The development of new drug needs pharmacokinetic understanding. Cassava leaf is one of traditional herb used for many purposes of disease. This study was conducted in order to find out the level of flavonoid urine, excretion rate, and the total of flavonoid excreted after oral administration. The time series experiment was done to measure the level of flavonoid urine and excretion rate of flavonoid. A total of six adult male Wistar rats weight ranging between 180-200 g were randomly selected from population. The single oral dose of 600 mg/rat extract was administered. Urine was collected at 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours after oral administration. The level of flavonoid was measured by High Performances Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Nova-Pak C18 Column (4,6 3 250 mm) at 347nm wavelength. The flavonoid levels of urine were 0.077 mg/mL (6 hours), 0.113 mg/mL (12 hours), 0.145mg/mL (24 hours), and 0.185 mg/mL (48 hours) respectively. The total flavonoids were excreted 0.259 mg (0-6 hours), 0.313 mg (6-12 hours), 0.564 mg (12-24 hours). (24-48 hours). The excretion rates were 0.043 mg/h (0-6 hours), 0.052 mg/h (6-12 hours), 0.047 mg/h (12-24 hours) and 0.036 mg/h (24-48 hours). It was found out that the flavonoid excretion of cassava leaves extract was more than 48 hours suggesting. The fastest excretion rate was 6-12 hours after oral administration.
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6 September 2019
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOSCIENCES AND MEDICAL ENGINEERING (ICBME2019): Towards innovative research and cross-disciplinary collaborations
11–12 April 2019
Bali, Indonesia
Research Article|
September 06 2019
Excretion of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) leaves extract after oral administration in rat
Nugrahaningsih Wahyu Harini;
Nugrahaningsih Wahyu Harini
Biology Department, Mathematics and Science Faculty Universitas Negeri Semarang
, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Fitta Permata Putri;
Fitta Permata Putri
Student of Graduate Program Biology Department, Mathematics and Science Faculty Universitas Negeri Semarang
, Indonesia
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Ary Yuniastuti;
Ary Yuniastuti
Biology Department, Mathematics and Science Faculty Universitas Negeri Semarang
, Indonesia
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Biology Department, Mathematics and Science Faculty Universitas Negeri Semarang
, Indonesia
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Ely Rudyatmi
Ely Rudyatmi
Biology Department, Mathematics and Science Faculty Universitas Negeri Semarang
, Indonesia
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2155, 020027 (2019)
Nugrahaningsih Wahyu Harini, Fitta Permata Putri, Ary Yuniastuti, Lisdiana, Ely Rudyatmi; Excretion of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) leaves extract after oral administration in rat. AIP Conf. Proc. 6 September 2019; 2155 (1): 020027.
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