A numerical simulation of shock experiments on Cerium is reported in the present, by using a multiphase equation of state (MEOS) , a multiphase Steinberg-Guinan (MSG) constitutive model and non-equilibrium phase transition process for Cerium. A volume change of about 15% occurs when Cerium is subject to high pressure (~0.7 GPa) and γ→α phase change takes place. The phase transition and constitutive model are coupling and it is hard to distinguish by single experiment. The passive confined pressure SHPB test method can give the pressure-volume under dynamic loading and release including the phase transition character of Cerium. The free surface/window velocity which coupling the information of phase transition and constitutive model can also be given by the plane impact experiment. This is an attempt by two kinds of experiment to obtaining a multiphase equation of state, constitutive model and non-equilibrium phase transition equation.

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