In late century increase side effects consume of chemical drug and appearance different diseases and cansers in result increase importance use of medicinal plants. Mespilus germanica 1. is one of the most endemic medicine shrubs in temperate fortest of Golestan province and belongs to Rosaceae with common name Kondos. Mespilus is deciduous shrub. This plant has wide dispersion in side forest of Caspian sea in north of Iran. From sea level to 1200 meter. field observation in this research showed that this plant growth in soils with clay_silty and sandy tissue, PH in 6.9, EC in 0.7, organic carbon 3.25 percent, nitrogen 33 percent, absorbable phosphor is 8.6 P.P.m, absorbable potassium is 90 P.P.m. Phenology study showed that flower appearance from May to June and seed ripe in November and propagation is in way seed or bud. Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology data obtained from the two rural healirs about common name, natural habitat, part uses, consumption method and it uses for treatment of frequent diseases such as blood pressure, heart tonic, heart rato and leaf extract is useful for mouth and throat infection, fruit is for relaxant and purgative use in remedy diarrhea and its seed useful for expel bladder stone. Results Test quality of secondary metabolites in ripe and un ripe fruits of this plant showed that flavonoide of ripe fruit is more than un ripe fruit. But the quality of tannins in un ripe fruit is more.

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