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BATSE observations of gamma‐ray bursts
G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; R. B. Wilson; J. M. Horack; M. N. Brock; W. S. Paciesas; G. N. Pendleton; C. Kouveliotou
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 13–21 (1991)
COMPTEL observations of cosmic gamma‐ray bursts
C. Winkler; K. Bennett; H. Bloemen; H. de Boer; M. Busetta; W. Collmar; A. Connors; R. Diehl; L. Hanlon; J. W. den Herder; W. Hermsen; M. Kippen; L. Kuiper; G. Lichti; J. Lockwood; M. McConnell; D. Morris; J. Ryan; V. Schönfelder; G. Stacy; H. Steinle; A. W. Strong; B. N. Swanenburg; B. G. Taylor; M. Varendorff; C. De Vries; O. R. Williams
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 22–27 (1991)
OSSE observations of cosmic gamma‐ray bursts
G. H. Share; W. N. Johnson; R. L. Kinzer; R. A. Kroeger; J. D. Kurfess; R. J. Murphy; M. S. Strickman; S. M. Matz; D. A. Grabelsky; W. R. Purcell; M. P. Ulmer; R. A. Cameron; G. V. June; J. E. Grove
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 32–37 (1991)
Observation of gamma ray bursts and flares by the EGRET telescope on the Compton Gamma Ray observatory
E. J. Schneid; D. L. Bertsch; C. E. Fichtel; R. Hartman; S. D. Hunter; P. W. Kwok; J. R. Mattox; P. Sreekumar; D. J. Thompson; G. Kanbach; M. A. Mayer‐Hasselwander; C. von Montigny; K. Pinkau; H. Rothermel; M. Sommer; D. A. Kniffen; Y. C. Lin; P. F. Michelson; P. L. Nolan
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 38–42 (1991)
Observation of gamma‐ray burst spectral at high energy by the Phebus experiment
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 43–47 (1991)
Preliminary model constraints on the spatial and luminosity distributions of GRBS observed by BATSE
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 70–71 (1991)
COMPTEL images locations of gamma‐ray bursts
M. G. Varendorff; K. Bennett; H. de Boer; M. Busetta; H. Bloemen; W. Collmar; A. Connors; R. Diehl; J. W. den Herder; W. Hermsen; M. Kippen; L. Kuiper; G. Lichti; J. Lockwood; M. McConnell; D. Morris; R. Much; J. Ryan; V. Schönfelder; G. Stacy; H. Steinle; A. W. Strong; B. N. Swanenburg; C. de Vries; C. Winkler
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 77–81 (1991)
A possible method to evaluate the luminosity function in cosmic gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 100–104 (1991)
An upper limit on the luminosity of cosmological gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 108–112 (1991)
Cosmic gamma‐ray bursts from BATSE: Another great debate
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 120–125 (1991)
Two populations of gamma‐ray bursts: A solution to the BATSE conundrum
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 130–134 (1991)
The possibility of a detonative shell flash on a neutron star and a gamma‐ray burst
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 135–139 (1991)
A possible observational consequence of the thermonuclear‐flash model for gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 140–143 (1991)
General constraints on the rotation rates of neutron star candidates for gamma‐ray bursters
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 154–157 (1991)
A statistical study of energy spectra of cosmic gamma‐ray bursts detected by the APEX experiment
I. G. Mitrofanov; A. A. Kozlenkov; A. M. Chernenko; V. Sh. Dolidze; A. S. Pozanenko; D. A. Ushakov; J.‐L. Atteia; C. Barat; E. Jourdain; M. Niel; G. Vedrenne
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 163–168 (1991)
Spectral evolution of gamma‐ray bursts
D. Band; J. Matteson; L. Ford; B. Schaefer; B. Teegarden; T. Cline; W. Paciesas; G. Pendleton; G. Fishman; C. Meegan; R. Wilson; P. Lestrade
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 169–170 (1991)
BATSE spectroscopy results
Bradley E. Schaefer; Bonnard J. Teegarden; Thomas L. Cline; G. J. Fishman; C. A. Meegan; R. B. Wilson; W. S. Paciesas; G. N. Pendleton; James L. Matteson
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 180–189 (1991)
Hardness/intensity correlations among BATSE bursts
William S. Paciesas; Geoffrey N. Pendleton; Chryssa Kouveliotou; Gerald J. Fishman; Charles A. Meegan; Robert B. Wilson
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 190–194 (1991)
Spectral variations in gamma‐ray bursts
K. Hurley; V. Kargatis; E. Liang; C. Barat; E. Eveno; M. Niel; V. Sh. Dolidze; A. A. Kozlenkov; I. G. Mitrofanov; A. S. Pozanenko
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 195–200 (1991)
A search for luminosity‐spectral hardness correlations in SIGNE gamma‐ray burst data
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 201–205 (1991)
Line strength variations in gamma‐ray burst GB870303: Possible evidence of neutron star rotation
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 211–215 (1991)
Cyclotron resonant scattering in gamma‐ray bursts: Further analysis of GB880205
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 216–220 (1991)
Issues in the analysis and interpretation of cyclotron lines in gamma‐ray bursts
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 221–225 (1991)
Search for deterministic pulse trends in gamma ray burst temporal profiles
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 294–298 (1991)
Short cosmic events: A subset of classical GRBs?
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 304–309 (1991)
A quantitative measure of the structure of gamma‐ray burst time profiles
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 310–314 (1991)
Search for optical flashes coincident with gamma‐ray bursts with the KONUS‐Sunflower‐BRW experiment aboard the GRANAT spacecraft
R. L. Aptekar; S. V. Golenetskii; V. N. Ilynskii; E. P. Mazets; G. G. Petrov; A. V. Savvin; V. G. Popov; O. F. Prilutskii; V. G. Rodin
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 317–322 (1991)
Search for time‐correlated optical flashes of GRO‐detected γ‐ray bursts
J. Greiner; W. Wenzel; R. Hudec; E. I. Moskalenko; G. J. Fishman; C. Kouveliotou; C. A. Meegan; W. S. Paciesas; R. B. Wilson
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 327–331 (1991)
Search for gamma‐ray burst quiescent counterparts in the ROSAT all‐sky survey data
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 333–336 (1991)
The search for optical counterparts to BATSE GRBs with the explosive transient camera
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 347–349 (1991)
Burst detection capability of the Mars Observer gamma‐ray spectrometer
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 353–358 (1991)
BATSE analysis techniques for probing the GRB spatial and luminosity distributions
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 363–367 (1991)
Method of separation of celestial gamma‐ray bursts from solar flares
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 368–372 (1991)
BATSE observations of bremsstrahlung from electron precipitation events
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 373–377 (1991)
Gamma‐ray burst locations from the Burst and Transient Source Experiment
M. N. Brock; C. A. Meegan; F. E. Roberts; G. J. Fishman; R. B. Wilson; W. S. Paciesas; G. N. Pendleton
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 383–387 (1991)
Preliminary results of a Monte Carlo simulation of burst detections by BATSE
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 388–389 (1991)
Possible search for neturino pulses from gamma‐ray bursters to determine the source origin
AIP Conf. Proc. 265, 409–413 (1991)
Inkjet- and flextrail-printing of silicon polymer-based inks for local passivating contacts
Zohreh Kiaee, Andreas Lösel, et al.
Design of a 100 MW solar power plant on wetland in Bangladesh
Apu Kowsar, Sumon Chandra Debnath, et al.
Effect of coupling agent type on the self-cleaning and anti-reflective behaviour of advance nanocoating for PV panels application
Taha Tareq Mohammed, Hadia Kadhim Judran, et al.