The in-core fuel management of a nuclear power plant is a problem of optimization of core parameters such as operation cycle, average fuel burnup and shut down margin for determining a fuel loading pattern to meet the safety and economic aspects. The study is aimed to obtain an optimal fuel loading pattern. Two models of fuel burn up calculations were taken namely equilibrium and transition cores burn up models. The calculations will be carried out by means of computer codes SRAC2006 for cell calculation and PWR-FUEL for the fuel management. The results of keff values at BOC and EOC for each transition core are approximately 1.05 as the input data and the core cycle length is found to be 330 days. The keff values at both BOC and EOC are very near to critical at equilibrium core and the core cycle length is found 360 days. The results of the calculation of neutron flux distribution and power density using the NODAL and FDM methods of the PWR-FUEL the code has the same results. From the results of the neutronic parameter, it is shown that the optimal loading pattern of PWR core can be determined by the PWR-FUEL code either with equilibrium core search or with transition core burnup models. Key words: fuel loading pattern, PWR-FUEL code, operation safety.
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10 December 2019
19 September 2019
Padang, Indonesia
Research Article|
December 10 2019
Evaluation of fuel loading pattern of PWR core using PWR-FUEL code
Iman Kuntoro;
Iman Kuntoro
Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety
, BATAN Kawasan Puspiptek Building No. 80,Tangerang Selatan 15310, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Surian Pinem;
Surian Pinem
Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety
, BATAN Kawasan Puspiptek Building No. 80,Tangerang Selatan 15310, Indonesia
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Tagor Malem Sembiring;
Tagor Malem Sembiring
Center for Nuclear Energy System Assesment, BATAN Jalan Kuningan Barat
, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta 12710, Indonesia
Search for other works by this author on:
Tukiran Surbakti
Tukiran Surbakti
Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety
, BATAN Kawasan Puspiptek Building No. 80,Tangerang Selatan 15310, Indonesia
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2180, 020007 (2019)
Iman Kuntoro, Surian Pinem, Tagor Malem Sembiring, Tukiran Surbakti; Evaluation of fuel loading pattern of PWR core using PWR-FUEL code. AIP Conf. Proc. 10 December 2019; 2180 (1): 020007.
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