Ubiquitous Presenter (UP) is a digital presentation system that allows an instructor with a Tablet PC to spontaneously modify prepared slides, while automatically archiving the inked slides on the web. For two introductory physics classes, we examine the types of slides instructors prepare and the ways in which they add ink to the slides. Modes of usage include: using ink to explicitly link multiple representations; making prepared figures dynamic by animating them with ink; and preparing slides with sparse text or figures, then adding extensive annotations during class. In addition, through an analysis of surveys and of web server logs, we examine student reaction to the system, as well as how often and in what ways students’ utilize archived material. In general, students find the system valuable and frequently review the presentations online.
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30 January 2007
26-27 July 2006
Syracuse, New York (USA)
Research Article|
January 30 2007
Characterization of Instructor and Student Use of Ubiquitous Presenter, a Presentation System Enabling Spontaneity and Digital Archiving
Edward Price;
Edward Price
*Department of Physics, California State University, San Marcos
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Roshni Malani;
Roshni Malani
†Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego
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Beth Simon
Beth Simon
†Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego
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AIP Conf. Proc. 883, 125–128 (2007)
Edward Price, Roshni Malani, Beth Simon; Characterization of Instructor and Student Use of Ubiquitous Presenter, a Presentation System Enabling Spontaneity and Digital Archiving. AIP Conf. Proc. 30 January 2007; 883 (1): 125–128. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2508708
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