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ITER ICRF Antenna Reduced‐Scale Mock‐up EM Simulations and Comparisons with the Measurements
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 281–284 (2009)
The effect of the radial diffusion on the effectiveness of ECCD for neoclassical tearing mode stabilization in ITER
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 527–530 (2009)
Front Matter for Volume 1187
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, frontmatter (2009)
Back Matter for Volume 1187
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, backmatter (2009)
A New Faraday Screen For Tore Supra ICRH Antenna
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 145–148 (2009)
Radial Broadening of DC potential structures in front of ICRF antennas by transverse exchange of RF currents
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 157–160 (2009)
UWB radar technique for arc detection in coaxial cables and waveguides
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 261–264 (2009)
Characterization of arcs in frequency domain
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 245–248 (2009)
Simulation of RF‐fields in a fusion device
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 593–596 (2009)
Full wave simulations of lower hybrid wave propagation in tokamaks
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 351–358 (2009)
Detection of signals in the ion cyclotron frequency range at the edge during ICRF heating on ASDEX Upgrade
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 249–252 (2009)
Observations of Lower Hybrid Wave Absorption in the Scrape Off Layer of a Diverted Tokamak
G. M. Wallace; R. R. Parker; P. T. Bonoli; R. W. Harvey; A. E. Schmidt; A. P. Smirnov; D. G. Whyte; J. R. Wilson; J. C. Wright; S. J. Wukitch
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 395–398 (2009)
Eigenmode analysis of the ITER ICRF antenna plug and electrical solution to the grounding of the antenna
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 289–292 (2009)
Non‐Linear Effects on the LH Wave Coupling in Tore Supra and Impact on the LH Current Drive Efficiency
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 407–410 (2009)
A 2D finite element wave equation solver based on triangular base elements
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 597–600 (2009)
Electron Bernstein Wave Experiment on the Madison Symmetric Torus
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 453–456 (2009)
Proposal on LHCD Experiments in Spherical Tokamaks
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 427–430 (2009)
LH power modulation experiment on JET
Y. Baranov; K. Kirov; M. Goniche; J. Mailloux; M.‐L. Mayoral; J. Ongena; F. Nave; EDFA‐JET contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 343–346 (2009)
RF Matching Feedback Control Systems on the JET ITER‐Like Antenna
M. Vrancken; A. Argouarch; T. Blackman; P. Dumortier; F. Durodié; R. H. Goulding; M. Graham; S. Huygen; P. Jacquet; E. Lerche; M.‐L. Mayoral; A. M. Messiaen; M. P. S. Nightingale; J. Ongena; D. Van Eester; M. Van Schoor; M. Vervier; R. Weynants; A. Whitehurst; JET‐EFDA contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 225–228 (2009)
Electromagnetic Modelling of Dielectric Loads in front of an ICRH ITER Array using TOPICA and HFSS codes for comparison
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 273–276 (2009)
A Lower Hybrid Current Drive System for ITER and High Power CW Klystron Development
G. T. Hoang; A. Bécoulet; J. F. Artaud; G. Berger‐By; J. Decker; L. Delpech; A. Ekedahl; J. Garcia; G. Giruzzi; M. Goniche; D. Guilhem; J. Hillairet; F. Imbeaux; X. Litaudon; R. Magne; Y. Peysson; M. Schneider; J. Jacquinot; Y. S. Bae; B. Beaumont; J. H. Belo; J. P. S. Bizarro; P. Bonoli; M. H. Cho; F. Kazarian; C. Kessel; S. H. Kim; J. G. Kwak; J. H. Jeong; J. B. Lister; S. Milora; F. Mirizzi; R. Maggiora; D. Milanesio; W. Namkung; J. M. Noterdaeme; S. I. Park; R. Parker; D. Rasmussen; P. K. Sharma; A. Tanga; A. Tuccillo; Y. X. Wan
