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Staging and laser acceleration of ions in underdense plasma
Antonio Ting; Bahman Hafizi; Michael Helle; Yu-Hsin Chen; Daniel Gordon; Dmitri Kaganovich; Mikhail Polyanskiy; Igor Pogorelsky; Markus Babzien; Chenlong Miao; Nicholas Dover; Zulfikar Najmudin; Oliver Ettlinger
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 020001 (2017)
Free-electron lasers driven by laser plasma accelerators
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 020002 (2017)
Staging of independent laser plasma accelerators
S. Steinke; J. van Tilborg; C. Benedetti; C. G. R. Geddes; J. Daniels; K. K. Swanson; A. J. Gonsalves; K. Nakamura; B. H. Shaw; C. B. Schroeder; E. Esarey; W. P. Leemans
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 020003 (2017)
Summary report of working group 1: Laser-plasma wakefield acceleration
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 030001 (2017)
Summary report of working group 2: Computations for accelerator physics
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 030002 (2017)
Summary report of working group 3: Laser and high-gradient structure-based acceleration
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 030003 (2017)
Summary report of working group 5: Beam sources, monitoring and control
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 030005 (2017)
Summary report of working group 7: Radiation and advanced concepts
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 030007 (2017)
Summary report of working group 8: Advanced beam and laser facilities and technology
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 030008 (2017)
Working Group 1
Mid-IR lasers for energy frontier plasma accelerators and colliders
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 040001 (2017)
Electron beam control using shock-induced density downramp injection
K. Swanson; H.-E. Tsai; S. Barber; R. Lehe; H.-S. Mao; S. Steinke; J. van Tilborg; C. G. R. Geddes; W. P. Leemans
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 040004 (2017)
Control of quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from laser-plasma accelerators
H.-E. Tsai; K. K. Swanson; S. K. Barber; H.-S. Mao; R. Lehe; S. Steinke; J. van Tilborg; C. G. R. Geddes; W. P. Leemans
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 040005 (2017)
Transport and phase-space manipulation of laser-plasma accelerated electron beams using active plasma lenses
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 040006 (2017)
Plasma control and diagnostics for 10 GeV electron beams on BELLA
J. Daniels; A. J. Gonsalves; C. V. Pieronek; C. Benedetti; J. van Tilborg; C. B. Schroeder; W. P. Leemans
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 040008 (2017)
Direct laser acceleration of electrons in plasma bubbles or ion channels with and without a longitudinal wakefield
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 040010 (2017)
Two-color hybrid laser wakefield and direct laser accelerator
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 040011 (2017)
Laser mode control using leaky plasma channels
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 040013 (2017)
Working Group 2
Fast multipole method using Cartesian tensor in beam dynamic simulation
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 050001 (2017)
New methods to estimate the HOM generation and energy spread of SRF cavities in the eRHIC ERL design
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 050004 (2017)
Efficient modeling of laser-plasma accelerator staging experiments using INF&RNO
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 050005 (2017)
New algorithm for dynamical friction of ions in a magnetized electron beam
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 050006 (2017)
Working Group 3
Dielectric laser acceleration and focusing using short-pulse lasers with an arbitrary laser phase distribution
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060001 (2017)
Millimeter and submillimeter-wave, high-gradient accelerating structures
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060002 (2017)
Cyclotron Auto-Resonance Accelerator for environmental applications
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060003 (2017)
100 kW CW highly-efficient multi-beam klystron for a future electron-ion collider
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060004 (2017)
Numerical study of dielectric laser acceleration of nonrelativistic electrons with colonnade structure
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060005 (2017)
Recent demonstration of record high gradients in dielectric laser accelerating structures
