Yogyakarta is one of patchouli oil distillation center in Indonesia. The quality of patchouli oil greatly affect its market price. Therefore, testing quality of patchouli oil parameters is an important concern, one through determination of the measurement uncertainty. This study will determine the measurement uncertainty of ester number, acid number and content of patchouli alcohol through a bottom up approach. Source contributor to measurement uncertainty of ester number is a mass of the sample, a blank and sample titration volume, the molar mass of KOH, HCl normality, and replication. While the source contributor of the measurement uncertainty of acid number is the mass of the sample, the sample titration volume, the relative mass and normality of KOH, and repetition. Determination of patchouli alcohol by Gas Chromatography considers the sources of measurement uncertainty only from repeatability because reference materials are not available.
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17 March 2017
15–16 November 2016
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Research Article|
March 17 2017
Measurement uncertainty of ester number, acid number and patchouli alcohol of patchouli oil produced in Yogyakarta
Reni Banowati Istiningrum;
Reni Banowati Istiningrum
1Chemical Analysis Department,
Islamic University of Indonesia
, Indonesia
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Azis Saepuloh;
Azis Saepuloh
1Chemical Analysis Department,
Islamic University of Indonesia
, Indonesia
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Wirdatul Jannah;
Wirdatul Jannah
1Chemical Analysis Department,
Islamic University of Indonesia
, Indonesia
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Didit Waskito Aji
Didit Waskito Aji
1Chemical Analysis Department,
Islamic University of Indonesia
, Indonesia
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Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 1823, 020080 (2017)
Reni Banowati Istiningrum, Azis Saepuloh, Wirdatul Jannah, Didit Waskito Aji; Measurement uncertainty of ester number, acid number and patchouli alcohol of patchouli oil produced in Yogyakarta. AIP Conf. Proc. 17 March 2017; 1823 (1): 020080. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4978153
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