Based in the main on total‐ozone estimates from surface‐based Dobson instruments for the period 1958‐1979, the global total‐ozone amount was 2% above average in 1979, second only to the 2.2% above‐average value in 1970. All regions and climatic zones exhibited a total‐ozone increase betweeen 1978 and 1979. Global total‐ozone amounts have been relatively high in 1958, 1970, and 1979, years near sunspot maximum. In the photochemical 32‐46 km layer most sensitive to anthropogenic effects, the ozone amount in north temperate latitudes has returned to its pre‐Fuego value, i.e., 5% above the average value based on Umkehr measurements. In the 16‐32 km layer the ozonesondes indicate a slight ozone decrease since 1970, but the Umkehr measurements indicate no change, so the actual trend in this region is uncertain. Ozonesonde data sugget a tropospheric ozone increase of nearly 20% in north temperate latitudes during the last decade.

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