We have integrated the two main photoconductance decay (PCD) carrier lifetime measurement methods into one setup. This allows us to record both the actual carrier lifetime 𝜏𝑎 and differential lifetime 𝜏𝑑 in the function of injection level Δ𝑛. The two methods complement each other in terms of advantages. While the transient photoconductance (transient PC) is a very fast measurement not impacted by the optical properties of the given sample, the small-perturbation PCD (SP-PCD) method is insensitive to sensor calibration issues, conductive layers, and does not rely on carrier mobility models. For proper measuring conditions, all parameters of the measurement setup were optimized aiming the accurate carrier lifetime measurement of modern solar cell structures featuring continuously improving performance. The optics were designed to cover a large area, very homogenous spot of the steady-state and pulsed light beams to avoid the lateral diffusion effect. Both evaluation methods were critically reviewed and the systematic error caused by lateral diffusion was investigated with computer simulations. Using the optimized integrated setup and corrected evaluation methods, consistent agreement between the recoded 𝜏𝑎(Δ𝑛) curves was found, which confirms the accuracy of the reported values and the reliability of measuring 𝜏𝑎 with the setup.
Research Article|
June 27 2023
Integrated measurement of the actual and small perturbation lifetimes with improved accuracy
Dávid Krisztián;
Dávid Krisztián
Semilab Co. Ltd
. 4/A Prielle K. str., H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
Department of Physics, Institute of Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
, Műegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
a)Corresponding author: david.krisztian@semilab.hu
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Ferenc Korsós;
Ferenc Korsós
Semilab Co. Ltd
. 4/A Prielle K. str., H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
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Enikő Kis;
Enikő Kis
Semilab Co. Ltd
. 4/A Prielle K. str., H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
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Gábor Paráda;
Gábor Paráda
Semilab Co. Ltd
. 4/A Prielle K. str., H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
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Péter Tüttő
Péter Tüttő
Semilab Co. Ltd
. 4/A Prielle K. str., H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
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a)Corresponding author: david.krisztian@semilab.hu
AIP Conf. Proc. 2826, 110005 (2023)
Dávid Krisztián, Ferenc Korsós, Enikő Kis, Gábor Paráda, Péter Tüttő; Integrated measurement of the actual and small perturbation lifetimes with improved accuracy. AIP Conf. Proc. 27 June 2023; 2826 (1): 110005. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0141149
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