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 411–413 (2009)
Study of CERC using newly installed 77 GHz Gyrotron in LHD
H. Takahashi; T. Shimozuma; M. Yokoyama; T. Ido; S. Kubo; A. Shimizu; Y. Yoshimura; H. Igami; T. Mutoh; LHD experimental group
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 487–490 (2009)
Activities on Realization of High‐Power and Steady‐State ECRH System and Achievement of High Performance Plasmas in LHD
T. Shimozuma; S. Kubo; Y. Yoshimura; H. Igami; H. Takahashi; R. Ikeda; N. Tamura; S. Kobayashi; S. Ito; Y. Mizuno; Y. Takita; T. Mutoh; R. Minami; T. Kariya; T. Imai; H. Idei; M. A. Shapiro; R. J. Temkin; F. Felici; T. Goodman; O. Sauter
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 479–486 (2009)
Use of High‐Power Combiners and Fast Directional Switches in ECRH Systems
A. Bruschi; W. Kasparek; V. Erckmann; M. Petelin; W. Bin; O. D’Arcangelo; L. Lubyako; V. Muzzini; B. Plaum
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 563–566 (2009)
Polarization Issues with High Power Injection & Low Power Emission in Fusion Experiments
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 551–554 (2009)
ITER ICRF Antenna Optimization and Broad‐Banding Validation by use of a Reduced‐Scale Mock‐Up
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 277–280 (2009)
Operational Experience with the Scattering Matrix Arc Detection System on the JET ITER‐Like Antenna
M. Vrancken; E. Lerche; T. Blackman; P. Dumortier; F. Durodié; M. Evrard; R. H. Goulding; M. Graham; S. Huygen; P. Jacquet; A. Kaye; M.‐L. Mayoral; M. P. S. Nightingale; J. Ongena; D. Van Eester; M. Van Schoor; M. Vervier; R. Weynants; JET‐EFDA contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 237–240 (2009)
Simulating the JET ITER‐like Antenna circuit
D. Van Eester; E. Lerche; A. Argouarch; T. Blackman; F. Durodie; M. Evrard; R. H. Goulding; S. Huygen; P. Jacquet; M.‐L. Mayoral; I. Monakhov; M. Nightingale; J. Ongena; M. Vrancken; E. Wooldridge; A. Whitehurst; JET‐EFDA contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 229–232 (2009)
Impurity Radiation for Detecting Arcs during High Lower Hybrid Power Transmission at JET
M. Goniche; J. Mailloux; Y. Baranov; T. M. Biewer; I. Coffey; L. Delpech; A. Ekedahl; J. Hillairet; K. Kirov; M.‐L. Mayoral; J. Ongena; G. Sergienko; JET‐EFDA contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 347–350 (2009)
Reduction of RF sheaths potentials by compensation or suppression of parallel RF currents on ICRF antennae
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 141–144 (2009)
Recent Improvements in Fast Wave Heating in NSTX
G. Taylor; R. E. Bell; R. W. Harvey; J. C. Hosea; E. F. Jaeger; B. P. LeBlanc; C. K. Phillips; P. M. Ryan; E. J. Valeo; J. B. Wilgen; J. R. Wilson; NSTX Team
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 113–116 (2009)
Study of TEXTOR ICRF Antenna Coupling in the ICWC Mode of Operation
M. K. Paul; A. Lyssoivan; R. Koch; G. Van Wassenhove; V. Philipps; G. Bertschinger; G. Sergienko; R. Laengner; B. Unterberg; M. Vervier; TEXTOR Team
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 177–180 (2009)
Review of ICR Heating on the Spherical Tokamak Globus‐M
V. V. Dyachenko; B. B. Ayushin; V. K. Gusev; S. A. Khitrov; F. V. Chernyshev; M. I. Mironov; Yu. V. Petrov; N. V. Sakharov; O. N. Shcherbinin
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 197–200 (2009)
Control of Internal Profiles via LHCD on Alcator C‐Mod
J. R. Wilson; R. R. Parker; P. T. Bonoli; A. E. Hubbard; J. W. Hughes; A. Ince‐Cushman; C. Kessel; J. S. Ko; O. Meneghini; M. Porkolab; M. Reinke; J. E. Rice; A. E. Schmidt; S. Shiraiwa; S. Scott; G. M. Wallace; J. C. Wright
