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Two and a half years of BATSE burst observations
Charles Meegan; Gerald Fishman; Robert Wilson; Martin Brock; John Horack; William Paciesas; Geoffrey Pendleton; Michael Briggs; Thomas Koshut; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Bonnard Teegarden; James Matteson; Jon Hakkila
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 3–12 (1994)
WATCH observations of gamma ray bursts during 1990–1992
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 17–21 (1994)
EGRET observations of three gamma‐ray bursts at energies ≳30 MeV
B. L. Dingus; P. Sreekumar; E. J. Schneid; D. L. Bertsch; C. E. Fichtel; A. K. Harding; R. C. Hartman; S. D. Hunter; D. J. Thompson; J. R. Mattox; K. Hurley; D. A. Kniffen; G. Kanbach; H. A. Mayer‐Hasselwander; M. Sommer; C. von Montigny; Y. C. Lin; P. F. Michelson; P. L. Nolan
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 22–26 (1994)
The Ulysses supplement to the first BATSE catalog of gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 27–31 (1994)
Status of burst detection by the Mars Observer GRS experiment
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 32–33 (1994)
Model independent constraints on heliocentric gamma‐ray burst models
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 49–53 (1994)
Integral moment analysis of the BATSE gamma‐ray burst intensity distribution
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 64–68 (1994)
Implications of the BATSE data for a heliocentric origin of gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 69–73 (1994)
The slope of the logN‐logS distribution for BATSE gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 84–87 (1994)
Comparing and combining the gamma‐ray bursts from SMM, SIGNE, and BATSE
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 88–92 (1994)
Distribution of peak counts and duration of gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 93–97 (1994)
The nearest neighbors of BATSE gamma‐ray bursts: Narrowing the possibilities
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 122–126 (1994)
DO classical gamma‐ray bursts repeat?
D. H. Hartmann; G. R. Blumenthal; K. Hurley; E. V. Linder; J. Hakkila; G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; R. B. Wilson; M. Brock; J. M. Horack; C. Kouveliotou; M. S. Briggs; W. S. Paciesas; G. N. Pendelton
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 127–131 (1994)
Analysis of the density fluctuations in the gamma‐ray bursts distribution
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 141–144 (1994)
Searching gamma‐ray bursts for gravitational lensing echoes
R. J. Nemiroff; W. A. D. T. Wickramasinghe; J. P. Norris; C. Kouveliotou; G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; W. S. Paciesas
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 150–154 (1994)
BATSE burst location accuracy and constraints on the fraction of repeating GRB sources
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 155–159 (1994)
Two classes of gamma‐ray bursts
C. Kouveliotou; C. A. Meegan; G. J. Fishman; P. N. Bhat; M. S. Briggs; T. M. Koshut; W. S. Paciesas; G. N. Pendleton
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 167–171 (1994)
Pulse width distributions and total counts as indicators of cosmological time dilation in gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 182–186 (1994)
Study of the temporal behavior of fourteen fast gamma‐ray bursts of the SIGNE experiment
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 192–196 (1994)
Duration versus brightness of gamma‐ray bursts: Comparisons between SIGNE and BATSE
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 207–211 (1994)
Gamma‐ray burst variability: A search for correlations with other parameters
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 212–216 (1994)
Effects of pulse shape on the details of the ‘‘fluence edge’’ for short bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 217–221 (1994)
Time asymmetry in gamma‐ray burst light curves
Robert J. Nemiroff; Jay P. Norris; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Gerald J. Fishman; Charles A. Meegan; William S. Paciesas
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 237–241 (1994)
The search for gamma‐ray burst spectral features in the Compton GRO BATSE data
D. M. Palmer; B. J. Teegarden; B. E. Schaefer; T. L. Cline; D. L. Band; L. A. Ford; J. L. Matteson; R. D. Preece; W. S. Paciesas; G. N. Pendelton; M. S. Briggs; G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; R. B. Wilson; J. P. Lestrade
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 247–255 (1994)
Cyclotron line search: BATSE‐Ginga consistency
D. Band; L. Ford; J. Matteson; D. Palmer; B. Teegarden; B. Schaefer; M. Briggs; W. Paciesas; G. Pendleton; R. Preece
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 256–260 (1994)
A candidate absorption feature from a gamma ray burst observed by BATSE
L. Ford; D. Band; J. Matteson; D. Palmer; B. Schaefer; B. Teegarden; R. Preece; M. Briggs; W. Paciesas; G. Pendleton
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 261–265 (1994)
Consistency analysis of a candidate line feature in GRB930506
R. Preece; M. Briggs; W. Paciesas; G. Pendleton; L. Ford; D. Band; J. Matteson; D. Palmer; B. Teegarden; B. Schaefer; M. Brock
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 266–270 (1994)
BATSE cyclotron line search protocol
