosmic rays
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1183–1187 (1997)
Diffuse high-energy gamma-ray emission in Monoceros
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1188–1192 (1997)
Diffuse 50 keV to 10 MeV gamma-ray emission from the inner Galactic ridge
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1193–1197 (1997)
Diffuse Galactic continuum emission: Recent studies using COMPTEL data
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1198–1202 (1997)
Galactic diffuse γ-ray emission at TeV energies and the ultra-high energy cosmic rays
AIP Conf. Proc. 410, 1203–1207 (1997)