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 327–330 (2009)
Electron Bernstein Wave Experiments at the WEGA Stellarator
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 441–448 (2009)
ICRF Antenna Characteristics and Comparison with 3‐D Code Calculation in the LHD
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 201–204 (2009)
Simulations of EBW current drive and power deposition in the WEGA Stellarator
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 449–452 (2009)
Overview on Experiments On ITER‐like Antenna On JET And ICRF Antenna Design For ITER
M. P. S. Nightingale; F. Durodié; A. Argouarch; B. Beaumont; A. Becoulet; J.‐M. Bernard; T. Blackman; J. Caughman; P. Dumortier; D. Edwards; J. Fanthome; T. Gassman; R. Goulding; M. Graham; C. Hamlyn‐Harris; D. Hancock; S. Huygen; P. Jacquet; F. Kazarian; R. Koch; P. U. Lamalle; E. Lerche; F. Louche; R. Maggiora; M.‐L. Mayoral; A. M. Messiaen; D. Milanesio; I. Monakhov; A. Mukherjee; K. Nicholls; J.‐M. Noterdaeme; J. Ongena; D. Rasmussen; F. Rimini; R. Sartori; D. Stork; D. Van Eester; M. Vervier; M. Vrancken; K. Vulliez; A. Whitehurst; D. Wilson; E. Wooldridge; JET EFDA contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 213–220 (2009)
Validation of an ICRF ITER‐Like Antenna on Tore Supra
A. Argouarch; K. Vulliez; G. Bosia; G. Berger‐By; S. Bremond; L. Colas; G. Lombard; A. Mendes; L. Millon; P. Mollard; H. Bottolier‐Curtet; R. Magne; D. Volpe; B. Beaumont; A. Bécoulet; F. Clairet; A. Ekedahl; M. Elkhaldi; J. Gunn; G. T. Hoang; Tore Supra Team
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 209–212 (2009)
Use of Fast Ion D‐Alpha diagnostics for understanding ICRF effects
M. Podestà; W. W. Heidbrink; D. Liu; Y. Luo; E. Ruskov; R. E. Bell; E. D. Fredrickson; J. C. Hosea; S. S. Medley; K. H. Burrell; M. Choi; R. I. Pinsker; R. W. Harvey
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 69–76 (2009)
Present Status of the ITER‐like ICRF Antenna on JET
F. Durodié; M. Nightingale; M.‐L. Mayoral; A. Argouarch; T. Blackman; M. Gauthier; R. Goulding; M. Graham; S. Huygen; P. Jacquet; E. Lerche; J. Ongena; D. Van Eester; M. Vrancken; A. Whitehurst; E. Wooldridge; JET‐EDFA contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 221–224 (2009)
Equilibrium Analysis of EC‐Sustained and RF‐Sustained ST Plasmas
Y. Takase; A. Ejiri; Y. Nagashima; O. Watanabe; B. I. An; H. Hayashi; K. Hanashima; J. Hiratsuka; H. Kakuda; H. Kobayashi; H. Kurashina; H. Matsuzawa; T. Oosako; T. Sakamoto; T. Wakatsuki; K. Yamada; T. Yamaguchi
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 47–54 (2009)
EBE/ECE Radiometry on COMPASS Tokamak—Design and First Measurements
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 473–476 (2009)
RF experiments and future plan on Superconducting tokamak HT‐7 and EAST
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 181–188 (2009)
Search for Suitable ICRF Operation Window for the Shaped H‐mode Operation of KSTAR
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 193–196 (2009)
Coupled Ray‐tracing and Fokker‐Planck EBW Modeling for Spherical Tokamaks
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 465–468 (2009)
Analysis of High‐ Plasmas Heated by HHFW in NSTX
B. P. LeBlanc; R. E. Bell; P. Bonoli; J. C. Hosea; E. Mazzucato; C. K. Phillips; A. L. Roquemore; P. M. Ryan; G. Taylor; J. R. Wilson; H. Yuh
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 117–120 (2009)
Synergy in Two‐Frequency Fast Wave Cyclotron Harmonic Absorption in DIII‐D
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 77–80 (2009)
Recent Fast Wave Coupling and Heating Studies on NSTX, with Possible Implications for ITER
