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Study of the very short time structure in three BATSE events using TTE data
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 33–36 (1996)
Comparison of the properties of short and long gamma-ray bursts observed with Phebus
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 37–41 (1996)
Time profiles and pulse structure of bright, long gamma-ray bursts using BATSE TTS data
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 47–51 (1996)
Quantifying variability of GRB light curves using multifractal analysis
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 57–61 (1996)
“Equal flux” averaging of BATSE gamma-ray burst time profiles
I. Mitrofanov; A. Pozanenko; A. Chernenko; M. S. Briggs; R. D. Preece; W. S. Paciesas; G. J. Fishman
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 62–66 (1996)
Calibration of tests for time dilation in GRB pulse structures
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 72–76 (1996)
Test for time dilation of intervals between pulse structures in GRBs
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 77–81 (1996)
Intrinsic dependence of gamma-ray burst durations on energy
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 87–90 (1996)
Hardness ratio versus duration for PVO compared to BATSE and PHEBUS
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 101–105 (1996)
A multifractal study of the scaling property of gamma-ray burst time profiles
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 111–115 (1996)
A compact representation of GRB time series using multiscale edge detection
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 116–120 (1996)
The statistics of the search for absorption lines in burst spectra
D. Band; L. Ford; J. Matteson; M. S. Briggs; W. Paciesas; G. Pendleton; R. Preece; D. Palmer; B. Teegarden
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 143–147 (1996)
Testing the Compton attenuation theory of gamma-ray burst spectra
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 148–152 (1996)
A comprehensive search for low-energy lines in BATSE GRBs
Michael S. Briggs; David L. Band; Robert D. Preece; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; William S. Paciesas; Lyle Ford; James L. Matteson
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 153–157 (1996)
BATSE SD observations of Hercules X-1
P. E. Freeman; D. Q. Lamb; R. B. Wilson; M. S. Briggs; W. S. Paciesas; R. D. Preece; D. L. Band; J. L. Matteson
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 172–176 (1996)
Fitting of combined Ulysses/COMPTEL GRB spectra
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 177–181 (1996)
Effects of Compton scattering on BATSE gamma ray burst spectral analysis
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 182–186 (1996)
COMPTEL measurements of MeV gamma-ray burst spectra
R. M. Kippen; J. Ryan; A. Connors; M. McConnell; C. Winkler; L. O. Hanlon; V. Schönfelder; J. Greiner; M. Varendorff; W. Collmar; W. Hermsen; L. Kuiper
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 197–201 (1996)
Exponential decay of gamma ray burst spectral break energy with photon fluence
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 202–203 (1996)
Statistical analysis of BATSE gamma-ray burst spectra
I. Mitrofanov; A. Chernenko; A. Pozanenko; M. S. Briggs; R. D. Preece; W. S. Paciesas; G. J. Fishman
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 209–212 (1996)
Performance evaluation of the BATSE spectroscopy detectors
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 213–217 (1996)
High resolution GRB spectra from the Transient Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (TGRS)
D. M. Palmer; H. Seifert; B. J. Teegarden; N. Gehrels; T. L. Cline; R. Ramaty; K. Hurley; R. Pehl; N. Madden; A. Owens
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 218–222 (1996)
Recent Gamma-Ray Burst continuum observations and their implications for line features in Gamma-Ray Bursts
Geoffrey N. Pendleton; Michael S. Briggs; Robert D. Preece; Robert S. Mallozzi; William S. Paciesas; Gerald J. Fishman; Charles A. Meegan; Chryssa Kouveliotou
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 223–227 (1996)
BATSE observations of GRB spectra at low energies
R. D. Preece; M. S. Briggs; G. N. Pendleton; W. S. Paciesas; J. L. Matteson; D. L. Band; C. A. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 238–242 (1996)
Time-resolved spectroscopy with the BATSE large area detectors: High-energy behavior
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 243–247 (1996)
Burst spectra over a wide energy range
B. E. Schaefer; D. Palmer; C. E. Fichtel; B. L. Dingus; E. J. Schneid; R. M. Kippen; C. Winkler; L. Hanlon; V. Schonfelder
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 248–252 (1996)
TASC measurements/upper limits for energetic gamma-ray bursts within the EGRET field of view
E. J. Schneid; D. L. Bertsch; J. R. Catelli; B. L. Dingus; J. A. Esposito; C. E. Fichtel; R. C. Hartman; S. D. Hunter; G. Kanbach; D. A. Kniffen; Y. C. Lin; H. A. Mayer-Hasselwander; P. F. Michelson; C. von Montigny; R. Mukherjee; P. L. Nolan; P. Sreekumar; D. J. Thompson
