One of the technologies to treat petroleum contaminated soil was ultrasonic. The use of ultrasonic energy not only assist the desorption of contaminants from the soil but also promotes the formation of •OH, which are the oxidant agents in the oxidation process. The soil samples were obtained from around the location of contaminated petroleum mining for decades (aged-oil contaminated soil) located in Grobogan District, Central Java. This research used a tube reactor made from stainless steel with size 21 cm × 21 cm × 18 cm. The experimental results showed that clean up effect of ultrasound for oil contaminated was obvious. There are two tested frequencies, that are 28 kHz and 48 kHz. The input ultrasound power of 220 volts was determined as follows: (1) the amount of soil per an operation was a 300 g and 100 g for ratio solid-liquid 1:3 and 1:10. Tt was found that the best optimum frequency was at 48 kHz with the percentage decrease of TPH was 67,09%. Efficiency removal of TPH at 48 kHz frequency in solid/liquid ratio 1: 3; 1:6 10 respectively was 55,598%; 71.453%. The GC-MS results showed that long chain hydrocarbon compounds had been broken into simpler hydrocarbon compounds.
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21 September 2018
12 May 2018
Surakarta, Indonesia
Research Article|
September 21 2018
Effect of frequency and ratio solid liquid on ultrasonic remediation of petroleum contaminated soil
Marita Wulandari;
Marita Wulandari
Environmental Engineering Departement, Graduate School, Institut Teknologi Bandung
, St. Ganeca No 10 Bandung, West Java 40132 Indonesia
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Agus Jatnika Effendi
Agus Jatnika Effendi
Environmental Engineering Departement Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
, St. Ganeca No 10 Bandung, West Java 40132 Indonesia
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2014, 020120 (2018)
Marita Wulandari, Agus Jatnika Effendi; Effect of frequency and ratio solid liquid on ultrasonic remediation of petroleum contaminated soil. AIP Conf. Proc. 21 September 2018; 2014 (1): 020120.
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