J. C. Hosea; R. E. Bell; E. Feibush; R. W. Harvey; E. F. Jaeger; B. P. LeBlanc; R. Maingi; C. K. Phillips; L. Roquemore; P. M. Ryan; G. Taylor; K. Tritz; E. J. Valeo; J. Wilgen; J. R. Wilson; NSTX Team
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 105–112 (2009)
ICRF Wall Conditioning: Present Status and Developments for Future Superconducting Fusion Machines
A. Lyssoivan; R. Koch; J.‐M. Noterdaeme; V. Philipps; D. Van Eester; M. Vervier; V. Rohde; V. Bobkov; G. Sergienko; E. de la Cal; H. G. Esser; E. Gauthier; D. A. Hartmann; D. Douai; F. Louche; N. Ashikawa; Y. D. Bae; B. Beaumont; A. Becoulet; S. Bremond; R. Dumont; M. Graham; J. Hu; J. G. Kwak; R. Laengner; P. U. Lamalle; E. Lerche; O. Marchuk; M.‐L. Mayoral; V. E. Moiseenko; I. MonakhoV; M. Nightingale; J. Ongena; M. K. Paul; R. Pitts; V. Plyusnin; O. Schmitz; F. C. Schüller; M. Shimada; B. Unterberg; M. Van Schoor; G. Van Wassenhove; E. D. Volkov; T. Wauters; R. Weynants; Y. Zhao; TEXTOR Team; TORE SUPRA Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team; JET EFDA Contributors; URAGAN‐2M Team; LHD Team; EAST Team; KSTAR Team
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 165–172 (2009)
Simulation Study of Toroidal Shear Flow Generation by a Local ICRF Heating
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 621–624 (2009)
Study of LHCD efficiency on the FT‐2 tokamak
S. I. Lashkul; A. B. Altukhov; A. D. Gurchenko; V. V. Dyachenko; L. A. Esipov; M. Yu. Kantor; D. V. Kouprienko; M. A. Irzak; A. N. Saveliev; A. V. Sidorov; S. V. Shatalin
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 331–334 (2009)
Mixed augmented variational formulation (MAVF) for lower hybrid full‐wave calculations
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 633–636 (2009)
RF‐sheath heat flux estimates on Tore Supra and JET ICRF antennae. Extrapolation to ITER
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 133–136 (2009)
Validation of CW High Power Sources and RF Components for the Tore Supra LHCD System
L. Delpech; J. Achard; G. Berger‐By; F. Bouquey; M. El Khaldi; D. Guilhem; C. Goletto; J. Hillairet; R. Magne; L. Marfisi; P. Mollard; V. Négrier; S. Poli; M. Prou; F. Samaille; D. Volpe; F. Kazarian; A. Beunas; E. Boghossian; G. Friedsam; C. Hollwich; G. Tolksdorf
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 431–434 (2009)
Simulation of the DIII‐D Beam Ion Heating Experiment Using A Monte‐Carlo Particle Code Combined With a Full Wave Code
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 577–580 (2009)
Overview of Recent Results on Heating and Current Drive in the JET tokamak
M.‐L. Mayoral; J. Ongena; A. Argouarch; Yu. Baranov; T. Blackman; V. Bobkov; R. Budny; L. Colas; A. Czarnecka; L. Delpech; F. Durodié; A. Ekedahl; M. Gauthier; M. Goniche; R. Goulding; M. Graham; J. Hillairet; S. Huygen; Ph. Jacquet; T. Johnson; V. Kiptily; K. Kirov; M. Laxåback; E. Lerche; J. Mailloux; I. Monakhov; M. F. F. Nave; M. Nightingale; V. Plyusnin; V. Petrzilka; F. Rimini; D. Van Eester; A. Whitehurst; E. Wooldridge; M. Vrancken; JET‐EFDA Task Force H Contributors; JET‐EFDA Contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 39–46 (2009)
LH Power Losses In Front of the JET Launcher
P. Jacquet; G. Arnoux; L. Colas; L. Delpech; A. Ekedahl; D. Frigione; M. Goniche; K. Kirov; F. Leguen; J. Mailloux; M.‐L. Mayoral; J. Ongena; V. Petrzilka; C. Portafaix; F. Rimini; JET‐ EFDA contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 399–402 (2009)
Resent Status of ITER Equatorial Launcher Development
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 543–546 (2009)
Interaction of ICRF Fields with the Plasma Boundary in AUG and JET and Guidelines for Antenna Optimization
V. Bobkov; R. Bilato; F. Braun; L. Colas; R. Dux; D. Van Eester; L. Giannone; M. Goniche; A. Herrmann; P. Jacquet; A. Kallenbach; A. Krivska; E. Lerche; M.‐L. Mayoral; D. Milanesio; I. Monakhov; H. W. Müller; R. Neu; J.‐M. Noterdaeme; Th. Pütterich; V. Rohde; ASDEX Upgrade Team; JET‐EFDA Contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 125–132 (2009)
