A series of measurements of 237Np fission cross section have been performed at the CERN spallation neutron facility n_TOF which covers a wide energy range from 1 eV up to 250 MeV. A fast ionization chamber (FIC) was used as a fission fragment detector with registration efficiency of not less than 97 %. Particular attention was paid to correct the fission cross section with use of 235U standard. Total experimental uncertainties are determined to be at the level of 3%. Analysis of the experimental data in the restricted neutron energy from 5 eV up to 1 MeV showed a systematic deviation from evaluated data (ENDF/B‐VI). This discrepancy amounts to up to a factor 3 for resolved resonances in the neutron energy range of 5 eV – 2 KeV, and is in good agreement with some previous experiments. A similar disagreement at the level of 6–7% was found for higher energies around the threshold (En = 300 keV–1 MeV). This energy range is essential for the transmutation of neptunium in ADS or fast reactors. It is concluded that an updated evaluation of nuclear data for 237Np is required.
High‐Resolution Study of 237Np Fission Cross Section from 5 eV to 1 MeV
W. Furman, P. Cennini, V. Ketlerov, A. Goverdovski, V. Konovalov, U. Abbondanno, G. Aerts, H. Álvarez, F. Alvarez‐Velarde, S. Andriamonje, J. Andrzejewski, P. Assimakopoulos, L. Audouin, G. Badurek, P. Baumann, F. Bec̆vár̆, J. Benlliure, E. Berthoumieux, F. Calviño, D. Cano‐Ott, R. Capote, A. Carrillo de Albornoz, V. Chepel, E. Chiaveri, N. Colonna, G. Cortes, D. Cortina, A. Couture, J. Cox, S. David, R. Dolfini, C. Domingo‐Pardo, A. Dorochenko, W. Dridi, I. Duran, M. Embid‐Segura, L. Ferrant, A. Ferrari, R. Ferreira‐Marques, L. Fitzpatrick, H. Frais‐Koelbl, K. Fujii, C. Guerrero, I. Goncalves, R. Gallino, E. Gonzalez‐Romero, F. Gramegna, E. Griesmayer, F. Gunsing, B. Haas, R. Haight, M. Heil, A. Herrera‐Martinez, M. Igashira, S. Isaev, E. Jericha, Y. Kadi, F. Käppeler, D. Karamanis, D. Karadimos, M. Kerveno, P. Koehler, D. Kolokolov, E. Kossionides, M. Krtička, C. Lamboudis, H. Leeb, A. Lindote, I. Lopes, M. Lozano, S. Lukic, J. Marganiec, L. Marques, S. Marrone, P. Mastinu, A. Mengoni, P. M. Milazzo, C. Moreau, M. Mosconi, F. Neves, H. Oberhummer, S. O’Brien, M. Oshima, J. Pancin, C. Papachristodoulou, C. Papadopoulos, C. Paradela, N. Patronis, A. Pavlik, P. Pavlopoulos, L. Perrot, R. Plag, A. Plompen, A. Plukis, A. Poch, C. Pretel, J. Quesada, T. Rauscher, R. Reifarth, M. Rosetti, C. Rubbia, G. Rudolf, P. Rullhusen, J. Salgado, L. Sarchiapone, M. Sedysheva, C. Stephan, G. Tagliente, J. L. Tain, L. Tassan‐Got, L. Tavora, R. Terlizzi, G. Vannini, P. Vaz, A. Ventura, D. Villamarin, M. C. Vincente, V. Vlachoudis, R. Vlastou, F. Voss, H. Wendler, M. Wiescher, K. Wisshak, The n_TOF Collaboration; High‐Resolution Study of 237Np Fission Cross Section from 5 eV to 1 MeV. AIP Conf. Proc. 24 May 2005; 769 (1): 1039–1042. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1945184
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