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The asteroseismic ground‐based observational counterpart of CoRoT
K. Uytterhoeven; E. Poretti; P. Mathias; P. Amado; M. Rainer; S. Martín‐Ruiz; E. Rodríguez; M. Paparó; K. Pollard; C. Maceroni; L. Balaguer‐Nuñez; I. Ribas; C. Catala; C. Neiner; R. A. García; CoRoT Ground‐based Observations Working Group; SWG Ground‐based Observations Working Group
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 327–329 (2009)
Back Matter for Volume 1170
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, backmatter (2009)
Physical parameters determination of the RR Lyrae Star a CM, SW, SZ and UY in Bootes
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 253–254 (2009)
Front Matter for Volume 1170
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, frontmatter (2009)
A Search of the Intrinsic Frequencies in the γ Dor COROT Target HD 49434
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 472–473 (2009)
Numerical Modeling of Solar Convection and Oscillations in Magnetic Regions
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 569–573 (2009)
The Dependency of the Cepheid Period‐Luminosity Relation on Chemical Composition
M. Romaniello; F. Primas; M. Mottini; S. Pedicelli; B. Lemasle; G. Bono; P. François; M. A. T. Groenewegen; C. D. Laney
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 99–101 (2009)
The tip of the iceberg: the frequency content of the δ Sct star HD 50844 from CoRoT space photometry
E. Poretti; L. Mantegazza; M. Rainer; K. Uytterhoeven; E. Michel; A. Baglin; M. Auvergne; C. Catala; R. Samadi; E. Rodríguez; R. Garrido; P. Amado; S. Martín‐Ruiz; A. Moya; J. C. Suárez; F. Baudin; W. Zima; M. Alvarez; P. Mathias; M. Paparó; P. Pápics; E. Plachy
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 435–439 (2009)
Light Curve Patterns and Seismology of a White Dwarf with Complex Pulsation
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 625–629 (2009)
The ACS LCID Project: RR Lyrae Stars and Cepheids in Local Group Galaxies
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 213–215 (2009)
γ Doradus stars in the COROT exoplanets fields: first inspection
P. Mathias; E. Chapellier; M. Bouabid; E. Rodriguez; E. Poretti; M. Paparo; M. Hareter; P. De Cat; L. Eyer
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 486–488 (2009)
Asteroseismology of red‐clump stars with CoRoT and Kepler
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 132–136 (2009)
Multiphase PC/PL Relations: Comparison Between Theory and Observations
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 18–22 (2009)
The Effect of Metallicity on Cepheid Magnitudes and the Distance to M33
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 43–47 (2009)
Long‐Term Variability in o Ceti and Other Mira Variables: Signs of Supergranular Convection?
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 164–166 (2009)
Time‐scales of Line‐broadening Variability in OB Supergiants
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 397–399 (2009)
The Domain of δ Scuti Stars: First CoRoT IRa01 Results
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 432–434 (2009)
Variable Stars in the LMC Globular Cluster NGC 2257 New: Results Based on 2007–08 B, V Photometry
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 206–210 (2009)
Galactic Fundamental Mode RR Lyrae Stars: Period‐Amplitude Diagram, Metallicities and Distribution
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 255–257 (2009)
An Oosterhoff Analysis of the Galactic Bulge Field RR Lyrae stars: Implications On Their Absolute Magnitudes
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 188–190 (2009)
A Stellar Model‐fitting Pipeline for Solar‐like Oscillations
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 535–539 (2009)
The Connection Between Pulsation, Mass Loss and Circumstellar Shells in Classical Cepheids
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 141–145 (2009)
Multiwavelength Study of Pulsation and Dust Production in Mira Variables Using Optical Interferometry for Constraints
M. J. Creech‐Eakman; J. Hora; Z. Ivezic; C. Jurgenson; D. Luttermoser; M. Marengo; A. Speck; R. Stencel; R. R. Thompson
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 137–140 (2009)
What we learned from interferometric observations of Cepheids
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 79–82 (2009)
IRAC Band Period‐Luminosity Relations from LMC Cepheids: Application to Three Nearby Galaxies
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 37–39 (2009)
The SH0ES Project: Observations of Cepheids in NGC 4258 and Type Ia SN Hosts
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 23–25 (2009)
Stochastic Processes in Yellow and Red Pulsating Variables
