Multilevel inverter is increasingly being used in medium and high power application as conventional inverter have limited power hold and high total harmonics distortion. At present, there is a lot of literature regarding the topology and switching technique for multilevel inverter. The three common types of multilevel inverter are Diode Clamp Multilevel Inverter (DCMI), Cascaded Multilevel Inverter (CMI) and Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter (FCMI). This paper proposed the Three Phase Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter (FCMI) with Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) switching technique. This paper analysed the performance of FCMI and its characteristics based on parameters such as output phase voltage waveform and the total harmonics distortion (THD). The performance was accessed using Matlab/Simulink software. The result obtained shows that with higher number of levels for FCMI, the output THD was lowered due to near sinusoidal output waveform.
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14 September 2017
ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING: FROM THEORY TO APPLICATIONS: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IC3E 2017)
14–15 August 2017
Johor, Malaysia
Research Article|
September 14 2017
Comparison between three phase three and five level of flying capacitor multilevel inverter
Suresh Thanakodi;
Suresh Thanakodi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National Defence University of Malaysia
, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Nazatul Shiema Moh Nazar;
Nazatul Shiema Moh Nazar
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National Defence University of Malaysia
, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Bryon Sim Phin Tzen
Bryon Sim Phin Tzen
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National Defence University of Malaysia
, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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AIP Conf. Proc. 1883, 020046 (2017)
Suresh Thanakodi, Nazatul Shiema Moh Nazar, Bryon Sim Phin Tzen; Comparison between three phase three and five level of flying capacitor multilevel inverter. AIP Conf. Proc. 14 September 2017; 1883 (1): 020046.
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