Bradley E. Schaefer; Bonnard J. Teegarden; David M. Palmer; Thomas L. Cline; Sandhia Mitruka; Lyle A. Ford; David L. Band; James L. Matteson; Michael S. Briggs; William S. Paciesas; Geoffrey N. Pendelton; Robert D. Preece
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 271–274 (1994)
Spectral properties of gamma‐ray bursts observed by COMPTEL
L. O. Hanlon; K. Bennett; O. R. Williams; C. Winkler; W. Collmar; R. Diehl; J. Greiner; V. Schönfelder; H. Steinle; A. Strong; M. Varendorff; R. van Dijk; J. W. den Herder; W. Hermsen; L. Kuiper; A. Connors; R. M. Kippen; M. McConnell; J. Ryan
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 275–279 (1994)
Cross calibration of burst spectra with BATSE, EGRET, and COMPTEL for GRB910503
Bradley E. Schaefer; Bonnard Teegarden; Thomas Cline; Brenda L. Dingus; Gerald J. Fishman; Charles A. Meegan; Robert B. Wilson; William S. Paciesas; Geoffrey N. Pendelton; David L. Band; E. J. Schneid; Ping W. Kwok; V. Schonfelder; C. Winkler; W. Hermsen; R. M. Kippen
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 280–282 (1994)
Comparison of BATSE, COMPTEL, EGRET, and OSSE spectra of GRB 910601
G. H. Share; W. N. Johnson; J. D. Kurfess; R. J. Murphy; A. Connors; B. L. Dingus; B. E. Schaefer; D. Band; J. Matteson; W. Collmar; V. Schönfelder; C. E. Fichtel; P. W. Kwok; B. J. Teegarden; G. Fishman; L. Kuiper; G. V. Jung; S. M. Matz; P. L. Nolan; E. J. Schneid; C. Winkler
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 283–287 (1994)
Spectral evolution of a sub‐class of gamma ray bursts
P. N. Bhat; G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; R. B. Wilson; C. Kouveliotou; W. S. Paciesas; G. N. Pendleton; B. E. Schaefer
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 288–292 (1994)
Decomposition of a cosmic gamma‐ray burst into two non‐correlated radiation components
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 293–297 (1994)
Continuum evolution of bright gamma ray bursts observed by BATSE
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 298–302 (1994)
A study of continuum spectra of short‐duration gamma‐ray bursts observed by BATSE
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 303–307 (1994)
The energy emission of gamma‐ray bursts and solar flares
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 308–312 (1994)
Spectral curvature in high‐energy gamma ray bursts observed by the BATSE large area detectors
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 318–322 (1994)
Precise localizations and counterpart searches of GRBs from the 2nd interplanetary network
F. Hack; K. Hurley; J.‐L. Atteia; C. Barat; M. Niel; T. Cline; B. Dennis; C. Kouveliotou; R. Klebesadel; J. Laros; V. Kurt; A. Kuznetsov; V. Zenchenko
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 359–363 (1994)
Comparison of watch and IPN locations of gamma‐ray bursts
K. Hurley; N. Lund; S. Brandt; A. J. Castro‐Tirado; M. Sommer; I. Lapshov; J. Laros; R. Klebesadel; G. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. Meegan; T. Cline; M. Boer; M. Niel
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 364–368 (1994)
Precise triangulation of the Jan 31 1993 (‘‘Superbowl’’) burst
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 369–372 (1994)
Study of the precision of the gamma‐ray burst source locations obtained with the Ulysses/PVO/CGRO network
T. L. Cline; K. C. Hurley; M. Sommer; M. Boer; M. Niel; G. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. Meegan; W. S. Paciesas; R. B. Wilson; J. G. Laros; R. W. Klebesadel
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 373–376 (1994)
A search for high energy gamma‐ray bursts in the EGRET data utilizing space‐time correlation
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 377–381 (1994)
Rapid optical follow‐up observations of three recent gamma ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 392–395 (1994)
A real‐time search for optical counterparts to gamma‐ray bursts
J. T. Bonnell; J. P. Norris; S. D. Barthelmy; T. L. Cline; N. Gehrels; G. J. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. A. Meegan
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 401–403 (1994)
Optical follow‐up of gamma‐ray bursts observed by WATCH
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 404–407 (1994)
Simultaneous optical/gamma‐ray observations of GRBs
J. Greiner; W. Wenzel; R. Hudec; E. I. Moskalenko; V. Metlov; N. S. Chernych; V. S. Getman; R. Ziener; K. Birkle; N. Bade; S. B. Tritton; G. J. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. A. Meegan; W. S. Paciesas; R. B. Wilson
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 408–412 (1994)
First results of the BATSE/COMPTEL/NMSU rapid burst response campaign
R. M. Kippen; A. Connors; J. Macri; M. McConnell; J. Ryan; W. Collmar; J. Greiner; V. Schönfelder; M. Varendorff; G. J. Fishman; C. Meegan; C. Kouveliotou; B. McNamara; T. Harrison; W. Hermsen; L. Kuiper; K. Bennett; L. Hanlon; C. Winkler
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 418–422 (1994)
Searches for optical counterparts of BATSE gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 423–427 (1994)
X‐ray and optical observations of the COMPTEL error box for GRB910601
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 433–437 (1994)
The search for optical transients with the explosive transient camera
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 438–442 (1994)
Results from the USNO gamma‐ray burst optical counterpart search
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 443–447 (1994)
Is a QSO the source of OT050510, and is GRB910219 related?
