Concentrating solar power projects require accurate direct normal irradiance (DNI) data including uncertainty specifications for plant layout and cost calculations. Ground measured data are necessary to obtain the required level of accuracy and are often obtained with Rotating Shadowband Irradiometers (RSI) that use photodiode pyranometers and correction functions to account for systematic effects. The uncertainty of Si-pyranometers has been investigated, but so far basically empirical studies were published or decisive uncertainty influences had to be estimated based on experience in analytical studies. One of the most crucial estimated influences is the spectral irradiance error because Si-photodiode-pyranometers only detect visible and color infrared radiation and have a spectral response that varies strongly within this wavelength interval. Furthermore, analytic studies did not discuss the role of correction functions and the uncertainty introduced by imperfect shading. In order to further improve the bankability of RSI and Si-pyranometer data, a detailed uncertainty analysis following the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) has been carried out. The study defines a method for the derivation of the spectral error and spectral uncertainties and presents quantitative values of the spectral and overall uncertainties. Data from the PSA station in southern Spain was selected for the analysis. Average standard uncertainties for corrected 10 min data of 2 % for global horizontal irradiance (GHI), and 2.9 % for DNI (for GHI and DNI over 300 W/m²) were found for the 2012 yearly dataset when separate GHI and DHI calibration constants were used. Also the uncertainty in 1 min resolution was analyzed. The effect of correction functions is significant. The uncertainties found in this study are consistent with results of previous empirical studies.
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31 May 2016
SOLARPACES 2015: International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems
13–16 October 2015
Cape Town, South Africa
Research Article|
May 31 2016
Uncertainty of rotating shadowband irradiometers and Si-pyranometers including the spectral irradiance error
Stefan Wilbert;
Stefan Wilbert
DLR, Inst. of Solar Research
, Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA), 04200 Tabernas, Spain
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Stefan Kleindiek;
Stefan Kleindiek
DLR, Inst. of Solar Research
, Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA), 04200 Tabernas, Spain
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Bijan Nouri;
Bijan Nouri
DLR, Inst. of Solar Research
, Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA), 04200 Tabernas, Spain
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Norbert Geuder;
Norbert Geuder
2CSP Services, Friedrich-Ebert-Ufer 30, 51143 Cologne /
University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart
, Schellingstr. 24, 70147 Stuttgart, Germany
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Aron Habte;
Aron Habte
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
, 15013 Denver West Parkway, Golden, CO 80401, USA
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Marko Schwandt;
Marko Schwandt
, Brandstwiete 46, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
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Frank Vignola
Frank Vignola
University of Oregon
, Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1274, USA
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Corresponding author
AIP Conf. Proc. 1734, 150009 (2016)
Stefan Wilbert, Stefan Kleindiek, Bijan Nouri, Norbert Geuder, Aron Habte, Marko Schwandt, Frank Vignola; Uncertainty of rotating shadowband irradiometers and Si-pyranometers including the spectral irradiance error. AIP Conf. Proc. 31 May 2016; 1734 (1): 150009.
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