A new accurate and low cost Position Sensitive Detector (PSD) unit has been developed. The PSD unit can be used both for a precise sun tracking and for an accurate outdoor characterization of the CPV modules. Besides the excellent accuracy and linearity, the proposed solution is miniaturized to be easily integrated in most of the CPV module types and therefore, it has a wide applicability. By equipping each CPV module with a PSD sensor, smart sun tracking control strategies can be adopted. This also allows overcoming the misalignment issues which are usually found when the PSD sensor is installed on the tracker frame. Furthermore, the PSD unit has been used for a 2D determination of the CPV module acceptance angle and it allows estimating the direct normal radiation. All these features make it possible to use the PSD unit for monitoring purpose in CPV power plants. In this contribution, the PSD unit is described in detail along with the performance and test carried out in the RSE CPV module test facility.
Research Article|
August 26 2019
Accurate and low cost sun pointing detector unit for concentrator photovoltaic applications
Alessandro Minuto;
Alessandro Minuto
RSE, Strada Torre della Razza, le Mose, 29100 Piacenza
, Italy
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Gianluca Timò
Gianluca Timò
RSE, Strada Torre della Razza, le Mose, 29100 Piacenza
, Italy
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2149, 080006 (2019)
Alessandro Minuto, Gianluca Timò; Accurate and low cost sun pointing detector unit for concentrator photovoltaic applications. AIP Conf. Proc. 26 August 2019; 2149 (1): 080006. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5124216
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