The RAY-UI project started as a proof-of-concept for an interactive and graphical user interface (UI) for the well-known ray tracing software RAY [1]. In the meantime, it has developed into a powerful enhanced version of RAY that also serves as platform for new development, code optimization, and improvement of associated tools [2].
Compared to RAY several extensions and features were implemented: We introduced mono-capillaries and hyperbolic mirrors as new optical elements, and added a “Simple Undulator” as a new light source. Furthermore, we have extended the modelling of Reflection Zone Plates, and added support for SPECTRA [3] files for “Undulator File” light sources. Besides this RAY-UI is now also supporting “smart” parameters which apply to the whole optical system. As an example we show the setup of a plane-grating monochromator beamline in SX-700 mount, where the position of the premirror is calculated automatically according to the c-factor and the grating parameters. As an outlook, we show first results of automatically generated schematic beamline views.