Heat rejection from power systems will be necessary for human and robotic activity on the lunar surface. Functional operation of such heat rejection systems is at risk of degradation as a consequence of dust accumulation. The Apollo astronauts encountered marked degradation of performance in heat rejection systems for the lunar roving vehicle, science packages, and other components. Although ground testing of dust mitigation concepts in support of the Apollo mission identified candidate mitigation tools, the brush concept adopted by the Apollo astronauts proved essentially ineffective. A better understanding of the issues associated with the impact of lunar dust on the functional performance of heat rejection systems and its removal is needed as planning gets underway for human and robotic missions to the Moon. Renewed emphasis must also be placed on ground testing of pristine and dust‐covered heat rejection system surfaces to quantify degradation and address mitigation concepts. This paper presents a review of the degradation of heat rejection systems encountered on the lunar surface to‐date, and discusses current activities underway to evaluate the durability of candidate heat rejection system surfaces and current dust mitigation concepts.

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