The working group has identified the parameters of an afterburner based on the design of a future linear collider. The new design brings the center of mass energy of the collider from 1 to 2 TeV. The afterburner is located in the final focus section of the collider, operates at a gradient of ≈4 GeV/m, and is only about 125 m long. Very important issues remain to be addressed, and include the physics and design of the positron side of the afterburner, as well as of the final focus system. Present plasma wakefield accelerator experiments have reached a level of maturity and of relevance to the afterburner, that make it timely to involve the high energy physics and accelerator community in the afterburner design process. The main result of this working group is the first integration of the designs of a future linear collider and an afterburner.
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7 December 2004
ADVANCED ACCELERATOR CONCEPTS: Eleventh Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop
21-26 June 2004
Stony Brook, New York (USA)
Research Article|
December 07 2004
e‐Beam Driven Accelerators: Working Group Summary
P. Muggli;
P. Muggli
Group Leader
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089
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J. S. T. Ng
J. S. T. Ng
Co‐group Leader
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park CA 94275
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AIP Conf. Proc. 737, 206–216 (2004)
P. Muggli, J. S. T. Ng; e‐Beam Driven Accelerators: Working Group Summary. AIP Conf. Proc. 7 December 2004; 737 (1): 206–216.
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