We present simultaneous retrievals of aerosol and marine parameters in coastal areas from ocean color data using the OC-SMART algorithm, Ocean Color: Simultaneous Marine and Aerosol Retrieval Tool. OC-SMART uses a one-step nonlinear optimal estimation/Levenberg-Marquardt method instead of the traditional two-step look-up table approach to improve retrieval accuracy, and a radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN) forward radiative transfer model for the coupled atmosphere-water system to increase retrieval speed without loss of accuracy. We discuss applications of OC-SMART to analyze SeaWiFS, MERIS, and MODIS images obtained over coastal waters. Five parameters are obtained from the retrieval: aerosol optical depth, aerosol bi-modal fraction, chlorophyll concentration, CDOM absorption, and backscattering coefficient. The water leaving radiance is provided as a by-product.

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