Today Spain is still the worldwide leader in the use of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technology with more than 2300 MW installed solar thermal power rated in 2015, compared to the 4600 MW installed worldwide. In order to improve the quality of current plants and require the best quality for future plants, the subcommittee SC 117 “Thermoelectric Solar Energy Systems”, which is part of the committee AEN/CTN 206 for electricity production, works on different aspects of the plants since 2010. This paper gives an overview of the state of the publications in draft to qualify the performance and the durability of the main components of the solar field (receiver tubes, solar tracking systems, reflectors, heat transfer fluids, collectors and specific sensors). A summary of the main tests set for each component in the future Spanish standards is presented. The first complete standard drafts will be ready by the end of the current year 2015 and most are expected to be published within the following years.
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31 May 2016
SOLARPACES 2015: International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems
13–16 October 2015
Cape Town, South Africa
Research Article|
May 31 2016
Standards for components in concentrating solar thermal power plants - status of the Spanish working group
Fabienne Sallaberry;
Fabienne Sallaberry
CENER (National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain)
, Solar Thermal Energy Department, Ciudad de la Innovación 7, 31621 Sarriguren, Navarra (Spain
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Azucena Bello;
Azucena Bello
ABENGOA Edificio Solandcenter
. Carretera A-472, P.K. 5,85, margen derecha. 41800 Sanlúcar la Mayor, Sevilla (Spain
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Juan Ignacio Burgaleta;
Juan Ignacio Burgaleta
, Engineering Division, Adva. Zugazarte, 56, 48930 Las Arenas, Bizkaia (Spain
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Aránzazu Fernandez-García;
Aránzazu Fernandez-García
. Senés Road, Km. 4.5. P.O. Box 22, E04200, Tabernas, Almería (Spain
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Jesus Fernandez-Reche;
Jesus Fernandez-Reche
. Senés Road, Km. 4.5. P.O. Box 22, E04200, Tabernas, Almería (Spain
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Juan Antonio Gomez;
Juan Antonio Gomez
Telvent Energía
, S.A. (Schneider Electric), Edificio Bogaris, Av. Charles Darwin - 41092 – Sevilla (Spain
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Saioa Herrero;
Saioa Herrero
IK4-TEKNIKER, Parke Teknologikoa
, Iñaki Goenaga 5, 20600 Eibar, Gipuzkoa (Spain
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Eckhard Lüpfert;
Eckhard Lüpfert
CSP Services
, Paseo de Almeria 73-2iz, 04001 Almería (Spain
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Rafael Morillo;
Rafael Morillo
ABENGOA Edificio Solandcenter
. Carretera A-472, P.K. 5,85, margen derecha. 41800 Sanlúcar la Mayor, Sevilla (Spain
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Gema San Vicente;
Gema San Vicente
. Senés Road, Km. 4.5. P.O. Box 22, E04200, Tabernas, Almería (Spain
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Marcelino Sanchez;
Marcelino Sanchez
CENER (National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain)
, Solar Thermal Energy Department, Ciudad de la Innovación 7, 31621 Sarriguren, Navarra (Spain
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Patricia Santamaria;
Patricia Santamaria
., Ctra. Aznalcóllar - Gerena, Km. 1, Apartado 32, 41870 Aznalcóllar, Sevilla (Spain
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Josep Ubach;
Josep Ubach
, 33695 Pola de Lena, Asturias (Spain
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Jesus Terradillos;
Jesus Terradillos
IK4-TEKNIKER, Parke Teknologikoa
, Iñaki Goenaga 5, 20600 Eibar, Gipuzkoa (Spain
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Loreto Valenzuela
Loreto Valenzuela
. Senés Road, Km. 4.5. P.O. Box 22, E04200, Tabernas, Almería (Spain
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Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 1734, 110003 (2016)
Fabienne Sallaberry, Azucena Bello, Juan Ignacio Burgaleta, Aránzazu Fernandez-García, Jesus Fernandez-Reche, Juan Antonio Gomez, Saioa Herrero, Eckhard Lüpfert, Rafael Morillo, Gema San Vicente, Marcelino Sanchez, Patricia Santamaria, Josep Ubach, Jesus Terradillos, Loreto Valenzuela; Standards for components in concentrating solar thermal power plants - status of the Spanish working group. AIP Conf. Proc. 31 May 2016; 1734 (1): 110003.
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