Computing quasi‐linear diffusion coefficients using the delta‐f particle‐in‐cell method
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 585–588 (2009)
High Harmonic Fast Wave experiments on TST‐2 and UTST
T. Oosako; H. Kobayashi; B. I. An; S. Kamio; H. Kurashina; H. Hayashi; R. Hihara; H. Matsuzawa; K. Yamada; T. Yamaguchi; R. Imazawa; T. Masuda; Y. Nagashima; T. Yamada; O. Watanabe; M. Inomoto; A. Ejiri; Y. Ono; Y. Takase
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 121–124 (2009)
Surface Ion Cyclotron Waves Propagating Across an External Magnetic Field
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 613–616 (2009)
Non‐inductive Start‐up and Formation of Spherical Torus by Using Electron Cyclotron Range of Frequency on LATE
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 503–506 (2009)
Development of a Real‐time Modulation Control System on the JT‐60U ECRF System
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 523–526 (2009)
Simulations of NBI‐ICRF synergy with the full‐wave TORIC package
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 81–84 (2009)
Studies on LH‐generated Fast Electron Tail Using the Oblique ECE Diagnostic at JET
C. Sozzi; G. Grossetti; Y. Baranov; E. de la Luna; D. Farina; L. Figini; S. Garavaglia; K. Kirov; S. Nowak; JET‐EFDA contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 387–390 (2009)
Full‐Wave Studies of Lower Hybrid Wave Propagation in Tokamaks
P. T. Bonoli; J. C. Wright; A. S. Richardson; A. E. Schmidt; C. K. Phillips; E. Valeo; RF SciDAC Team
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 359–362 (2009)
Electromagnetic simulations of the ASDEX Upgrade ICRF Antenna with the TOPICA code
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 137–140 (2009)
Effect of multipactor conditioning on technical electrode surfaces
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 253–256 (2009)
Mode Conversion Study in Plasmas with Two Ion‐Ion Hybrid Resonances
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 617–620 (2009)
Design of a high particle flux hydrogen helicon plasma source for used in plasma materials interaction studies
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 667–670 (2009)
Measurements of Fast Ion Distribution in ICRF Heated Plasmas
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 89–92 (2009)
ICRF Mode Conversion Flow Drive on Alcator C‐Mod and Projections to Other Tokamaks
Y. Lin; J. E. Rice; S. J. Wukitch; M. J. Greenwald; A. E. Hubbard; A. Ince‐Cushman; L. Lin; E. S. Marmar; M. Porkolab; M. L. Reinke; N. Tsujii; J. C. Wright
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 57–64 (2009)
PIC simulations of DC electronic currents collected by RF electrodes. Extrapolation to ICRF antennas
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 161–164 (2009)
Slow Wave Propagation and Sheath Interaction for ICRF Waves in the Tokamak SOL
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 153–156 (2009)
2D Investigation of LH Coupling and Thermal Loads in Presence of the ITER‐Like ICRH Antenna in Tore Supra
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 403–406 (2009)
Passive Active Multi‐Junction 3, 7 GHZ launcher for Tore‐Supra Long Pulse Experiments. Manufacturing Process and Tests
D. Guilhem; J. Achard; J. Belo; B. Bertrand; Z. Bej; Ph. Bibet; C. Brun; M. Chantant; E. Delmas; L. Delpech; Y. Doceul; A. Ekedahl; C. Goletto; M. Goniche; J. C. Hatchressian; J. Hillairet; M. Houry; P. Joubert; M. Lipa; S. Madeleine; A. Martinez; M. Missirlian; S. Poli; C. Portafaix; D. Raulin; A. Saille; B. Soler; D. Thouvenin; J. M. Verger; K. Vulliez; B. Zago
