Cross‐section and analyzing‐power excitation functions have been measured for elastic and inelastic scattering of polarized protons from 206Pb and 208Pb. These measurements are made at θlab=120°, 135°, 150°, 165°, in the energy range Ep=14.25–18.00 MeV. Isobaric analog resonances in 207Bi and 209Bi were observed in the elastic scattering and in the inelastic scattering to the 2+(0.803 MeV) and 3(2.647 MeV) states of 206Pb and to the state of 3(2.615 MeV) 208Pb. The elastic data has been analysed and total and partial widths extracted for each resonance. Analysis of the inelastic data is in progress.

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