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 253–257 (1996)
The detector response matrices of the Transient Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (TGRS)
H. Seifert; T. L. Cline; N. Gehrels; B. Mitra; D. M. Palmer; R. Ramaty; B. J. Teegarden; K. Hurley; N. Madden; R. Pehl; A. Owens
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 258–262 (1996)
Cosmological gamma-ray bursts and the cosmic ray flux above
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 263–270 (1996)
Implications of the observed angular distribution of gamma-ray bursts for Galactic and cosmological models
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 281–290 (1996)
The BATSE 3B catalog
Charles A. Meegan; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; Michael S. Briggs; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Thomas M. Koshut; John P. Lestrade; William S. Paciesas; Michael L. McCollough; Jerome J. Brainerd; John M. Horack; Jon Hakkila; William Henze; Robert D. Preece; Robert S. Mallozzi; Gerald J. Fishman
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 291–300 (1996)
Gross spectral differences between bright and very bright gamma-ray bursts
J-L. Atteia; C. Barat; M. Boër; J-P. Dezalay; M. Niel; R. Talon; G. Vedrenne; K. Hurley; M. Sommer; R. Sunyaev; A. Kuznetsov; O. Terekhov
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 301–305 (1996)
Analysis of the space distribution of the Gamma-Ray Bursts in the BATSE 3B Catalog
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 316–320 (1996)
The corrected log fluence distribution of cosmological γ-ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 321–325 (1996)
Constraints on the Galactic corona models of gamma-ray bursts from the 3B catalogue
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 345–349 (1996)
Search for repeating classical bursts with the interplanetary network
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 350–352 (1996)
A simultaneous spectral invariant analysis of the GRB count distribution and time dilation
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 353–357 (1996)
Contraints on Galactic corona models of gamma-ray bursts imposed by Andromeda and the BATSE 3B catalog
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 358–362 (1996)
Continuing search of the EGRET data for high-energy gamma-ray microsecond bursts
C. E. Fichtel; D. L. Bertsch; R. C. Hartman; S. D. Hunter; C. von Montigny; D. J. Thompson; B. L. Dingus; J. A. Esposito; R. Mukherjee; P. Sreekumar; G. Kanbach; H. A. Mayer-Hasselwander; D. A. Kniffen; Y. C. Lin; P. F. Michelson; P. L. Nolan; L. McDonald; E. J. Schneid
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 368–372 (1996)
GRBs observed with WATCH and BATSE (3B catalogue)
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 378–381 (1996)
Analysis of the systematic errors in the positions of BATSE catalog bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 382–386 (1996)
Repetition/clustering in the BATSE 3B catalog
Jon Hakkila; Charles A. Meegan; Michael S. Briggs; Dieter H. Hartmann; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; John M. Horack
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 392–396 (1996)
Reconciling GRB time dilation measurements to the brightness distribution in standard cosmology
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 407–411 (1996)
Analytic constraints on gamma-ray burst luminosity functions
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 412–416 (1996)
The compatibility of Friedmann models with observed properties of GRBs and a Large Hubble Constant
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 417–421 (1996)
The Ulysses supplement to the BATSE 3B catalog
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 422–426 (1996)
BACODINE/3rd Interplanetary Network burst localization
K. Hurley; S. Barthelmy; P. Butterworth; T. Cline; M. Sommer; M. Boer; M. Niel; C. Kouveliotou; G. Fishman; C. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 427–430 (1996)
The angular distribution of COMPTEL Gamma-Ray bursts
R. M. Kippen; J. Ryan; A. Connors; M. McConnell; D. H. Hartmann; C. Winkler; L. O. Hanlon; V. Schönfelder; J. Greiner; M. Varendorff; W. Collmar; W. Hermsen; L. Kuiper
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 436–440 (1996)
A search for untriggered events in the BATSE data base
Jefferson M. Kommers; Walter H. G. Lewin; Jan van Paradijs; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Gerald J. Fishman; Michael S. Briggs
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 441–445 (1996)
Consistency of GRB durations and spectra with standard cosmology
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 446–450 (1996)
GRB localizations from BATSE, Mars Observer, and Ulysses Observations
J. G. Laros; W. V. Boynton; K. C. Hurley; C. Kouveliotou; G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; T. L. Cline; D. M. Palmer; R. D. Starr; J. I. Trombka; M. Boer; M. Niel; M. Sommer; A. E. Metzger