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 435–438 (2009)
Tests on a mock‐up of the feedback controlled matching options of the ITER ICRH system
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 285–288 (2009)
Composite Materials and Meta Materials for a New Approach to ITER ICRH Loads
H. Bottollier‐Curtet; A. Argouarch; S. Champeaux; Ph. Gouard; J.‐H. Le Gallou; M. Primout; K. Vulliez; A. Bécoulet; X. Litaudon; R. Magne
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 301–304 (2009)
Measurement of RF Mode Purity in EC Transmission Test Line for ITER
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 539–542 (2009)
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating for W7‐X
G. Michel; P. Brand; H. Braune; V. Erckmann; G. Gantenbein; W. Kasparek; H. P. Laqua; N. Marushchenko; J. W. Oosterbeek; M. Thumm; M. Weiβgerber
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 559–562 (2009)
Comparison of ICRF‐Induced Ion Diffusion Coefficients Calculated with the DC and AORSA Codes
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 581–584 (2009)
Status of the ITER IC H&CD System
P. U. Lamalle; B. Beaumont; T. Gassmann; F. Kazarian; B. Arambhadiya; D. Bora; J. Jacquinot; R. Mitteau; F. C. Schüller; A. Tanga; U. Baruah; A. Bhardwaj; R. Kumar; A. Mukherjee; N. P. Singh; R. Singh; R. Goulding; D. Rasmussen; D. Swain; G. Agarici; R. Sartori; A Borthwick; A. Davis; J. Fanthome; C. Hamlyn‐Harris; A. D. Hancock; A. Kaye; D. Lockley; M. Nightingale; P. Dumortier; F. Durodié; D. Grine; R. Koch; F. Louche; A. Lyssoivan; A. Messiaen; P. Tamain; M. Vervier; R. R. Weynants; R. Maggiora; D. Milanesio; F. Braun; J.‐M. Noterdaeme; K. Vulliez
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 265–268 (2009)
Minority heating by ICRH: a tool for investigating burning plasma physics in FAST
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 101–104 (2009)
Performance of the ITER ICRF Antenna plug as expected from TOPICA matrices
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 269–272 (2009)
Simulations of lower‐hybrid coupling in the Madison Symmetric Torus
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 367–370 (2009)
Plasma wave simulation based on versatile FEM solver on Alcator C‐mod
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 363–366 (2009)
Full‐wave calculations of the O‐X‐B mode conversion scenario in the RFX‐mod reversed field pinch device
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 469–472 (2009)
Analysis of LH Launcher Arrays (Like the ITER One) Using the TOPLHA Code
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 371–374 (2009)
Advanced Optics for a Full Quasi‐Optical Front Steering ECRH Upper Launcher for ITER
A. Moro; E. Alessi; A. Bruschi; R. Chavan; A. Collazos; T. P. Goodman; M. A. Henderson; P. Platania; C. Sozzi; V. S. Udintsev
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 547–550 (2009)
Validation of the beam tracing method for heating and diagnostics
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 637–640 (2009)
ECH‐assisted startup at KSTAR
Y. S. Bae; J. H. Jeong; S. I. Park; M. H. Cho; W. Namkung; G. L. Jackson; M. Joung; S. W. Yoon; J. H. Kim; S. H. Hahn; W. C. Kim; H. L. Yang; Y. K. Oh; D. Humphreys; M. L. Walker; Y. Gorelov; J. A. Leuer; A. W. Hyatt; N. W. Eidietis; D. Mueller; J. S. Bak; M. Kwon; KSTAR team
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 495–502 (2009)
Applications of Electron Cyclotron Waves in the DIII‐D Tokamak
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 491–494 (2009)
ECRH System For ITER
C. Darbos; M. Henderson; F. Albajar; T. Bigelow; T. Bomcelli; R. Chavan; G. Denisov; D. Farina; F. Gandini; R. Heidinger; T. Goodman; J. P. Hogge; K. Kajiwara; A. Kasugai; S. Kern; N. Kobayashi; Y. Oda; G. Ramponi; S. L. Rao; D. Rasmussen; T. Rzesnicki; G. Saibene; K. Sakamoto; O. Sauter; T. Scherer; D. Strauss; K. Takahashi; H. Zohm