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 167–169 (2009)
RR Lyrae in LMC Globular Clusters
Charles A. Kuehn, III; Horace A. Smith; Lisa Taylor; Randall E. McClellan; Márcio Catelan; Barton J. Pritzl; Nathan De Lee
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 203–205 (2009)
Physical Properties of Double‐mode RR Lyrae Stars Based on Pulsation and Evolution Models
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 245–249 (2009)
HADS in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Initial Findings from the SuperMACHO Project
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 418–422 (2009)
IRSF/SIRIUS Near‐Infrared Variable Star Survey in the Magellanic Clouds
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 321–323 (2009)
Variability Morphologies in the Color‐Magnitude Diagram Searching for Secular Variability
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 324–326 (2009)
Hybrid γ Doradus/δ Scuti Stars: Comparison Between Observations and Theory
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 477–479 (2009)
Comparison of Frequency Determinations of Slowly Pulsating B Stars from Stromgren and Geneva Data
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 379–381 (2009)
On the λ Bootis Nature: The Case of 29 Cygni
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 449–451 (2009)
Towards Accurate Component Properties of the Hyades Binary Tauri
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 446–448 (2009)
Results from Classification Observations and a Multi‐site Campaign on γ Doradus and SPB Type Stars
D. J. Wright; P. De Cat; K. R. Pollard; F. Maisonneuve; P. M. Kilmartin; J. H. Telting; E. Kambe; E. Poretti; H. Lehmann; S. Yang; D. Mkrtichian; D. Laney; J. N. Fu
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 467–473 (2009)
The Enigma of B‐type Pulsators in the SMC
Sébastien Salmon; Josefina Montalbán; Andrea Miglio; Thierry Morel; Marc‐Antoine Dupret; Arlette Noels
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 385–387 (2009)
Stellar Archaeology in the Milky Way Halo: Variable Stars and Stellar Populations in the New Milky Way Satellites Discovered by the SDSS
V. Ripepi; G. Clementini; M. Dall’Ora; K. Kinemuchi; I. Musella; M. Marconi; C. Greco; L. Di Fabrizio; M. I. Moretti; H. A. Smith; C. Kuehn; C. T. Rodgers; T. C. Beers; M. Catelan; B. J. Pritzl
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 200–202 (2009)
Looking for the Building Blocks of the Galactic Halo: Variable stars in the Fornax, Bootes I, Canes Venatici II Dwarfs and in NGC2419
Claudia Greco; Gisella Clementini; Enrico E. Held; Ennio Poretti; Márcio Catelan; Luciana Federici; Marco Gullieuszik; Marcella Maio; Vincenzo Ripepi; Massimo Dall’Ora; Luca Di Fabrizio; Karen Kinemuchi; Marcella Di Criscienzo; Marcella Marconi; Ilaria Musella; Armin Rest; Nathan de Lee; Barton J. Pritzl; Horace Smith
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 197–199 (2009)
From the Dynamics of Cepheids to the Milky Way Rotation, and the Distance Scale Calibration
N. Nardetto; P. Kervella; T. Barnes; D. Bersier; A. Fokin; P. Fouqué; W. Gieren; D. Gillet; J. H. Groh; S. Kraus; P. Mathias; A. Mérand; F. Millour; D. Mourard; G. Pietrzynski; D. Queloz; A. Stoekl; J. Storm
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 13–17 (2009)
Pulsational Light and Velocity Variability in Post‐AGB Stars (Proto‐Planetary Nebulae)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 597–601 (2009)
Characterization and parameter determination of CoRoT variable stars with FLAMES
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 391–393 (2009)
Correlation Between a Light Outburst and Pulsations in a CoRoT Be Star: HD 49330
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 382–384 (2009)
An Alternative Mathematical Treatment of the Modulated RR Lyrae Stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 273–275 (2009)
Spectroscopic Study of NSVS RR Lyrae Stars: Preliminary Metallicity Results
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 191–193 (2009)
Shock Wave and Pulsation Connection in a Monoperiodic CoRoT RR Lyrae Star
M. Paparó; R. Szabó; J. M. Benkő; M. Chadid; E. Poretti; K. Kolenberg; E. Guggenberger; E. Chapellier
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 240–244 (2009)
Observational Constraints on the Magnetic Field of RR Lyrae Stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 281–285 (2009)
Search for Pulsating Stars in the Globular Cluster M 80 from Ground‐ and Space‐based Observations
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 194–196 (2009)
High‐Resolution Magnetic Field Measurements of RR Lyrae Stars with SemPol
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 278–280 (2009)
M32: Is there an Ancient, Metal‐Poor Population?