K. P. Wootton; D. B. Cesar; B. M. Cowan; A. Hanuka; I. V. Makasyuk; J. Maxson; E. A. Peralta; K. Soong; Z. Wu; R. L. Byer; P. Musumeci; R. J. England
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060006 (2017)
Partially–grounded depressed beam collector for the O-MBK and beyond
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060007 (2017)
Artificial materials for structure-based laser acceleration
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060008 (2017)
Ultra-high gradient channeling acceleration in nanostructures: Design/progress of proof-of-concept (POC) experiments
Y. M. Shin; A. Green; A. H. Lumpkin; R. M. Thurman-Keup; V. Shiltsev; X. Zhang; D. M.-A. Farinella; P. Taborek; T. Tajima; J. A. Wheeler; G. Mourou
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060009 (2017)
High gradient mm-wave metallic accelerating structures
Massimo Dal Forno; Valery Dolgashev; Gordon Bowden; Christine Clarke; Mark Hogan; Doug McCormick; Emilio A. Nanni; Jeffrey Neilson; Alexander Novokhatski; Brendan O'Shea; Bruno Spataro; Stephen Weathersby; Sami G. Tantawi
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060011 (2017)
Quasi-analytic design of a dielectric acceleration structure
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060012 (2017)
Advanced, phase-locked, 100 kW, 1.3 GHz magnetron
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 060013 (2017)
Working Group 4
Beam match and emittance saturation within plasma wakefield acceleration
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 070001 (2017)
Feasibility study of fusion plasma heating by relativistic high-current electron beams
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 070002 (2017)
Structure-based, high transformer ratio collinear two-beam accelerator
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 070003 (2017)
Cherenkov radiation in a surface wave accelerator based on silicon carbide (SWABSiC)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 070004 (2017)
Working Group 5
A fast “kicker” using a two-channel rectangular dielectric wakefield accelerator structure
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 080001 (2017)
Conceptual design of non-destructive, time profile monitor for femtosecond-long electron bunches
I. V. Konoplev; H. Harrison; A. J. Lancaster; F. Bakkali Taheri; G. Doucas; A. Aryshev; K. Lekomtsev; M. Shevelev; N. Terunuma; J. Urakawa
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 080002 (2017)
High efficiency, long-life photocathodes
Lawrence Ives; Eric Montgomery; Kevin Jensen; George Collins; David Marsden; Rasul Karimov; Lou Falce
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 080003 (2017)
Dielectric wakefield structure-based, nondestructive proton beam transverse position and profile monitor
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 080004 (2017)
Non-destructive sub-picocoulomb charge measurement for laser-plasma accelerators
K. Nakamura; D. E. Mittelberger; A. J. Gonsalves; J. Daniels; H.-S. Mao; F. Stulle; J. Bergoz; W. P. Leemans
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 080007 (2017)
Single-shot, ultrafast diagnostics of light-speed plasma structures and accelerating GeV electrons
Yen-Yu Chang; Joseph M. Shaw; James Welch; Kathleen Weichman; Andrea Hannasch; Maxwell LaBerge; Watson Henderson; Rafal Zgadzaj; Aaron Bernstein; Mike Downer
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 080008 (2017)
Experimental development of low-emittance field-emission electron sources
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 080009 (2017)
Experimental and simulation study of barrier compression on the University of Maryland Electron Ring
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 080010 (2017)
Working Group 6
Strong field electrodynamics of a thin foil
S. S. Bulanov; S. V. Bulanov; T. Zh. Esirkepov; M. Kando; S. Rykovanov; F. Pegoraro; C. B. Schroeder; E. Esarey; W. P. Leemans
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 090001 (2017)
Laser acceleration of protons with an optically shaped, near-critical hydrogen gas target
Yu-hsin Chen; Michael Helle; Antonio Ting; Daniel Gordon; Nicholas Dover; Oliver Ettlinger; Zulfikar Najmudin; Mikhail Polyanskiy; Igor Pogorelsky; Marcus Babzien
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 090002 (2017)
Working Group 7
Multi-color γ-rays from comb-like electron beams driven by incoherent stacks of laser pulses
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100001 (2017)
High brightness gamma-ray production at Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology (FAST) facility
