This ICCMSE Symposium honors the many accomplishments of Prof. Nils Yngve Öhrn on the occasion of his retirement from the University of Florida. Over the years, Yngve's work has always been focused on the theoretical explanation of experimental phenomena, especially on response and dynamics‐related properties, and he has developed various methods in this pursuit. His work in the 1960's on the electron propagator is very well known, and was the basis of a book that has now appeared in two editions. Later he worked on the Antisymmetrized Geminal Product (AGP) wavefunction (1970's and 1980's), and most recently he has been involved with the development of the Electron Nuclear Dynamics (END) scheme which treats a projectile/target complex as a fully coupled quantum mechanical system of electrons and nuclei. Although Yngve is retiring, he does not intend to stop working, so we expect to have him with us for many years.

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