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 448–452 (1994)
The x‐ray survey of the second catalog gamma‐ray burst error boxes
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 453–457 (1994)
Recent small gamma‐ray burst error boxes in the ROSAT all‐sky survey
Michel Boër; J. Greiner; P. Kahabka; C. Motch; W. Voges; M. Sommer; K. Hurley; M. Niel; J. Laros; R. Klebesadel; C. Kouveliotou; G. Fishman; T. Cline
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 458–462 (1994)
Searches for bursts of TEV gamma rays on time‐scales of seconds
V. Connaughton; M. Chantell; A. C. Rovero; T. Whitaker; T. C. Weekes; C. W. Akerlof; D. I. Meyer; M. S. Schubnell; D. J. Fegan; S. Fennell; J. Hagan; N. A. Porter; M. Punch; J. Gaidos; G. Sembroski; C. Wilson; A. M. Hillas; J. Rose; M. West; A. D. Kerrick; P. Kwok; D. A. Lewis; R. C. Lamb; G. Mohanty
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 470–474 (1994)
The identification of a supernova remnant with a soft gamma ray repeater
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 486–488 (1994)
Escape of high‐energy photons from relativistically expanding gamma‐ray burst sources
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 520–524 (1994)
Gamma‐ray bursts from black hole‐neutron star mergers
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 525–528 (1994)
Gamma‐ray bursts from relativistic beams in neutron star mergers
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 537–541 (1994)
The observation of unusual gamma ray bursts from primordial black hole evaporation
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 577–580 (1994)
Gamma‐ray bursts from the accretion of solid bodies onto high‐velocity galactic neutron stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 581–585 (1994)
Dual population, galactic neutron star models of gamma‐ray bursts revisited
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 586–590 (1994)
Beamed gamma‐ray bursts from the galactic halo: Model comparisons with BATSE data
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 600–604 (1994)
Why ‘Galactic’ gamma‐ray bursts might depend on environment: Blast waves around neutron stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 605–609 (1994)
A possible cyclotron line signature from quiescent gamma‐ray burst counterparts
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 615–619 (1994)
Astrophysics of very strongly magnetized neutron stars: A model for the soft gamma repeaters
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 625–629 (1994)
Gamma‐ray optical counterpart search experiment (GROCSE)
Carl Akerlof; Marco Fatuzzo; Brian Lee; Richard Bionta; Arno Ledebuhr; Hye‐Sook Park; Scott Barthelmy; Thomas Cline; Neil Gehrels
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 633–637 (1994)
Albedo effect on the expected in‐flight performance of the gamma‐ray burst monitor on board the SAX satellite
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 638–642 (1994)
BATSE: Burst performance and experiment status
G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; C. Kouveliotou; R. Mallozzi; J. Horack; T. Koshut; G. Pendleton; W. S. Paciesas; R. B. Wilson; M. N. Brock
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 648–652 (1994)
The fourth interplanetary network: Arcsecond localizations from spacecraft at 100 AU
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 653–657 (1994)
Ruler: An instrument to measure gamma‐ray burster distances
A. Owens; J. Greiner; T. Mineo; T. Pounds; M. Rees; B. Sacco; L. Scarsi; B. Schaefer; S. Sembay; O. Terekhov; A. Wells
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 665–669 (1994)
The Kapteyn (lognormal) distribution as a model of GRB spectra and pulse profiles
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 672–676 (1994)
New techniques in the fitting of gamma‐ray burst cyclotron lines
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 677–681 (1994)
An evaluation of BATSE burst locations computed with the MAXBC datatype
T. M. Koshut; W. S. Paciesas; G. N. Pendleton; M. N. Brock; G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; R. B. Wilson
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 697–700 (1994)
A search technique for weak and long‐duration gamma‐ray bursts from background model residuals
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 706–710 (1994)
Inkjet- and flextrail-printing of silicon polymer-based inks for local passivating contacts
Zohreh Kiaee, Andreas Lösel, et al.
Effect of coupling agent type on the self-cleaning and anti-reflective behaviour of advance nanocoating for PV panels application
Taha Tareq Mohammed, Hadia Kadhim Judran, et al.
Design of a 100 MW solar power plant on wetland in Bangladesh
Apu Kowsar, Sumon Chandra Debnath, et al.