This communication presents a numerical computation strategy for the modelling of the ultrasonic inspections of CFRP composite structures based on a specific use of high order spectral finite elements. The overall computation performance is enhanced by considering a block-structured domain decomposition approach. This decomposition incorporates within the finite element computations relevant physical information, such as the representation of the specimen prior to and after its potential deformations, leading to an efficient reconstruction of local fiber orientations. The numerical solver is embedded within the CIVA simulation platform, and we propose several numerical illustrations of relevant 2D configurations of curved CFRP composites including potential flaws such as ply waviness.
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8 May 2019
15–19 July 2018
Vermont, USA
Research Article|
May 08 2019
Smart numerical tools for the modelling of ultrasonic testing on curved composite structures
Alexandre Imperiale;
Alexandre Imperiale
NDE department CEA LIST
, Saclay, France
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Edouard Demaldent;
Edouard Demaldent
NDE department CEA LIST
, Saclay, France
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Nicolas Leymarie;
Nicolas Leymarie
NDE department CEA LIST
, Saclay, France
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Sylvain Chatillon;
Sylvain Chatillon
NDE department CEA LIST
, Saclay, France
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Pierre Calmon
Pierre Calmon
NDE department CEA LIST
, Saclay, France
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2102, 130004 (2019)
Alexandre Imperiale, Edouard Demaldent, Nicolas Leymarie, Sylvain Chatillon, Pierre Calmon; Smart numerical tools for the modelling of ultrasonic testing on curved composite structures. AIP Conf. Proc. 8 May 2019; 2102 (1): 130004.
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