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 459–461 (1996)
Gamma-Ray burst redshift constraints from BATSE spectral data
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 482–486 (1996)
Constraints on the distribution of neutron star birth velocities from the properties of rotation-powered pulsars
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 502–506 (1996)
Constraints on the gamma-ray burst luminosity-duration relationship in the galactic scenario
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 517–521 (1996)
The correlation between gamma-ray burst duration and peak flux
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 527–531 (1996)
Spherical harmonic analysis of the angular distribution of GRBs
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 540–544 (1996)
A search for micro cosmic gamma-ray bursts in BATSE one second continuous data
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 555–559 (1996)
Searches for gamma-ray burst counterparts: current status and future prospects
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 565–574 (1996)
Searching for prompt GRB counterparts at 74 MHz
R. J. Balsano; S. E. Thorsett; W. A. Coles; P. S. Ray; J. Rhodes; B. J. Rickett; S. Barthelmy; P. Butterworth; T. Cline; N. Gehrels; G. J. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. A. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 575–579 (1996)
Progress with the real-time GRB coordinates distribution network (BACODINE)
S. D. Barthelmy; P. S. Butterworth; T. L. Cline; N. Gehrels; G. J. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. Meegan; K. Hurley
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 580–584 (1996)
Search for UHE counter-parts of Gamma Ray Bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 585–588 (1996)
Deep infrared imaging of the putative X-ray counterpart to GRB920501
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 589–593 (1996)
The TAROT project: An optical glance at GRBs
Michel Boër; J. L. Atteia; C. Barat; M. Niel; J. F. Olive; Claude Chevalier; Sergio Ilovaisky; Holger Pedersen
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 594–597 (1996)
Search for Ultra High Energy (UHE) γ-ray counterparts of BATSE 3B catalog events
M. Catanese; M. Chantell; C. E. Covault; J. W. Cronin; B. E. Fick; L. F. Fortson; J. W. Fowler; K. G. Gibbs; M. A. K. Glasmacher; K. D. Green; D. B. Kieda; J. Matthews; B. J. Newport; D. Nitz; R. A. Ong; D. Sinclair; J. C. Vander Velde
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 598–602 (1996)
Searches for TeV counterparts to classical gamma-ray bursts
V. Connaughton; C. W. Akerlof; S. Biller; J. Buckley; D. A. Carter-Lewis; M. Catanese; M. F. Cawley; D. J. Fegan; J. Finley; J. Gaidos; A. M. Hillas; R. C. Lamb; R. Lessard; J. McEnery; G. Mohanty; N. A. Porter; J. Quinn; H. J. Rose; F. Samuelson; M. S. Schubnell; G. Sembroski; R. Srinivasan; T. C. Weekes; C. Wilson; J. Zweerink; S. Barthelmy; T. Cline; N. Gehrels; G. J. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 603–606 (1996)
Looking for the source of soft X-ray emission following GRB 780506
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 607–611 (1996)
Status of the high energy GRB counterpart search with the HEGRA experiment
B. Funk; H. Krawczynski; L. Padilla; S. Barthelmy; P. Butterworth; T. Cline; N. Gehrels; J. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 612–616 (1996)
Limits on prompt radio emission from GRB 950430 and GRB 950706 at 151 MHz
D. A. Green; C. A.-C. Dessenne; P. J. Warner; D. J. Titterington; E. M. Waldram; S. D. Barthelmy; P. S. Butterworth; T. L. Cline; N. Gehrels; D. M. Palmer; G. J. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. A. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 617–621 (1996)
Simultaneous optical/γ-ray observations of GRBs
J. Greiner; W. Wenzel; R. Hudec; P. Spurný; J. Florián; R. Ziener; E. I. Moskalenko; A. V. Barabanov; N. S. Chernych; K. Birkle; N. Bade; S. B. Tritton; T. Ichikawa; C. Kouveliotou; G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; W. S. Paciesas; R. B. Wilson
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 622–626 (1996)
Results from searching astronomical catalogues for the counterparts of gamma-ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 632–636 (1996)
A 23 GHz survey of GRB error boxes
J. N. Hewitt; C. A. Katz; S. D. Barthelmy; W. H. Baumgartner; T. L. Cline; B. E. Corey; G. J. Fishman; N. Gehrels; K. C. Hurley; C. Kouveliotou; C. A. Meegan; C. B. Moore; R. E. Rutledge; C. S. Trotter
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 637–641 (1996)
Searches for optical counterparts to GRBs: EON and AIO
René Hudec; Jan Soldán; Pavel Spurný; Jan Florián; Petr Štěpán; Miloš Tichý; Jana Tichá; Libor Vyskočil; Wolfgang Wenzel; Scott Barthelmy; Thomas Cline; Neil Gehrels; Gerald Fishman; Charles Meegan; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Asen Mutafov
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 646–650 (1996)
The STARE project: First light
C. A. Katz; J. N. Hewitt; C. B. Moore; J. D. Ellithorpe; B. Rabii; S. D. Barthelmy; T. L. Cline; N. Gehrels; G. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 651–655 (1996)