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100002 (2017)
Compact, energy efficient superconducting asymmetric ERL for ultra-high fluxes of X-ray and THz
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100004 (2017)
Narrow bandwidth Thomson photon source and diagnostic development using laser-plasma accelerators
Cameron G. R. Geddes; Hai-En Tsai; Jeroen van Tilborg; Carlo Benedetti; Eric Esarey; Alex Friedman; David Grote; Bernhard Ludewigt; Kei Nakamura; Brian J. Quiter; Carl B. Schroeder; Sven Steinke; Kelly Swanson; Csaba Toth; Jean-Luc Vay; Kai Vetter; Yigong Zhang; Wim Leemans
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100005 (2017)
Particle confinement by a radially polarized laser Bessel beam
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100007 (2017)
Optimization of compton source performance through electron beam shaping
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100008 (2017)
Double emittance exchanger as a bunch compressor for the MaRIE XFEL electron beam line at 1 GeV
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100009 (2017)
Two-color laser high-harmonic generation in cavitated plasma wakefields
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100010 (2017)
Development of the two-stream instability in a single bunch
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100011 (2017)
Generation of tens-of-MeV photons by compton backscatter from laser-plasma-accelerated GeV electrons
J. M. Shaw; A. C. Bernstein; A. Hannasch; M. LaBerge; Y.-Y. Chang; K. Weichman; J. Welch; R. Zgadzaj; W. Henderson; H.-E. Tsai; N. Fazel; X. Wang; C. Wagner; M. Donovan; G. Dyer; E. Gaul; J. Gordon; M. Martinez; M. Spinks; T. Toncian; T. Ditmire; M. C. Downer
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100012 (2017)
Operation and applications of a plasma wakefield accelerator based on the density down-ramp injection technique
P. Baxevanis; M. J. Hogan; Z. Huang; M. Litos; B. O'Shea; T. O. Raubenheimer; J. C. Frisch; G. White; X. L. Xu; W. Mori
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100013 (2017)
Orbital angular momentum in the light emitted from laser-plasma accelerators
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 100015 (2017)
Working Group 8
Ionizing laser propagation and spectral phase determination
D. E. Mittelberger; K. Nakamura; R. Lehe; A. J. Gonsalves; C. Benedetti; H. -S. Mao; J. Daniels; N. Dale; K. K. Swanson; E. Esarey; W. P. Leemans
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 110001 (2017)
The coherent combination of fibre lasers – Towards realistic applications
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 110002 (2017)
Nonlinear optical compression of high-power 10-µm CO2 laser pulses in gases and semiconductors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 110003 (2017)
Generation of energetic, picosecond seed pulses for CO2 laser using Raman shifter
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 110004 (2017)
Transition of the BELLA PW laser system towards a collaborative research facility in laser plasma science
Csaba Toth; Dave Evans; Anthony J. Gonsalves; Mark Kirkpatrick; Art Magana; Greg Mannino; Hann-Shin Mao; Kei Nakamura; Joe R. Riley; Sven Steinke; Tyler Sipla; Don Syversrud; Nathan Ybarrolaza; Wim P. Leemans
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 110005 (2017)
Ultra-low current beams in UMER to model space-charge effects in high-energy proton and ion machines
S. Bernal; B. Beaudoin; H. Baumgartner; S. Ehrenstein; I. Haber; T. Koeth; E. Montgomery; K. Ruisard; D. Sutter; D. Yun; R. A. Kishek
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 110006 (2017)
BESTIA (Brookhaven Experimental Supra-Terawatt Infrared at ATF) laser: A status report
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 110007 (2017)
Diagnostics and controls for spatiotemporal couplings for laser-plasma accelerator drivers
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 110008 (2017)
Interferometer design and controls for pulse stacking in high power fiber lasers
Russell Wilcox; Yawei Yang; Dar Dahlen; Yilun Xu; Gang Huang; Du Qiang; Lawrence Doolittle; John Byrd; Wim Leemans; John Ruppe; Tong Zhou; Morteza Sheikhsofla; John Nees; Almantas Galvanauskas; Jay Dawson; Diana Chen; Paul Pax
AIP Conf. Proc. 1812, 110009 (2017)
Design of a 100 MW solar power plant on wetland in Bangladesh
Apu Kowsar, Sumon Chandra Debnath, et al.
The effect of a balanced diet on improving the quality of life in malignant neoplasms
Yu. N. Melikova, A. S. Kuryndina, et al.
Animal intrusion detection system using Mask RCNN
C. Vijayakumaran, Dakshata, et al.