Sunbathing activity could convert pro-vitamin D into vitamin D to maintain pancreas for controlling blood glucose. This study aimed to determine the effect of sunbathing therapy in the morning to reduce blood glucose levels in men and women aged over 40 years. This study recruited 30 respondents who were over 40 years old using simple random sampling in Kutisari Village, Surabaya city, East Java Province, Indonesia. Respondents were divided into two groups: control group without sunbathing therapy and treatment group with sunbathing therapy in the morning for 10 minutes throughout seven days. Capillary blood glucose levels were taken using Point of Care Testing on 1st day before therapy began and on 7th day after therapy finished. The analysis unveiled that on treatment group was able to decrease blood glucose levels from 241.93 ± 132.84 to 173.13 ± 86.91 mg dL-1 with a significance p-value = 0.001. Meanwhile, on control group was able to increase from 209.47 ± 118.89 to 249.27 ± 152.10 mg dL-1 with p-value = 0.098. Therefore, sunbathing therapy in the morning for 10 minutes significantly reduces blood glucose levels effectively on respondents aged over 40 years.
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25 May 2021
29 September 2020
Malang, Indonesia
Research Article|
May 25 2021
Effectivity of sunbathing therapy for reducing blood glucose levels on respondents over 40 years old
Ary Andini;
Ary Andini
Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Health Faculty, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya
, Jl. Jemursari No. 51-57, Surabaya 60243, East Java Province, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Rizki Nurmalya Kardina;
Rizki Nurmalya Kardina
Department of Nutrition, Health Faculty, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya
, Jl. Jemursari No. 51-57, Surabaya 60243, East Java Province, Indonesia
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Anita Anita
Anita Anita
Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Health Faculty, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya
, Jl. Jemursari No. 51-57, Surabaya 60243, East Java Province, Indonesia
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2353, 030061 (2021)
Ary Andini, Rizki Nurmalya Kardina, Anita Anita; Effectivity of sunbathing therapy for reducing blood glucose levels on respondents over 40 years old. AIP Conf. Proc. 25 May 2021; 2353 (1): 030061.
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