Search for TeV counterparts of BATSE gamma ray bursts with the HEGRA air shower arrays
H. Krawczynski; J. Prahl; D. Schmele; B. Funk; L. Padilla; S. Barthelmy; P. Butterworth; T. Cline; N. Gehrels; J. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. Meegan, and the HEGRA Collaboration
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 656–660 (1996)
Searches for optical counterparts of BATSE gamma-ray bursts with the Explosive Transient Camera
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 661–665 (1996)
Results from GROCSE I: A real-time search for gamma ray burst optical counterparts
Brian Lee; Carl Akerlof; Elden Ables; Richard M. Bionta; Linda Ott; Hye-Sook Park; Eric Parker; Scott Barthelmy; Paul Butterworth; Thomas Cline; Neil Gehrels; Gerald Fishman; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Charles Meegan; Donald Ferguson
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 671–675 (1996)
Results from the USNO quiescent optical counterpart search of GRB and optical transient localizations
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 676–679 (1996)
X-ray observations of gamma-ray burst counterparts with ASCA
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 685–689 (1996)
Hubble space telescope observations of four Gamma-ray Burst error boxes
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 695–696 (1996)
The deepest optical investigation of the GRB790613 error box
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 697–701 (1996)
A continued search for transient events in the COBE DMR database simultaneous with cosmic gamma-ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 702–708 (1996)
Relativistic expansions in gamma-ray bursts: Constraints from photon-photon pair production
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 724–728 (1996)
Gamma-ray bursts from the interaction of degenerate disks with fast neutron stars (Part I)
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 734–738 (1996)
Gamma-ray bursts from the interaction of degenerate disks with fast neutron stars (Part II)
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 739–743 (1996)
The time evolution of GRB spectra by a precessing lighthouse gamma jet
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 749–753 (1996)
Precessing Gamma Jets in the extended and evaporating galactic halo as the sources of GRBs
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 754–758 (1996)
General relativistic simulation of close neutron star binaries: Implications for cosmological gamma-ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 768–771 (1996)
Gamma-ray bursts from internal shocks in a relativistic wind: Temporal and spectral properties
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 772–776 (1996)
The prompt acquisition of gamma ray optical counterparts with the Bradford Robotic Telescope
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 809–813 (1996)
The burst observer and optical transient exploring system (BOOTES)
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 814–818 (1996)
High spectral resolution studies of gamma ray bursts on new missions
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 819–823 (1996)
BASIS: A GRB mission concept
N. Gehrels; B. Teegarden; L. Barbier; T. Cline; A. Parsons; J. Tueller; S. Barthelmy; D. Palmer; J. Krizmanic; E. Fenimore; G. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; K. Hurley; W. Paciesas; J. van Paradijs; S. Woosley; M. Leventhal; D. McCammon; W. Sanders; B. Schaefer
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 824–828 (1996)
Burstman: A portable GRB detector for really long voyages
K. Hurley; J. H. Primbsch; P. Berg; K. Ziock; I. Mitrofanov; D. Anfimov; A. Chernenko; V. Dolidze; V. Loznikov; A. Pozanenko; A. Tonshev; D. Ushakov; T. Cline; R. Baker; D. Stilwell; D. Sheppard; N. Madden
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 834–836 (1996)
ALLEGRO: A new approach to gamma-ray bursts
S. M. Matz; D. A. Grabelsky; W. R. Purcell; M. P. Ulmer; G. N. Pendleton; J. M. Cordes; J. P. Finley; W. A. Wheaton; R. B. Wilson
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 841–845 (1996)
Recent results from the BATSE/OSSE rapid burst response
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 846–850 (1996)
EREBUS: An experiment to REveal the BUrster sites
Charles A. Meegan; Gerald J. Fishman; B. Alan Harmon; John M. Horack; Robert B. Wilson; Jerome J. Brainerd; Michael S. Briggs; William S. Paciesas; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Jon Hakkila
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 856–860 (1996)
Gamma ray burst optical counterpart search experiment (GROCSE)
Hye-Sook Park; Elden Ables; Richard M. Bionta; Linda Ott; Eric Parker; Carl Akerlof; Brian Lee; Scott Wallace; Scott Barthelmy; Paul Butterworth; Thomas Cline; Neil Gehrels; Gerald Fishman; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Charles Meegan; Donald Ferguson
AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 861–865 (1996)