Gaussian sum‐rules, which are related to a two‐parameter Gaussian‐weighted integral of a hadronic spectral function, are able to examine the possibility that more than one resonance makes a significant contribution to the spectral function. The Gaussian sum‐rules, including instanton effects, for scalar gluonic and non‐strange scalar quark currents clearly indicate a distribution of the resonance strength in their respective spectral functions. Furthermore, analysis of a two narrow resonance model leads to excellent agreement between theory and phenomenology in both channels. The scalar quark and gluonic sum‐rules are remarkably consistent in their prediction of masses of approximately 1 GeV and 1.4 GeV within this model. Such a similarity would be expected from hadronic states which are mixtures of gluonium and quark mesons.
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18 November 2003
SCALAR MESONS: An Interesting Puzzle for QCD
16-18 May, 2003
Utica, New York (USA)
Research Article|
November 18 2003
Gaussian Sum‐Rule Analysis of Scalar Gluonium and Quark Mesons
T. G. Steele;
T. G. Steele
*Department of Physics & Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2, Canada
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D. Harnett;
D. Harnett
†Department of Physics, University College of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8, Canada
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G. Orlandini
G. Orlandini
**Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento, I‐38050 Povo, Italy
‡INFN Gruppo Collegato di Trento, Università di Trento, I‐38050 Povo, Italy
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AIP Conf. Proc. 688, 128–141 (2003)
T. G. Steele, D. Harnett, G. Orlandini; Gaussian Sum‐Rule Analysis of Scalar Gluonium and Quark Mesons. AIP Conf. Proc. 18 November 2003; 688 (1): 128–141.
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