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 531–538 (2009)
Landau Damping Of The LH Grill Spectrum By Tokamak Edge Electrons
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 383–386 (2009)
ECRH: A Tool To Control Disruptions In Tokamaks
G. Granucci; B. Esposito; M. Maraschek; S. Nowak; J. R. Martin‐Solis; W. Bin; A. Botrugno; L. Gabellieri; E. Lazzaro; G. Pautasso; A. Romano; P. Smeulders; J. Stober; W. Treutterer; O. Tudisco; L. Urso; F. Volpe; H. Zohm; FTU Upgrade teams; ASDEX Upgrade teams
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 507–514 (2009)
Lower hybrid current drive at ITER‐relevant high plasma densities
R. Cesario; L. Amicucci; G. Calabrò; A. Cardinali; C. Castaldo; M. Marinucci; L. Panaccione; V. Pericoli‐Ridolfini; A. A. Tuccillo; O. Tudisco
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 419–422 (2009)
Analytic wave solution with helicon and Trivelpiece‐Gould modes in an annular plasma
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 653–656 (2009)
Modification of Current Profile, Toroidal Rotation and Pedestal by Lower Hybrid Waves in Alcator C‐Mod
R. Parker; P. T. Bonoli; O. Meneghini; M. Porkolab; A. E. Schmidt; S. Shiraiwa; G. Wallace; J. R. Wilson; A. E. Hubbard; J. W. Hughes; J.‐S. Ko; R. M. McDermott; M. L. Reinke; J. E. Rice; S. Scott
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 319–326 (2009)
Basic plasma physics experiments and modeling of space phenomena on a large inductively coupled magnetoplasma device
Mikhail E. Gushchin; Sergey V. Korobkov; Alexander V. Kostrov; Askold V. Strikovsky; Vladimir I. Gundorin; Alexander G. Galka; Dmitry A. Odzerikho
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 659–666 (2009)
Adaptive δf Monte Carlo Method for Simulation of RF‐heating and Transport in Fusion Plasmas
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 589–592 (2009)
Simultaneous Power Deposition Detection of Two EC Beams with the BIS Analysis in Moving TCV Plasmas
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 515–518 (2009)
Influence of the antenna toroidal spectrum on ICRF heating scenarios in ITER
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 97–100 (2009)
RF‐driven advanced modes of ITER operation
J. Garcia; J. F. Artaud; V. Basiuk; M. Brix; J. Decker; G. Giruzzi; N. Hawkes; F. Imbeaux; X. Litaudon; J. Mailloux; Y. Peysson; M. Schneider; JET EFDA contributors
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 31–38 (2009)
On Possibility of Low Threshold Parametric Decay Back Scattering Instabilities in Tokamak ECRH Experiments
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 645–648 (2009)
MHD Structure Analysis by Singular Value Decomposition as a Tool for ECRH RT‐Control of Instabilities on FTU
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 519–522 (2009)
Comparisons between the TOPLHA and the ALOHA codes on Lower Hybrid antenna coupling
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 379–382 (2009)
Integrated numerical design of an innovative Lower Hybrid launcher for Alcator C‐Mod
O. Meneghini; S. Shiraiwa; W. Beck; J. Irby; P. Koert; R. R. Parker; R. Viera; J. Wilson; S. Wukitch
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 423–426 (2009)
Validation of the LH antenna code ALOHA against Tore Supra experiments
AIP Conf. Proc. 1187, 375–378 (2009)
Inkjet- and flextrail-printing of silicon polymer-based inks for local passivating contacts
Zohreh Kiaee, Andreas Lösel, et al.
Effect of coupling agent type on the self-cleaning and anti-reflective behaviour of advance nanocoating for PV panels application
Taha Tareq Mohammed, Hadia Kadhim Judran, et al.
Design of a 100 MW solar power plant on wetland in Bangladesh
Apu Kowsar, Sumon Chandra Debnath, et al.