The working group considered high transformer ration schemes for an afterburner based on the design of a future linear collider. The main linac produces high charge beams of 100 GeV. A multiple stage plasma based accelerator would accelerate a portion of this beam to 500 GeV. The length of each plasma stage is expected to be of the order of a few meters while the isochronous beam transport required for multiple stages would occupy about a kilometer. Discussions in the working group were centered on issues to be addressed: ion motion in the plasma channel, positron side of accelerator … The state of present e‐beam driven plasma and dielectric Wakefield accelerators is very mature and closely resembles parameters of the afterburner for ILC. The main result of this working group is a multistage afterburner scheme of an afterburner for ILC and discussion of the experimental program to address main issues.
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27 November 2006
ADVANCED ACCELERATOR CONCEPTS: 12th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop
10-15 July 2006
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin (USA)
Research Article|
November 27 2006
Summary Report of Working Group 4: e‐Beam Driven Accelerators
V. Yakimenko;
V. Yakimenko
1Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 11973
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R. Ischebeck
R. Ischebeck
2Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA, 94275
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AIP Conf. Proc. 877, 158–162 (2006)
V. Yakimenko, R. Ischebeck; Summary Report of Working Group 4: e‐Beam Driven Accelerators. AIP Conf. Proc. 27 November 2006; 877 (1): 158–162.
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