G. Fiorentino; A. Monachesi; S. Trager; T. Lauer; A. Saha; K. Mighell; W. L. Freedman; A. Dressler; C. J. Grillmair; E. Tolstoy
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 216–220 (2009)
Pulsation Powered by Deuterium Burning in Brown Dwarfs and Very‐Low‐Mass Stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 630–634 (2009)
Physical Parameters of RR Lyrae Stars from Multicolor Photometry and Kurucz Atmospheric Models
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 250–252 (2009)
Mining Sky Surveys for Astrophysically Interesting Variable Stars: The Cepheid Period Range
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 86–89 (2009)
Evidence of Increasing Acoustic Emissivity at High Frequency with Solar Cycle 23 in Sun‐as‐a‐star Observations
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 566–568 (2009)
Early Solar Mass Loss, Opacity Uncertainties, and the Solar Abundance Problem
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 577–581 (2009)
LMC K‐Band Distance from Precision Measurements—and Implications for fhe Cepheid PL Relation
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 34–36 (2009)
Spectropolarimetric Observations of the Sequence‐D Red Giant Variables S Lep and Z Eri
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 173–175 (2009)
Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of Kepler Asteroseismic Targets
J. Molenda‐Żakowicz; M. Jerzykiewicz; G. Kopacki; A. Frasca; G. Catanzaro; D. W. Latham; E. Niemczura; A. Narwid; M. Stȩślicki; T. Arentoft; J. Kubat; D. Drobek; W. Dimitrow
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 531–534 (2009)
Progress in Sounding the Interior of Pulsating Hot Subdwarf Stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 585–596 (2009)
Towards asteroseismology of main‐sequence g‐mode pulsators: spectroscopic multi‐site campaigns for slowly pulsating B stars and γ Doradus stars
P. De Cat; D. J. Wright; K. R. Pollard; F. Maisonneuve; P. M. Kilmartin; H. Lehmann; S. Yang; E. Kambe; S. Saesen; F. Carrier; D. Mkrtichian; L. Mantegazza; M. Rainer; E. Poretti; D. Laney; J. N. Fu
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 480–482 (2009)
Multimode Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud—challenges for theory
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 83–85 (2009)
Spectroscopic Observations of SRd and RV Tau Variables at Middlebury College
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 161–163 (2009)
Changes in Mean Global Physical Parameters of Blazhko RR Lyrae Stars Derived from Multicolor Photometry
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 294–298 (2009)
MOST reveals Spica as an Eclipsing Binary
M. Desmet; C. Aerts; J. M. Matthews; C. Cameron; R. Kuschnig; G. A. H. Walker; S. Yang; D. Bohlender; R. O/stensen; M. Briquet; D. B. Guenther; A. F. J. Moffat; S. Rucinski; D. Sasselov; W. W. Weiss
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 376–378 (2009)
Searching for Variable Stars in Galactic Open Clusters
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 318–320 (2009)
Radial and Nonradial Beating Modes for RR Lyrae Variable Star Blazhko Effect
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 276–277 (2009)
Strange and Low Amplitude Cepheid Candidates in the CoRoT Observations
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 102–104 (2009)
Long‐Term, Multicolor Photometry of Type II Cepheids and Other Variables
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 105–107 (2009)
Calibrating the P‐Factor in the IR Baade‐Wesselink Method for Classical and Dwarf Cepheids
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 93–95 (2009)
A Preliminary Estimate of Hubble’s Constant Using SNIa Data and OGLE III Cepheids in the LMC
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 31–33 (2009)
Thermal infrared observations of Cepheid envelopes with VLT/VISIR
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 90–92 (2009)
Enhancing Our Knowledge of Northern Cepheids through Photometric Monitoring
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 108–110 (2009)
Analysis of the Internal Rotation Profile of Stars Using Rotational Mode Splitting Asymmetries
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 370–372 (2009)
Spectroscopic Mode‐Identification of γ Doradus Stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 474–476 (2009)
A Long Term Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of RV Tauri Stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 146–148 (2009)
Amplitude and Phase Modulation in CoRoT RR Lyrae Stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 291–293 (2009)
Detecting Short Period Variable Stars with Gaia
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 330–332 (2009)
Periodic Light Variability in Twelve Carbon‐rich Proto‐Planetary Nebulae
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 602–604 (2009)
An asteroseismic study of the β Cephei CoRoT main target HD 180642: results from the ground‐based campaign
M. Briquet; K. Uytterhoeven; T. Morel; C. Aerts; P. De Cat; P. Mathias; K. Lefever; A. Miglio; E. Poretti; S. Martín‐Ruiz; M. Paparó; M. Rainer; F. Carrier; J. Gutiérrez‐Soto; J. C. Valtier; J. M. Benkő; Zs. Bognár; E. Niemczura; P. J. Amado; J. C. Suárez; A. Moya; C. Rodríguez‐López; R. Garrido
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 394–396 (2009)
CCD Photometry of the Pleiades Delta Scuti Star V650 Tauri
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 426–428 (2009)
Strömgren Photometry of the Delta Scuti Stars 7 Aql and 8 Aql
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 423–425 (2009)
First RR Lyrae Light Curve from CoRoT Big Challenge and Constraint to the Theoretical Models
M. Chadid; A. Baglin; J. Benko; G. Bono; E. Chapellier; E. Guggenberger; K. Kolenberg; M. Paparo; E. Poretti; R. Szabo; H. Trinquet; W. W. Weiss
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 235–239 (2009)
First Light Curve from Antarctica PAIX Monitoring of the Blazhko Stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 299–301 (2009)
Toward Self‐consistent Angular Momentum Transport in Pulsating Massive Stars
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 355–359 (2009)
Radial Pulsations in A Stars: the Effects of Opacity Fluctuations in their Atmospheres
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 506–511 (2009)
Analysing Solar‐like Oscillations with an Automatic Pipeline
AIP Conf. Proc. 1170, 540–542 (2009)
Inkjet- and flextrail-printing of silicon polymer-based inks for local passivating contacts
Zohreh Kiaee, Andreas Lösel, et al.
Effect of coupling agent type on the self-cleaning and anti-reflective behaviour of advance nanocoating for PV panels application
Taha Tareq Mohammed, Hadia Kadhim Judran, et al.
Design of a 100 MW solar power plant on wetland in Bangladesh
Apu Kowsar, Sumon Chandra Debnath, et al.